Jurnal Online Unipdu Jombang (Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum)
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    Sistem Informasi Penagihan Angsuran Berbasis Android Di PT. Mega Finance

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    PT Mega Finance merupakan salah satu solusi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan kredit lunak membantu kinerja PT Mega Finance  juga berarti membantu mensejahterakan rakyat. Namun dalam pengelolaan PT Mega Finance  kebanyakan masih bekerja secara maual serta belum memiliki sistem informasi terintergrasi yang mampu menaungi dan melindungi masing-masing aktor didalamnya Seperti cara pemantauan kolektor lapangan oleh PT Mega Finance penjamin kenyaman nassabah kredit serta pengoptimalan kinerja kolektor. Karena itu layak bila diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat mencakup pengoptimalan kinerja kolektor berbasis Android. Aplikasi  penagihan angsuran oleh nasabah berbasis  android, dibangun dengan framewrok Codeigniter dan Framework 7 dan MySql sebagai basis data.  Hasil  akhir  dari  penelitian  ini  adalah  terciptanya  aplikasi  penagihan angsuran berbasis android yang  menyajikan informasi kapan waktu jatuh tempo dari nasabah dan menampilkan data secara detail pada aplikasi android memudahkan colektor untuk mengunjungi

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Karakter Religius dan Disiplin pada Peserta Didik Tahun 2023 di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; menganalisis langkah-langkah pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; menganalisis penghambat dan solusi pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang. Responden Penelitian ini adalah Kepala Madrasah, Waka Kurikulum, dan guru PAI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Data-data tersebut dikumpulkan dengan divalidasi dari hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di sekolah diawali dengan perumusan visi dan misi sekolah, tugas dan wewenang Kepala Madrasah serta jargon MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; langkah-langkah pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang dilakukan dengan persiapan RPP, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi (kegiatan Intrakulikuler) dan melalui kegiatan ekstrakulikuler (tilawah, PMR, pramuka); hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu kurangnya kesadaran peserta didik untuk memperbaiki karakter pada diri masing-masing, kemudian kurangnya kepedulian/perhatian bagi guru dan karyawan akan memberikan keteladanan pada peserta didik. Solusi yang diperoleh yaitu dengan mengadakan evaluasi pada setiap kegiatan penanaman karakter religius dan disiplin serta peningkatan kompetensi pada setiap guru dan karyawan agar dapat menyikapi setiap permasalahan yang terjadi dengan baik, sehingga dapat mewujudkan kepribadian peserta didik yang religius dan disiplin. This study aims to analyze religious and disciplinary character education policies for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City; analyze steps for religious and disciplinary character education for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City; analyze obstacles and solutions religious character education and discipline for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City. Respondents to this study were the Head of Madrasah, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Islamic Religious Education teachers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. These data were collected by being validated from observations and interviews. The results of the study show that the policy of religious character education and discipline for students in schools begins with the formulation of the school’s vision and mission, the duties and powers of the Madrasah head and the Jargon of MTs N 2 Magelang City; the steps for religious character education and discipline for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City are carried out with the preparation of lesson plans, implementation of learning, evaluation (intracurricular activities) and through extracurricular activities (recitations, PMR, scouts); the obstacles encountered are the lack of awareness of students to improve their character, then the lack of care/attention for teachers and employees will set an example for students. The solution obtained is to conduct an evaluation of every activity of cultivating religious and disciplinary character as well as increasing the competence of each teacher and employee so that they can properly address any problems that occur, so as to realize the personality of students who are religious and disciplined.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; menganalisis langkah-langkah pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; menganalisis penghambat dan solusi pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang. Responden Penelitian ini adalah Kepala Madrasah, Waka Kurikulum, dan guru PAI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Data-data tersebut dikumpulkan dengan divalidasi dari hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di sekolah diawali dengan perumusan visi dan misi sekolah, tugas dan wewenang Kepala Madrasah serta jargon MTs N 2 Kota Magelang; langkah-langkah pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin pada peserta didik di MTs N 2 Kota Magelang dilakukan dengan persiapan RPP, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, evaluasi (kegiatan Intrakulikuler) dan melalui kegiatan ekstrakulikuler (tilawah, PMR, pramuka); hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu kurangnya kesadaran peserta didik untuk memperbaiki karakter pada diri masing-masing, kemudian kurangnya kepedulian/perhatian bagi guru dan karyawan akan memberikan keteladanan pada peserta didik. Solusi yang diperoleh yaitu dengan mengadakan evaluasi pada setiap kegiatan penanaman karakter religius dan disiplin serta peningkatan kompetensi pada setiap guru dan karyawan agar dapat menyikapi setiap permasalahan yang terjadi dengan baik, sehingga dapat mewujudkan kepribadian peserta didik yang religius dan disiplin. This study aims to analyze religious and disciplinary character education policies for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City; analyze steps for religious and disciplinary character education for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City; analyze obstacles and solutions religious character education and discipline for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City. Respondents to this study were the Head of Madrasah, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Islamic Religious Education teachers. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. These data were collected by being validated from observations and interviews. The results of the study show that the policy of religious character education and discipline for students in schools begins with the formulation of the school’s vision and mission, the duties and powers of the Madrasah head and the Jargon of MTs N 2 Magelang City; the steps for religious character education and discipline for students at MTs N 2 Magelang City are carried out with the preparation of lesson plans, implementation of learning, evaluation (intracurricular activities) and through extracurricular activities (recitations, PMR, scouts); the obstacles encountered are the lack of awareness of students to improve their character, then the lack of care/attention for teachers and employees will set an example for students. The solution obtained is to conduct an evaluation of every activity of cultivating religious and disciplinary character as well as increasing the competence of each teacher and employee so that they can properly address any problems that occur, so as to realize the personality of students who are religious and disciplined


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya nilai hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas II di MI Annashiriyah Ngumpul Jogoroto Jombang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama dua siklus, dan setiap siklusnya terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas II sebanyak 21 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah  flow model. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa pada pra siklus, 8 siswa tuntas dengan rata-rata 59,5 dengan presentase ketuntasan 33%. Pada siklus 1 mengalami peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata 68,5 dengan persentase ketuntasan 62% dan siklus 2 meningkat dengan nilai rata-rata 84 dengan persentase ketuntasan 100%. Data ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media papan waktu dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas II MI Annashiriyah Ngumpul Jogoroto JombangThis research is classroom action research which is motivated by the low value of student learning outcomes in Mathematics subjects. The aim of this research is to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of class II students at MI Annashiriyah Ngumpul Jogoroto Jombang. This research was carried out over two cycles, and each cycle consisted of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were 21 class II students. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the flow model. The results of the research show that in the pre-cycle, 8 students completed with an average of 59.5 with a completion percentage of 33%. In cycle 1 there was an increase with an average score of 68.5 with a completion percentage of 62% and cycle 2 increased with an average score of 84 with a completion percentage of 100%. This data shows that learning using time board media can improve the mathematics learning outcomes of class II students at MI Annashiriyah Ngumpul Jogoroto Jomban

    Designing Halal Product Traceability System using UML and Integration of Blockchain with ERP

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    Consuming halal food is mandatory for Muslims, but meeting the growing demand for halal products has been a challenge for Muslim producers. Importing halal products from non-Muslim countries can raise doubts about their halal status. Therefore, a traceability system is needed to ensure the halalness of products. This research proposes a new traceability system by utilizing ERP, Blockchain, and smart contract technologies based on HAS 23000. This study is the first to combine these technologies. Using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, the design diagram has been successfully developed into an application system prototype. The use of ERP can help companies reduce operational costs, while the combination with blockchain technology ensures more transparent information, data protection, and system security. The system also uses smart contracts to make automated decisions. By managing the procurement of halal products, companies can ensure that products with halal assurance reach consumers


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    Toddlerhood is an important period in the growth process and is a determinant of the success of children's growth which can be influenced by parents' understanding of anticipatory guidance. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of anticipatory guidance on toddler growth at Posyandu Balongmojo Puri, Mojokerto Regency. The research design was cross-sectional, the population in this study were all mothers and toddlers at Posyandu Balongmojo Puri, Mojokerto Regency, totaling 63 respondents. The sample for this study were all mothers and toddlers in Posyandu Balongmojo, Puri, Mojokerto Regency, totaling 63 respondents who were taken by total sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire with 100% valid and reliable test results with ? = 0.891 and scales. This research was conducted at the Balongmojo Posyandu, Puri, Mojokerto Regency in August 2021. Data processing was carried out by editing, coding, scoring, and data analysis using Microsoft Excel cross tables. The results showed that almost all of the mothers had a good understanding of having toddlers with good growth as many as 48 respondents (76.2%). A mother's good understanding of anticipatory guidance can care for children well and be able to meet the child's needs according to age so that the child reaches a normal growth and development phase. Keywords: Anticipatory Guidance, Growth, ToddlersToddlerhood is an important period in the growth process and is a determinant of the success of children's growth which can be influenced by parents' understanding of anticipatory guidance. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of anticipatory guidance on toddler growth at Posyandu Balongmojo Puri, Mojokerto Regency. The research design was cross-sectional, the population in this study were all mothers and toddlers at Posyandu Balongmojo Puri, Mojokerto Regency, totaling 63 respondents. The sample for this study were all mothers and toddlers in Posyandu Balongmojo, Puri, Mojokerto Regency, totaling 63 respondents who were taken by total sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire with 100% valid and reliable test results with ? = 0.891 and scales. This research was conducted at the Balongmojo Posyandu, Puri, Mojokerto Regency in August 2021. Data processing was carried out by editing, coding, scoring, and data analysis using Microsoft Excel cross tables. The results showed that almost all of the mothers had a good understanding of having toddlers with good growth as many as 48 respondents (76.2%). A mother's good understanding of anticipatory guidance can care for children well and be able to meet the child's needs according to age so that the child reaches a normal growth and development phase. Keywords: Anticipatory Guidance, Growth, Toddler


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    Sexually Transmitted Infections are still increasing and are one of the main causes of the poor health of a country and the world. The purpose of the research was to identify the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about sexually transmitted infections in STIKes Kapuas Raya, Sintang District. This study used a cross sectional design, as many as 62 samples with simple random sampling. Data analysis using Chi-Square Test. Respondents with good knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections are mostly good, namely 74%. Respondents with poor knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections, namely 26%. Respondents with a positive attitude 87%. Respondents with a negative attitude that is equal to 13%. Student knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections is not affected by the age of the respondent, but in the aspect of Student Attitudes about Sexually Transmitted Infections it is influenced by age and gender. Keywords: Education, knowledge, attitudes, Sexually Transmitted InfectionsSexually Transmitted Infections are still increasing and are one of the main causes of the poor health of a country and the world. The purpose of the research was to identify the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about sexually transmitted infections in STIKes Kapuas Raya, Sintang District. This study used a cross sectional design, as many as 62 samples with simple random sampling. Data analysis using Chi-Square Test. Respondents with good knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections are mostly good, namely 74%. Respondents with poor knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections, namely 26%. Respondents with a positive attitude 87%. Respondents with a negative attitude that is equal to 13%. Student knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections is not affected by the age of the respondent, but in the aspect of Student Attitudes about Sexually Transmitted Infections it is influenced by age and gender. Keywords: Education, knowledge, attitudes, Sexually Transmitted Infection


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    Background: Breastmilk (ASI) is milk produced by humans for consumption by infants and is the main source of nutrition for infants who cannot digest solid food. What is meant by exclusive breastfeeding here is breastfeeding for 6 months without other additional foods such as formula milk, oranges, honey, tea water, water and solid foods such as bananas, papaya,milkporridge, biscuits, rice porridge, and the team from birth to baby. 6 months old. Purpose: To determine the relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding in Ringinsari Village,  Kediri Regency. Methods: The study design was descriptive correlative with a cross sectional approach. The sample of the study was taken with the purposive Sampling technique. The independent variable is Mother's Knowledge. The dependent variable is exclusive breastfeeding. Data collection using a questionnaire. Statistical test using the Chi Square Correlation test. Results: Most of the respondents in Ringinsari Village,  Kediri Regency have good knowledge, namely 21 people (39,6%) from a total of 53 people. Half of the respondents who did not provide exclusive breastfeeding were 34 people (64,15%) from a total of 53 people. Conclusion: there is a relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding.   Keywords: Mother's Knowledge, Exclusive Breastfeedin

    Charting The Development and Intersection of Agrarianism, Transcendentalism and Ecocriticism

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    AbstractThis paper charts the emergence of agrarianism as a philosophical thought, situates its development within other ideas such as Romanticism and Transcendentalism, and how agrarian thought intertwined with ecocritical literary analysis. The premise of this study is that within the current state of environmental crisis and degradation, the insight from agrarianism can provide an alternative environmental imagination to reconsider the position of humanity in the wider world. This study applies intellectual history as the framework on how the concepts and theories interacted and influenced other social/cultural/intellectual developments. Agrarianism celebrates rural life and agriculture as a response to industrialization, championed by thinkers like Emerson and Thoreau, who see it as a path to a more meaningful existence. It then examines how agrarianism intersects with ecocriticism, an environmental literary perspective that emerged in the 1960s. Agrarianism contributes significantly to ecocriticism, particularly in its critique of industrialization, exemplified by Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring." Both perspectives emphasize a holistic approach to the environment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of humans and nature. Wendell Berry's ecological agrarianism embodies these principles, stressing sustainable agriculture and environmental care. In conclusion, this paper highlights agrarianism's historical significance and contemporary relevance, illustrating its convergence with ecocriticism in their shared commitment to environmental ethics and preserving the natural world. Keywords: Agrarianism, ecocriticism, environmental philosophy, transcendentalismAbstrakTulisan ini memetakan kemunculan agrarianisme sebagai sebuah pemikiran filosofis, menempatkan perkembangannya dalam gagasan lain seperti Romantisisme dan Transendentalisme, dan mengkonstruksikan korelasi pemikiran agrarian dengan analisis sastra ekokritik. Premis penelitian ini adalah dalam kondisi krisis dan degradasi lingkungan yang dihadapi masyarakat secara global, wawasan agrarianisme dapat memberikan alternatif imajinasi lingkungan untuk mempertimbangkan kembali posisi umat manusia di dunia yang lebih luas. Penelitian ini mengadopsi sejarah intelektual sebagai kerangka kerja untuk memahami bagaimana konsep dan teori-teori tersebut saling berinteraksi dan memengaruhi perkembangan sosial, budaya, dan intelektual lainnya. Agrarianisme merayakan kehidupan pedesaan dan pertanian sebagai respons terhadap industrialisasi, dipromosikan oleh pemikir seperti Emerson dan Thoreau yang melihatnya sebagai jalan menuju keberadaan yang lebih bermakna. Kemudian, makalah ini mencermati bagaimana agrarianisme mempunyai kesamaan perspektif dengan ekokritik,perspektif sastra lingkungan yang muncul pada tahun 1960-an. Agrarianisme memberikan kontribusi besar bagi ekokritik, terutama dalam kritiknya terhadap industrialisasi, yang diwakili oleh "Silent Spring" karya Rachel Carson. Keduanya menekankan pendekatan holistik terhadap lingkungan, menekankan keterkaitan antara manusia dan alam. Agrarianisme ekologis Wendell Berry mewujudkan prinsip-prinsip ini, menekankan pertanian berkelanjutan dan perawatan lingkungan. Sebagai kesimpulan, makalah ini menyoroti signifikansi historis agrarianisme dan relevansinya dalam konteks kontemporer, menggambarkan konvergensinya dengan ekokritik dalam komitmen bersama terhadap etika lingkungan dan pelestarian dunia alam.Kata kunci : agrarianism, filosofi lingkungan, transcendentalisme, ekokriti

    Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Anak Tunagrahita Kelas 4 di SD Negeri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalisis penyebab kesulitan belajar matematika yang dialami anak tunagrahita kelas 4 Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif metode deskriptif dengan model fenomenologi. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi pada seorang siswi tunagrahita kelas 4 SD negeri. Untuk memperkuat keabsahan data peneliti melakukan metode tes untuk mereview kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajan matematika. Model analisis data yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini yakni model interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman, yakni mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menyimpulkan. Penelitian ini berdasar pada teori karakteristik kesulitan belajar matematika yang dikemukakan oleh Lerner dan didukung dengan teori ketunagrahitaan yang dikemukakan oleh Efendi. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain : 1) kesulitan mengenal dan memahami simbol, disebabkan karena lemahnya daya ingat anak tunagrahita. 2) gangguan hubungan keruangan, disebabkan karena rendahnya kemampuan berinteraksi anak tunagrahita. 3) gangguan dalam membaca bahasa matematika yang disebabkan oleh keterbatasan kemampuan bahasa tunagrahita secara alamiah dan adanya gangguan konsentrasi.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengalisis penyebab kesulitan belajar matematika yang dialami anak tunagrahita di SD Negeri. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif, metode deskriptif, dengan model fenomenologi. Keabsahan data diperkuat dengan menggunakan metode tes. Model interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman diterapkan untuk menganalisis data. Penelitian ini berdasar pada teori kesulitan belajar matematika oleh Lerner, didukung dengan teori ketunagrahitaan  oleh Efendi. Hasil penelitian ini, yakni : 1) kesulitan mengenal dan memahami simbol, disebabkan karena lemahnya daya ingat. 2) gangguan hubungan keruangan, disebabkan karena kemampuan berinteraksi anak tunagrahita. 3) gangguan dalam membaca bahasa matematika, disebabkan oleh keterbatasan kemampuan bahasa tunagrahita secara alamiah dan adanya gangguan konsentrasi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih strategi dan model belajar bagi peyelenggara pendidikan inklusi


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    Diabetes Mellitus patients experience chronic metabolic disorders characterized by increased blood glucose due to several factors. Stress is one factor that can cause blood sugar levels to increase. The aim of this research is to determine the description of stress levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This research used a descriptive design. The place of this research is in the Humaira Room at PMC Hospital. The research sample was taken by non-probability sampling with random sampling technique. The data collection process using two DASS 42 was applied with a rating scale format. The stress levels in this study were normal, light, moderate, severe, very severe, to determine the level of stress in diabetes mellitus patients with a total of 14 questions. Data analysis used univariate. The results of this study were mostly male, namely 17 people (56.7%) and aged 40-60 years. Most of the respondents had no school education, no work and had suffered from diabetes mellitus < 5 years. Respondents experienced mild stress levels of 8 respondents (26.7%), moderate stress 19 respondents (63.3%) and severe stress 3 respondents (10%). The most serious source of stress comes from within themselves, namely, feeling that diabetes controls their life. Another source of stress still comes from outside but originates from interpersonal or relationships with others, sufferers feel that friends and family lack support and respect in treating diabetes mellitus. Therefore, they really need support from family and those closest to them. Keywords: Stress level, Diabetes mellitus patients, Chronic diseases


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