516 research outputs found

    Peace and Democracy- Liberalization and Institutionalization in Cambodia and Timor-Leste

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    Many of the countries hosting a peacebuilding mission have resumed to violence after the international community has left. The reason for this has often been a too quick liberalization creating pathologies that might lead to renewed conflict causing peacebuilding to fail. Therefore, an alternative model, focusing on insti-tutionalization before liberalization (IBL), has been suggested. If this theory is true, IBL would be a more efficient way of reaching the goal of a liberal democracy by avoiding the pathologies that a too quick liberalization creates. By comparing the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia, representing the quick liberalization model, and United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, representing the IBL model, the question of institutionalization increasing the prospects of peacebuilding missions succeeding is answered. Using four parameters, the presence of violence, the elections, the human rights and the level of economy and development I find that the IBL model indeed has left Timor-Leste closer to a liberal democracy than Cambodia. The IBL model is not without problems though. There is a risk of leaving the local population outside the process of peacebuilding which might lead to renewed failures

    The place of allotment gardens in the city : how their values are handled in planning documents and planning programs

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    KoloniomrÄdens plats i staden Àr inte sjÀlvklar. De arrenderas och brukas av kolonister men Àgs av kommuner, vilket gör att koloniomrÄdena Àr sÄrbara. SÄrbarheten beror pÄ att stÀder idag Àr i stÀndig förÀndring och förtÀtning, vilket innebÀr att centrala koloniomrÄden som förekommer pÄ efterfrÄgad mark hotas av exploatering. Kolonirörelsen i Sverige har över 120 Är pÄ nacken och föddes ur industrialismens osunda stÀder och lÀngtan till en grön oas. I dag Àr koloniomrÄden dÀrför ett kul- turarv och ett biologiskt kulturarv som berÀttar om samhÀllets historia och ideal genom tiderna. KoloniomrÄden Àr inte bara ett levande kulturarv utan Àven viktiga komponenter i stÀders grönstruk- tur och innehar mÄnga vÀrden som bidrar till ekosystemtjÀnster, biologisk mÄngfald, odling, bÀttre hÀlsa och mötesplats. Syftet med studien Àr dÀrför att undersöka koloniomrÄdenas plats i staden genom att först klarlÀgga koloniomrÄdens vÀrden förr och idag. DÀrefter förklaras vilka lagar som skyddar koloniomrÄden i Sverige. Slutligen undersöks kommunerna Lund och Malmös plandoku- ment och planprogram som berör koloniomrÄden för att identifiera hur deras planprogram och plan- dokument vÀrderar, skyddar och bevarar sina koloniomrÄden. Resultatet av arbetet visar bland annat att Lund och Malmö idag vÀrderar sina koloniomrÄden pÄ olika sÀtt, att det finns brist pÄ vÀrdebe- skrivningar och dokumentation i kommunernas planprogram och att de lagar som finns inte Àr ett tillrÀckligt för att skydda koloniomrÄden frÄn att exploateras.The place of allotment gardens in the city is not obvious. They are leased and used by allotment gardeners but owned by municipalities, which makes the allotment areas vulnerable. The vulnera- bility is because cities today are in constant change and densification, which means that central allotment gardens that occur on in-demand land are threatened by exploitation. The allotment garden movement in Sweden is over 120 years old and was born out of the unhealthy cities of industrialism and the longing for a green oasis. Today, allotment gardens are therefore a cultural heritage and a biological cultural heritage that talks about society's history and ideals throughout the ages. Allot- ments are not only living cultural heritage but also important components of urban green structure and hold many values such as contributing to ecosystem services, biodiversity, cultivation, better health and meeting place. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine the place of the allotment gardens in the city by first clarifying the values of the allotment gardens in the past and today. Afterwards, it is explained which laws protect allotment gardens in Sweden. Finally, the municipal- ities of Lund and Malmö's planning documents and planning programs that concern settlement areas are examined to identify how their planning programs and planning documents value, protect and preserve their allotment areas. The results of the work show that, among other things, Lund and Malmö today value their allotment gardens in different ways, that there is a lack of value descrip- tions and documentation in the municipalities' planning programs and that the existing laws are not sufficient to protect allotment gardens from being exploited

    Choice editing for sustainable development

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    Society is facing significant challenges in transforming to a sustainable food system where healthy food is provided, while reducing the negative environmental impact. Yet, it is debatable whose responsibility it is to provide healthy, environmentally friendly food from sustainable food systems. As food retailers have huge power through their supply and placement, it has been argued that they could steer consumers towards sustainable choices. Shifting from nudging- and sustainability marketing initiatives towards retail led in-store choice restrictions have therefore been suggested to enable a sustainable food system but has not been executed to great extent due to the fear of losing consumers. The aim of the study was to explore consumer understandings of and attitudes towards retail led in-store choice restrictions aiming to reduce the negative environmental and health impacts from food consumption. This was assumed to provide insights regarding where the perceived burden of responsibility lies and in what ways food retailers could be a leverage point for shaping sustainable consumption. The study used a qualitative approach where four semi-structured individual interviews with Axfood, Coop, ICA and WWF as well as four semi-structured focus group interviews with consumers were conducted and continuously integrated with a literature review. A content analysis of the collected empirical data was conducted with the help of the theoretical framework following Kahneman’s fast- and slow thinking systems, perceptions, the Functional Theory of Attitudes, nudging, choice editing and different types of paternalism. The results indicated that consumers have diverse attitudes towards paternalistic measures. Food retailers' choice editing strategies aiming to reduce the negative environmental impacts from food consumption were highly encouraged and accepted due to a perceived collectivistic responsibility for maintaining our common earth. On the other hand, food retailers’ choice restrictions aiming to reduce the negative health impacts met great disapprovals, due to health limitations being perceived as an insult towards consumers' individual body, identity and liberty. However, eliminations contributing to a greater overall health- and well-being was encouraged only if executed by legitimate and trusted authorities with reasonable, non-profitable driving forces where a democratic society was at the foundation. Choice editing is not an easy strategy for food retailers to apply as it interferes with consumers freedom of choice but is necessary as nudging and sustainability marketing are too soft strategies to steer consumer's often irrational decision-making and will not be enough for a global, sustainable transition. However, food retailers alone cannot bear the responsibility- or be the only leverage point as governmental measures are needed.SamhĂ€llet stĂ„r inför betydande utmaningar nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att omvandla till hĂ„llbara livsmedelssystem dĂ€r hĂ€lsosam mat tillhandahĂ„lls, samtidigt som negativ miljöpĂ„verkan minskar. Der Ă€r oklart vems ansvar det Ă€r att tillhandahĂ„lla hĂ€lsosam, miljövĂ€nlig mat frĂ„n hĂ„llbara livsmedelssystem. Eftersom dagligvaruhandeln har enorm kraft genom sitt utbud och placering, har det hĂ€vdats att de skulle kunna styra konsumenterna mot hĂ„llbara val. Att skifta fokus frĂ„n nudging- och hĂ„llbarhetsmarknadsföring till att dagligvaruhandeln införde val-begrĂ€nsningar i butik har dĂ€rför presenterats för att möjliggöra ett hĂ„llbart livsmedelssystem, men har inte genomförts i större utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ grund av rĂ€dslan att förlora konsumenter. Syftet med denna studie var att förklara konsumenternas uppfattning om detaljhandelsledda konsumtionsval i butik i syfte att minska de negativa miljö- och hĂ€lsoeffekterna av livsmedelskonsumtion. Detta antogs ge insikter om var den upplevda ansvarsbördan lĂ„g och pĂ„ vilka sĂ€tt dagligvaruhandeln kan vara en hĂ€vstĂ„ng för att utforma hĂ„llbar konsumtion. Studien följde ett kvalitativt tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt dĂ€r fyra semistrukturerade, individuella intervjuer med representanter frĂ„n Axfood, Coop, ICA och WWF samt fyra semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med konsumenter. De empiriska studierna genomfördes och integrerades kontinuerligt med en litteraturöversikt. En innehĂ„llsanalys av den insamlade empiriska datan genomfördes med hjĂ€lp av det teoretiska ramverket; Kahnemans snabba och lĂ„ngsamma tĂ€nkande, uppfattningar, funktionell teori om attityder, nudging, valredigering och olika typer av paternalism. Resultaten visade att konsumenterna har olika attityder till paternalistiska Ă„tgĂ€rder. Dagligvaruhandelns valredigeringsstrategier som syftar till att minska negativ miljöpĂ„verkan frĂ„n livsmedelskonsumtion uppmuntrades och accepteras pĂ„ grund av ett kollektivistiskt ansvar för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla vĂ„r gemensamma jord. Å andra sidan mötte dagligvaruhandelns valredigeringsstrategier som syftar till att minska de negativa hĂ€lsoeffekterna stort motstĂ„nd, dĂ„ begrĂ€nsningar som rör den individuella hĂ€lsan anses vara en krĂ€nkning mot konsumentens kropp, identitet och frihet. Elimineringar som bidrog till förbĂ€ttrad hĂ€lsa och ett ökat vĂ€lbefinnande uppmuntrades endast om de utfördes av en legitim och betrodd stat med rimliga, icke-lönsamma drivkrafter dĂ€r ett demokratiskt samhĂ€lle fortfarande bestod. Slutsatsen var att valredigering inte Ă€r en lĂ€tt strategi för dagligvaruhandeln att tillĂ€mpa eftersom det stör konsumenternas valfrihet, men Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig eftersom nudging och hĂ„llbarhetsmarknadsföring Ă€r för mjuka strategier för att styra konsumentens ofta irrationella beslutsfattande och kommer inte att rĂ€cka för en global, hĂ„llbar övergĂ„ng. Dagligvaruhandeln kan dock inte ensam bĂ€ra ansvaret dĂ„ statliga Ă„tgĂ€rder ocksĂ„ behövs

    Histology of adipose tissue inflammation in Dercum's disease, obesity and normal weight controls: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dercum's disease (DD) is characterised by obesity and chronic pain (> 3 months) in the adipose tissue. The pathogenesis of DD is unknown, but inflammatory components have been proposed. In previous reports and studies, an inconsistent picture of the histological appearance of the adipose tissue in DD has been described. The aim of this investigation was to examine the histological appearance of adipose tissue in patients with DD, with particular focus on inflammatory signs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fat biopsies were sampled from painful regions from 53 patients with DD. In 28 of the patients, a control adipose tissue biopsy was taken from a location where the patient did not experience any pain. In addition, fat biopsies were sampled from 41 healthy pain-free obese control patients and 11 healthy pain-free normal weight control patients. The extent of inflammation was evaluated on histological sections stained with haematoxylin-eosin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no statistically significant difference in the extent of inflammation between the biopsies from the painful knee and the biopsies from the non-painful area (p = 0.5), nor between the biopsies from the abdomen, and the biopsies from the non-painful area (p = 0.4), in patients with DD. A statistically significant difference in extent of inflammation was observed between DD and obese control patients regarding the abdomen (p = 0.022), but not the knee (p = 0.33). There were no differences in extent of inflammation between DD patients and normal weight controls (p = 0.81).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that there is an inflammatory response in the adipose tissue in DD. However, this response is not more pronounced than that in healthy obese controls. This contradicts inflammation as the aetiology of DD.</p

    Kamphunden - vapen eller hund? - Ett kritiskt perspektiv pÄ debatten om förbud av kamphundar

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    There is a current debate regarding the existing problem with fighting dogs in Sweden. Some people claim fighting dogs to be dangerous breeds. They want to forbid them. The opponents claim the problem to be not within the dog itself but within the owners. They claim every breed and every dog, if not handled and trained right, to be dangerous. Both sides agree on the fact that there is a problem with aggressive dogs in society but they have differ-ent opinions on how to solve the problem. There has been a former restriction regarding importation of the breed pit bull. The restriction had to be removed when Sweden joined EU in 1995. That’s when Sweden got a prohibition against pit bull which lasted until 1997. Today the only legislation is a prohibition against dangerous dogs. I have come to the following conclusions; there are not enough facts to prove that fighting dogs are dangerous breeds. People who claim them to be dangerous have no scientific fact and no statistic to base their arguments on. However, they do have lots of court cases in which fighting dogs are in-volved. The problem with the owners would probably not go away if we were to forbid fighting dogs. There is a high risk of the owners finding other breeds which can be just as dangerous as fighting breeds

    Parternas jÀmstÀlldhet i förhÄllande till lÀnderkunskapen i den nya instans- och processordningen i utlÀnningsÀrenden

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    I och med inrÀttandet av den nya instans- och processordningen i utlÀnnings- och medborgarskapsÀrenden genomgick den svenska UtlÀnningslagen en betydande reform med en övergÄng till ett renodlat tvÄpartssystem med överprövning i domstol och större inslag av muntlig förhandling. Förhoppningar fanns om att en ökad öppenhet skulle leda till större tilltro till systemet samt fÄ en positiv inverkan pÄ rÀttssÀkerheten. DÄ den utlÀnningsrÀttsliga lagstiftningen i stort sett kan sÀgas vara uppbyggd kring fastslagna principer och metoder sÄ blir definitioner av grundlÀggande begrepp av central betydelse. Detta mÀrktes vÀl, sÀrskilt i media, under 2007 med Migrationsverkets vÀgledande beslut gÀllande irakier dÀr verket fastslog att en vÀpnad konflikt ej kunde anses föreligga i Irak. Prövningen blev dÀrmed inriktad mot begreppet svÄra motsÀttningar med en fokusering av den individuella prövningen i det enskilda fallet pÄ orsakssamband mellan sökandens anförda skÀl och de svÄra motsÀttningar som fick anses rÄdande i vissa delar av Irak. IfrÄgavarande uppsats presenterar den utlÀnningsrÀttsliga reformen och gÄr nÀrmare in pÄ de i UtlÀnningslagen faststÀllda definitionerna av begreppen vÀpnad konflikt och svÄra motsÀttningar samt bedömer utifrÄn dessa Migrationsverkets beslut i frÄgan med stöd i bakomliggande domar frÄn Migrationsöverdomstolen

    Högsta domstolens hantering av Europakonventionen i brottmÄl - en praxisanalys med fokus pÄ rÀttigheter och rÀttssÀkerhet

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    NĂ€r Europakonventionen inkorporerades som svensk lag betonades starkt att det var lagstiftarens ansvar att se till att kraven enligt konventionen, sĂ„som de uttolkas enligt Europadomstolen, skulle upprĂ€tthĂ„llas. Ansvaret att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla konventionens krav lĂ„g inte pĂ„ svenska domstolar. Europakonventionen ska enligt Europadomstolen tolkas dynamiskt och rĂ€ttigheternas innehĂ„ll och omfĂ„ng kan förĂ€ndras över tid. Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att undersöka vilka förĂ€ndringar Europakonventionen lett till inom den svenska brottmĂ„lsprocessen genom prejudicerande fall och analysera om dessa förĂ€ndringar har nĂ„gon inverkan pĂ„ rĂ€ttsĂ€kerheten i processen. Genom att undersöka praxis frĂ„n Högsta domstolen har konventionens inverkan kartlagts inom olika omrĂ„den. Europakonventionen har pĂ„verkat gĂ€rningars straffbarhet, den straffrĂ€ttsliga processen och pĂ„följdsbedömningen i brottmĂ„l. Det Ă€r vanligast att svenska bestĂ€mmelser tolkas konventionskonformt för att krĂ€nkningar av enskildas rĂ€ttigheter ska undvikas. Majoriteten av fall i undersökningen av HD:s praxis rörde olika aspekter av art. 6 Europakonventionen om rĂ€tten till rĂ€ttvis rĂ€ttegĂ„ng. Vid oskĂ€liga dröjsmĂ„l har artikeln legat till grund för att HD genom praxis skapat ett nytt sĂ€tt att kompensera rĂ€ttighetskrĂ€nkningar. Gottgörelsen sker genom pĂ„följdslindring eller pĂ„följdsval och grundas direkt pĂ„ Europadomstolens praxis. Ett annat exempel pĂ„ förĂ€ndring av den svenska rĂ€tten Ă€r bedömningen vid provokativa Ă„tgĂ€rder av polisen. I fall dĂ€r den tilltalades rĂ€tt till rĂ€ttvis rĂ€ttegĂ„ng oĂ„terkalleligen krĂ€nkts har provokationen, utan direkt lagstöd, beaktats som en bristande materiell straffbarhetsbetingelse. FörĂ€ndring mĂ€rks Ă€ven genom att straffbarheten för hets mot folkgrupp enligt 16 kap. 8 § BrB har inskrĂ€nkts med hĂ€nvisning till yttrandefriheten enligt art. 10 Europakonventionen. Uttalanden i förarbeten till lagen frĂ„ngicks för att tolka straffbestĂ€mmelsen fördragskonformt. Detta Ă€r tydliga exempel pĂ„ vilken förĂ€ndring Europakonventionen har medfört i svensk straffrĂ€tt. I analysen har jag funnit att ansvaret i brottmĂ„lsprocessen skiftats nĂ„got frĂ„n domaren till Ă„klagaren. SkĂ€len för detta Ă€r att tolkningen av art. 6 Europakonventionen medför att Ă„talet och gĂ€rningsbeskrivningen mĂ„ste vara mer precist, bĂ„de sprĂ„kligt och juridiskt, Ă€n som tidigare varit fallet enligt svensk rĂ€tt. Jag fann inget större rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsproblem för den tilltalade, men det Ă€r viktigt att Europakonventionens roll inom straffrĂ€tten framhĂ„lls, bĂ„de i förarbeten och domar. HD har uttryckt viss tveksamhet inför Europadomstolens dynamiska och förĂ€nderliga tolkning, men har Ă€ndĂ„ en mer följsam instĂ€llning till Europakonventionen Ă€n lagstiftaren har. FörĂ€ndringarna som konventionen medfört Ă€r vĂ€l motiverade Ă€ven om rĂ€ttstillĂ€mpningen blivit nĂ„got mer nyckfull. Europakonventionen Ă€r inte enbart ett dokument för lagstiftaren, vilket betonas i förarbeten, utan en rĂ€ttskĂ€lla att ta hĂ€nsyn till i rĂ€ttstillĂ€mpningen. Alla juridiskt yrkesaktiva har anledning att observera rĂ€ttsutvecklingen vid Europadomstolen.At the time when the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) was incorporated in Swedish law much emphasis was made by the legislator on the need to fulfil the requirements in the Convention as the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg interpreted them. The responsibility to fulfil the requirements was first and foremost laid upon the legislator, not upon the Swedish courts. ECHR states that the Convention should be interpreted dynamically and that the meaning of certain provisions can change over time. This paper aims at examining the effect that the Convention has had on Swedish criminal law in precedent cases from the Supreme Court of Sweden and to analyse the consequences in a perspective of legal certainty in the criminal procedure. In examining a fairly large number of cases I have found that the Convention has affected Swedish criminal law in three areas: criminal liability, procedural rules and in assessing penalties. The most common way of influence is through a ‘conformal’ interpretation of Swedish law by the Supreme Court to avoid violations of the Convention. The majority of the cases in the examined case law since 1995 concerned aspects of the right to a fair trial according to article 6 of the Convention. One of the aspects of the article has also led to a new way of assessing compensation of a violation through lessening the punishment. This type of compensation is possible in cases of unreasonable delay in the criminal process. Another example of change in Swedish law is shown in judgements concerning acts provoked by the Police. In a case of a flagrant breach of the right to a fair process, criminal acts have been deemed as non-punishable, without strict legal support, as a way of avoiding a violation of the Convention. The provision of punishment for a crime of racially motivated hate (hets mot folkgrupp in chapter 16 section 8 of the Swedish Penal Code) in Swedish law has been interpreted in a more restrictive sense than was intended in the travaux prĂ©paratoires of the regulation. These are examples of changes in criminal law due to the Convention. In the analysis I have found that there has been a shift of responsibility from the judge towards the prosecutor in the proceedings in court. The change lies in the interpretation of article 6 of the Convention that the criminal charge has to be more precise, both legally and linguistically, than according to Swedish law. In terms of legal certainty and consistency, I found no major problem for the defendant. The Supreme Court has shown a slight aversion to the dynamic changes in case law from ECtHR, but a greater adherence to the Convention than the legislator. The Convention is not at document for the legislator, rather a document for every legally active profession and the case law of ECtHR is for everyone to observe

    Planering för gÄng- och cykeltrafik vid externa köpcentrum : planning for walking and bicycle traffic around shopping malls

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    Hur tar sig mĂ€nniskor utan tillgĂ„ng till bil till externa köpcentrum? Är det meningen att som gĂ„ende eller cyklist behöva ta sig fram i ett hav av bilar som stĂ„r parkerade eller kör i cirklar för att hitta den "bĂ€sta" parkeringsplatsen? MĂ„let med detta arbete Ă€r att undersöka om, och i sĂ„ fall hur, det planeras för gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafikanter vid externa köpcentrum. Arbetet vill uppmĂ€rksamma att det ofta finns problem i planeringen för gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafikanter kring dessa platser. Syftet Ă€r att bidra med kunskap om hur planering och utformning av gĂ„ng- och cykelvĂ€gar vid externa köpcentrum sker. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna har varit följande: (1)Anpassar planerare utemiljön vid köpcentrum till gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafikanter? Om det görs, hur görs det dĂ„? Om inte, hur bör det göras? (2)Varför ska det planeras för gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafik generellt och dĂ€rmed ocksĂ„ vid externa köpcentrum? (3)Vad finns det för dokument och riktlinjer som styr planeringen för gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafik bĂ„de generellt och kommunalt i Lunds kommun? (4)Hur fungerar det egentligen för personer som gĂ„r eller cyklar vid exemplet Nova Lund? Hur kan det förbĂ€ttras? En studie av dokument som styr planeringsprocessen för den fysiska planeringen och dĂ€rmed gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafiken har gjorts. Även litteratur som behandlar en god miljö för fotgĂ€ngare och cyklister fanns med. Intervju med Lunds kommuns trafikplanerare och mailkonversation med chefsarkitekt vid uppförandet av Nova Lunds köpcentrum har tillsammans med en analys av Nova Lund lett fram till resultatet. Att fler mĂ€nniskor gĂ„r och cyklar bidrar till en renare luft, mindre buller och bĂ€ttre hĂ€lsa för individen. Det har blivit populĂ€rt att satsa pĂ„ gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafik och dĂ€rför Ă€r planeringen viktig. Planering för dessa trafikslag sker pĂ„ flera nivĂ„er och utefter ett antal regler och dokument vilket kan leda till förvirring och missförstĂ„nd bland planerare. Köpcentrum Ă€r oftast planerade för biltrafik, sĂ„ Ă€ven det analyserade köpcentrumet Nova Lund. Analysen har visat att orienterbarheten pĂ„ omrĂ„det kring Nova Lund Ă€r dĂ„lig. Skyltning saknas helt och logiken mellan gĂ„ngvĂ€gar och entrĂ©er Ă€r inte bra. För cyklister och gĂ„ende pĂ„ omrĂ„det Ă€r det svĂ„rt att veta var de ska ta vĂ€gen. Ett förslag med alternativa lösningar för Nova Lund har tagits fram dĂ€r orienterbarheten pĂ„ omrĂ„det har förbĂ€ttrats. GĂ„ngbanor Ă€r kopplade till varandra och till entrĂ©er och busshĂ„llplatser pĂ„ ett logiskt sĂ€tt som Ă€r lĂ€tt att förstĂ„. En cykelbana finns genom omrĂ„det och vegetation delar av de stora rum som tidigare fanns pĂ„ parkeringarna. Förslaget visar vad som kan göras för att förbĂ€ttra gĂ„ng- och cykelmiljön pĂ„ den specifika platsen men för att undvika Ă„tgĂ€rder som dessa Ă€r det viktigt att planera denna typ av miljö. Viktigt dĂ„ Ă€r att alla inblandade fĂ„r information om varför det Ă€r viktigt med gĂ„ng- och cykeltrafik och att dessa parter har ett gott samarbete.How do people without car get to external shopping malls? The intention cannot be that they should walk or bicycle in a crowd area of parked cars and cars looking for a parking lot? The aim of this composition is to study if, and in that case how, it is planned for walking and bicycling traffic around shopping malls. This composition will pay attention to the problems that often occur when plans are made for walking and bicycle traffic around these places. The aim is to contribute with knowledge about planning and shaping walking and bicycle paths around external shopping malls. The question formulations have been as follow: (1)Do planners adapt the outdoor environment to walking and bicycle road users? If they do, then how do they do it? If they do not, how should it be done? (2) Why should walking and bicycle traffic be planned at all and therefore also around external shopping malls? (3) What documents and leading lines are there to control the planning for walking and bicycle traffic, both general and in the municipality of Lund? (4)How does it work for people walking or bicycling around the example Nova Lund? How can it be improved? A study of documents that control the planning process of the town and country planning and therefore the planning for walking and bicycling traffic has been done. Literatures that discuss a good environment for pedestrians and bicyclists has also been included. An interview and an emailconversation together with an analyze of Nova Lund has lead up to the result. People who walk or bicycle also contribute to a cleaner air, less noise, and a better health for the individual person. It has been popular to invest in walking and bicycle traffic and because of that the planning is important. The planning for walking and bicycle occur in many different levels grounded in a number of rules and documents. All this documents and rules can sometimes cause confusion and misunderstanding among the planners. Shopping malls are often planned for car traffic, likewise are the analyzed shopping mall, Nova Lund. The analyze has showed that the possibilities to orientate are bad in this area. The signposts are totally missing and the walking paths and entrĂ©es has no connections to each other. For bicyclists and pedestrians in the area is it difficult to know where to go. A suggestion with alternative solutions for Nova Lund with better possibilities to orientation has been proposed. Walking paths are connected to each other and to the entrees and the bus stations. A bicycling path crosses the area and vegetation divide the big rooms into smaller. The suggestion shows what can be done to increase the environment for pedestrians and bicyclists at Nova Lund. It is important to plan the walking- and bicycling environment to avoid these types of arrangements afterwards. In this planning it is also important to inform everyone about why it is important to plan for pedestrians and bicyclists and to have a good collaboration between all parts

    FettpÀrlan : nÀrstudie om gruppsykologi

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    This literary work is a close study of the novel “Boule de suif” from a group psychological perspective. Here studied the different characters influence, on the group composition and the individuals integrity. How much does peer pressure effect each specific individual

    Self-concepts and psychological health in children and adolescents with reading difficulties and the impact of assistive technology to compensate and facilitate reading ability

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    This study investigated self-image, psychological health, and the impact of Assistive Technology (AT) on self-concept and psychological health in 137 children and adolescents with reading difficulties during a systematic intervention program and in a one-year follow-up. Participants were randomly assigned to a control or an intervention group. The interventions aimed to teach participants how to understand texts using AT. The control group received no intervention. To investigate self-esteem, self-image, anxiety, and depression, all participants were assessed with the Cultural Free Self-Esteem Inventory, 3rd edition (CFSEI-3) before intervention and one year post-interventions. Forty-one participants were also assessed on the Beck Youth Inventory (BYI). The AT was found to have no impact on participants\u27 self-esteem. The CFSEI-3 showed similar values for self-esteem in a norm group and the study groups at pre-intervention, which made an increase from using AT less expected. The results are discussed in terms of contextual explanatory factors, such as educators\u27 increased knowledge of reading difficulties and dyslexia. The results on the BYI were somewhat inconclusive since the younger group of participants showed more anxiety than the norm group, but the adolescent group did not. This may be due to small sample size, so further research is recommended
