
Smoothening Transition of a Two-Dimensional Pressurized Polymer Ring


We revisit the problem of a two-dimensional polymer ring subject to an inflating pressure differential. The ring is modeled as a freely jointed closed chain of N monomers. Using a Flory argument, mean-field calculation and Monte Carlo simulations, we show that at a critical pressure, pc∼N−1p_c \sim N^{-1}, the ring undergoes a second-order phase transition from a crumpled, random-walk state, where its mean area scales as ∼N \sim N, to a smooth state with ∼N2\sim N^2. The transition belongs to the mean-field universality class. At the critical point a new state of polymer statistics is found, in which ∼N3/2\sim N^{3/2}. For p>>pcp>>p_c we use a transfer-matrix calculation to derive exact expressions for the properties of the smooth state.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

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