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Pelatihan Pembuatan Dokumen Penugasan dengan Konsep Mailmerge Pada SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih Jakarta Pusat
SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih Central Jakartais an institution that handles education for student children which has the good aim of developing students who are noble, intelligent, pious and cheerful as well as making good quality children with personality, that there are problems that faced in the SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih environment, namely how to provide improvements in the management of making assignment documents with the mailmerge concept to help improve their knowledge. We, from the Nusa Mandiri University Lecturers, who are assisted by a number of students through Community Service activities, provide solutions to overcome the problems faced by staff and teachers within the SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. This was done with the aim of providing full assistance and support to SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih Central Jakarta in mastering management, especially in creating documents such as assignment letters with the mailmerge concept and features that complement other documents, such as letterheads, logos and images. which can support the success of SPS Mawar Indah Cempaka Putih. This treatment is given in order to ensure smooth development and advancement of education which is currently underway. The results of community service activities provide significant value with the good category gaining a weight of 61.41 for activity participants who have increased their experience and knowledge. Participants' progress scores were measured by filling in instrumentation in the form of a questionnaire via pretest and posttest using a direct ranking system method
Integrated Local Wisdom Through Minangkabau Culture Education on the Formation of Student Character
This article explains the integration of local policy through Minangkabau cultural education which is carried out for the formation of student characteristics. The decline in the values of nationalism and patriotism as well as the preaching of foreign cultural values, aliveness causes local and national values to be true. So that the need for the formation of student characteristics so that the Minangkabau culture can be practiced by good delay through classrooms at school. The method in writing this article uses the literature study method. The purpose of this study is to shape the character of students through the values of local wisdom Minangkabau has a comprehensive character dimension related to the development of the quality of human resources
Economic existence of home industry worker families in a positive law perspective
The employment absorption by the Sukarasa Keripik Kaca home industry in Tenjolaya Hamlet, Kertayasa Village, Cijulang District, Pangandaran Regency needs to be further examined from the perspective of positive law. The aim is to understand the existence of the Sukarasa Keripik Kaca home industry in absorbing local labor and to review the positive legal perspective on the employment absorption system in enhancing community income in Kertayasa Village, Cijulang District, Pangandaran Regency. This research is classified as qualitative research, and the data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The research results show that the Sukarasa Keripik Kaca home industry continues to operate to this day. A total of 8 workers have been absorbed. Based on the review of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, the employment absorption system is appropriate as there is no discriminatory treatment. The application of the Regional Minimum Wage applies to companies with a minimum of 20 workers. Since the Sukarasa Keripik Kaca home industry only has 8 workers, the wages provided are appropriate.Keywords: Family Economy, Home Industry, Sukarasa Keripik Kaca, Positive Law
Partnership Patterns and Production Factors in Rice Farming (Case Study: PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera in Ponorogo Regency)
Ponorogo Regency is one of the rice centers in East Java. However, farmers in Ponorogo Regency face challenges regarding limited capital for their agricultural activities and difficulties in obtaining fertilizers. PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera is a company that partners with farmers in Ponorogo Regency to provide the necessary facilities. Therefore, this study aims to analyze (1) the partnership pattern between PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera and partner farmers in Ponorogo Regency and (2) the factors influencing the production of partner rice farming. This research was conducted at PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera in Ponorogo Regency from December 2023 to March 2024. This study used a mixed-method research design. A sample of 33 respondents was determined using purposive sampling method. Data analysis was performed using Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) with frontier 4.1c software. The results showed that the partnership pattern between PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera and farmers in Ponorogo Regency is Agricultural Operational Cooperation (KOA). Factors such as land area, ANR fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and pesticides significantly influence rice production. However, seeds, liquid organic fertilizer, and labor do not significantly affect rice production. It is recommended that PT Ortani Mitra Sejahtera establish a clear partnership framework through transparent written contracts to minimize risks. Farmers are advised to focus on managing factors that significantly influence rice production, such as land area, ANR fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and pesticide use, while evaluating other factors such as seeds, liquid organic fertilizer, and labor to improve rice production.Keywords: partnership patterns, farming, rice.
Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) Approach to Mathematical Problem Solving Ability at MA DDI Alliritengae
This experimental research aims to assess the impact of the Model-Eliciting Activity (MEAs) learning approach on the mathematical problem-solving abilities of class XI students at MA DDI Alliritengae. Utilizing a quasi-experimental method with a Non-Equivalent Control Group Design, the study involved pre-test and post-test evaluations of both control and experimental groups. Simple Random Sampling was employed for sample selection. The research revealed that, initially, students in both groups exhibited low mathematical problem-solving abilities. Post-test results indicated that while the control group showed only minor improvements, remaining mostly at low or medium criteria, the experimental group demonstrated significant improvements, with most indicators reaching a high category. Hypothesis testing yielded a sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000, indicating a significant effect of the MEAs approach on students' mathematical problem-solving skills. Thus, the study concludes that the MEAs approach effectively enhances mathematical problem-solving abilities, outperforming traditional lecture method
Kontekstualisasi Filsafat Eksistensialisme terhadap Praktik Pendidikan di Era Digital
Permasalahan era modern ini perlu diakomodasi oleh pendidikan, dan filsafat dapat menjadi alat analisisnya. Filsafat adalah inti, pedoman, dan sumber dari pendidikan. Filsafat Eksistensialisme merupakan filsafat pendidikan yang menekankan kepada otonomi peserta didik sebagai subjek. Pandangan-pandangan dari eksistensialisme tersebut dapat mengakomodasi bagaimana permasalahan eksistensi di era digital dan bagaimana pendidikan menangkap sinyalemen tersebut dengan memperbaharui praktik-praktik pendidikan yang sesuai dengan zaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkontekstualisasi filsafat eksistensialisme pada praktik pendidikan di era digital. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan analisis generik yang konklusinya ditarik secara umum dalam mengidentifikasi makna dari suatu konsep. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pandangan-pandangan dari filsafat eksistensialisme yang mendasari interaksi dalam pendidikan di era digital dewasa kini. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi pedoman dalam praksis-praksis pendidikan
Teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the implementation of the Cambridge curriculum in English subject
This study aimed to describe the teachers' and students' perceptions of the implementation of the Cambridge curriculum in English subjects along with the obstacles experienced and alternative solutions to these obstacles. This study used a qualitative method with a case study approach. This research was carried out in the following stages: initial research and data collection, transcription of conversations and interview results, data analysis, and reports. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation, with research subjects consisting of eight students, two Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) English teachers, and one representative from Assalafiyyah Language Center (ALC) who oversaw the implementation of the Cambridge Curriculum at MTs Assalafiyyah. To analyze the data, this research used Miles and Hubberman’s cycle. The results of the study show that teachers and students have positive and welcoming perceptions of the implementation of the Cambridge curriculum at MTs Assalafiyyah. However, there were obstacles experienced related to delivery, the materials, and the facilities. Then the proposed alternative solutions can be implemented by increasing teacher training, giving students opportunities for extensive learning, and providing some required facilities to maximize the implementation of the Cambridge curriculum in MTs Assalafiyyah
Media sosial adalah media yang memberikan kemudahan terhadap para penggunanya dalam berinteraksi, berpartisipasi, dan menciptkan hal-hal yang menarik secara online. Media sosial adalah sarana komunikasi, kolaborasi dan komunikasi online antara jaringan orang, komunitas serta organisasi yang saling terikat dan bergantung satu sama lain melalui kemampuan serta mobilitas teknologi yang diperkuat. Pada konten video @basyasman terdapat banyak sekali pertanyaan dari followers mengenai agama dan ilmu lainnya dan hebatnya Husain mampu menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan dengan merujuk pada Al-Qur’an, Hadist, kitab dan lain sebagainya secara baik, lugas dan mengena. Teknik dakwah Basyasman di media sosial (Tiktok) mempunyai ciri khas dalam menyampaikan dakwahnya yang diantaranya: Teknik Memilih Tema, Teknik Komunikasi yang Baik, Teknik Penyampaian Pesan, Teknik Stressing, Teknik Diafragma, Teknik Clikbait, Teknik Marketing.Keyword : Teknik, Komunikasi, Dakwa
Determinant Factors of Consumer Satisfaction in Syariah Hotels Service to Costumer Decision Impact
This research aims to find out the rate of consumer satisfaction regarding the decision to stay at a sharia hotel in North Sumatra. This research approach is quantitatif multivariance analysis. The population is all consumers and the sample is 100 consumers. In this research, the analysis was assisted by the SPSS 29.00 application using simple linear regression analysis to prove whether or not there was an impact provided by the independent variable on the dependent variable. The data analysis technique in this research uses the classic assumption test which includes the normality test, linearity test and heteroscedasticity test, and hypothesis testing which includes the t test. To find out the coefficient of determination, a partial test will then be carried out to test the impact that the independent variable partially has on the dependent variable. Partially, the consumer satisfaction variable has a significant effect on decisions.Keywords: Sharia Hotel, Consumer Satisfaction, Decision to Sta
Pengacuan Anafora dalam Cerpen Lukisan Perkawinan dan Skenario Pembelajarannya di Sekolah Menengah Atas
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan pemarkah pengacuan anafora pada cerpen Lukisan Perkawinan karya Hamsad Rangkuti. Data yang diambil yaitu satuan lingual berupa kalimat-kalimat dalam cerpen yang memiliki pemarkah pengacuan anafora. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode agih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga pemarkah pengacuan anafora pronomina, yakni persona, demonstratif, dan komparatif. Pronomina persona berupa: 1) pronomina pertama: aku, -ku, ku-, saya, kami, kita; 2) pronomina kedua: kau, -mu, tuan; dan 3) pronomina ketiga: ia, dia, -nya, mereka. Pemarkah pronomina demonstratif berupa: 1) penunjuk umum: itu dan ini; 2) penunjuk tempat: di sana dan sana; dan 3) penunjuk ihwal: begitu. Pemarkah pengacuan anafora komparatif berupa perbandingan umum, yakni seperti. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Untuk itu, guru harus mampu membuat skenario pembelajaran untuk dilaksanakan di dalam kelas.Anaphora References in the Short Story Lukisan Perkawinan and Learning Scenarios in High SchoolThis research aims to describe the use of anaphoric reference markers in the short story Lukisan Pekawinan by Hamsad Rangkuti. The data taken are lingual units in the form of sentences in short stories which have anaphora reference markers. Data were analyzed using the agih method. The results of the research show that there are three markers of pronoun anaphora reference, namely personal, demonstrative and comparative. Personal pronouns are in the form of: 1) first pronoun: aku, -ku, ku-, saya, kami, kita; 2) second pronoun: kau, -mu, tuan; and 3) third pronoun: ia, dia, -nya, mereka. Demonstrative pronoun markers are: 1) general markers: itu and ini; 2) place markers: di sana and sana; and 3) pointer: begitu. The reference marker for comparative anaphora is in the form of a general comparison, namely seperti. The results of this research can be integrated into Indonesian language learning in high school. For this reason, teachers must be able to create learning scenarios to be implemented in the classroom