Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM): E-Journals
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    35 research outputs found

    Analisis Ciri Khas Pola Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat Suku Donggo: Suatu Tinjauan Sejarah Sosial Budaya

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    [Title: Analysis of Special Level Pattern of Social Life of Donggo People: A Review of Social and Cultural History] It has been done by analyzing the characteristics of the social life of the Donggo community in Bima District (a social history review) in the field of marriage, with the aim of describing, the characteristic pattern of the social life of the Donggo community in Bima District. The data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively with the result that both the observation and the interview result were the characteristics of social life pattern of Donggo community in Bima district in the field of marriage which started from the process of cane cepe (Stereo Infant Sling), Sodi Angi (Engaged), Ngge'e Nuru (Living Together), Mbolo Weki (Deliberation/Mufakat), Wa'a Co'i (Delivery Mahar/Dowry), Teka ra Ne’e (Contribution). is still ongoing until now and still maintained by the people of Donggo tribe in the Village of O'o Donggo District of Bima Regency in social life as a form of preservation of their old culture and tradition which has been passed down from generation to generation

    Hubungan Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Kekuatan Lengan dan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Ketepatan Forehand dalam Tenis Meja

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    [Title: Relationship of Hand Eye Coordination, Arm Strength and Achievement Motivation with Forehand Accuracy in Table Tennis]  This study aims to determine the relationship between: 1) hand eye coordination with precision forehand; 2) arm strength with forehand precision; 3) achievement motivation with precision forehand; 4) hand eye coordination, arm strength, and achievement motivation together with forehand precision. This research uses quantitative approach, survey method and correlation technique. Research subjects are athletes at pandusiwi club in dompu district as many as 30 athletes. Data analysis using correlation and regression with SPSS 20. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between: 1) hand eye coordination with precision forehand; 2) arm strength with forehand precision; 3) achievement motivation with precision forehand; 4) hand eye coordination, arm strength, and achievement motivation together with forehand precision

    Pengaruh Teknik Pembelajaran Listening Team Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa

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    [Title:  Effect of Listening Team Learning Techniques on Student Social Studies Learning Outcomes].   The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the listening team learning techniques on students’ social studies learning outcomes of SMK Negeri 2 Dompu in the 2016/2017 learning year. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach. The study sample consisted of 89 students consisting of two classes namely the experimental class (47 students) and the control class (42 students). The multiple choice form test instrument consisting of 20 test questions is used to obtain student learning outcomes data. The effect of listening team techniques on learning outcomes was tested using the t test. The results showed that the use of listening team techniques had no significant effect on students’ learning outcomes in social studies subjects of SMK Negeri 2 Dompu. The results of data analysis using the t-test formula show the value of tcount <ttable (0.007059 < 2.000). Based on the results, it can be stated that there is no significant effect of listening team techniques on students’ social studies learning outcomes of SMK Negeri 2 Dompu in the 2016/2017 learning year

    Pengembangan Instrumen Kognitif Fisika Siswa SMP

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    [Title: Development of Physics Cognitive Instruments Of Junior High School Students]  This study aims to develop cognitive instruments on energy and business materials, simple aircraft and light quality. The specific purpose of this study is to describe: (1) the validity of cognitive instruments seen from Outfit MNSQ, ZSTD, and Pt Measure Corr; (2) the reliability of cognitive instruments seen from the values of individual separation, grain separation, and Cronbach Alpha; (3) the degree of difficulty seen from the logit value in the measurement column; This development research refers to the development model of Borg and Gall with the subject of research of 200 students of class VIII originating from several SMPN in Banjarmasin. Instrument collecting data in the form of validation and cognitive instruments. Data analysis techniques are descriptive and quantitative. The results showed: (1) five items of description on light material, nine items about the description of simple plane materials and nine items about the description of energy materials and businesses that are categorized as valid; (2) reliability of cognitive instruments seen from individual separation values, grain separation values, and Cronbach Alpha values are categorized as very reliable; (3) the difficulty level of questions seen from the logit of categorized is very difficult, difficult, easy, and very easy

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay-Two Stray Dengan Metode Ceramah

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    [Title: Comparison of Integrated IPS Learning Outcomes Cooperative Learning Model Type Two Stay-Two Stray With Lecture Method]  This study aims to develop student learning outcomes using the Two Stay-Two Stray type cooperative learning model. The research method used is a quantitative method. The results showed that there were differences in the learning outcomes of the cooperative learning model type two stay-two stray with conventional methods in integrated social studies subjects of class VIII of SMP Negeri 4 Dompu in the 2016/2017 learning year. The statement can be strengthened and proven by the results of data analysis using the T-test formula to produce a tcount of 0.651 compared to ttable of 0.249, it can be stated that there are differences in integrated social studies learning outcomes of students using cooperative learning type two stay-two stray with the Method The conventional class VIII of SMP Negeri 4 Dompu and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) proposed in this study were accepted


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