A Global Perspective on Higher Education Quality Construction in China——Analysis based on the Third Party Evaluation of Higher Education


《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》指出,"把提高质量作为教育改革发展的核心任务"。从国际视角解读,提高高等教育质量是一个时代的主题。高等教育质量这一概念具有明确指向性,是一个多维价值判断。质量建设导向是以学生为中心、质量管理强调系统性、整体性和科学性。由于高等教育自身发展阶段性,中国高等教育质量命题带有明显的特殊性。从国际视野分析中国高等教育发展阶段性和质量建设的特殊实际,由此提出了进一步提高中国高等教育质量的若干建议和思考。National Medium and Long Term Plan for Education Reform and Development points out that"make improving education quality as the core task of education reform and development". From a global perspective, improving higher education quality is the theme of the times. Higher education quality, explicitly orientated, can be open to multiple value judgments. Quality construction should be student-centered and quality control is systematic, holistic and scientific. Due to different characteristics of each stage, higher education quality in China has its own particularities. Based on the analysis of different stages of higher education and specificity of quality construction from a global perspective, we raise some suggestions and thoughts on the improvement of higher education quality in China.国家教育体制改革领导小组办公室委托课题“高等教育第三方评估”(教改办函(2015)13号)(201513)的研究成

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