Relationship between Vitamin and Fetal Development


胎儿在母体宫内发育经过受精卵、胚胎、胎儿三个阶段,任何影响母胎健康的病因都影响宫内受精卵、胚胎和胎儿的发育,严重者甚至导致胚胎停育、胎死宫内。缺乏维生素容易诱发人体各种疾病,孕期母体维生素的需要量增加,如果孕期母体维生素摄入不足、补充不够、未得到及时增加或增加过量,都会影响胎儿器官的正常发育,导致胎儿发育不良。有些严重的胎儿畸形是致死性的,因此孕期要注意筛查及时处理。孕期加强母胎保健,重视优生优育,改善孕妇和儿童营养状况,合理调配膳食,适当补充维生素,了解各种维生素的功效和胎儿发育的相关性,有助于降低新生儿出生缺陷、防治妇女儿童营养缺乏病。aFertilized egg, embryo and fetus are three stages of fetus growth in maternal intrauterine. Any factors caused by the mother or the fetus can affect intrauterine growth of fertilized egg, embryo and fetus. Some serious factors could lead to embryonic growth cease, even fetal death. Lack of vitamin can induce human related diseases, and vitamin requirements are increased in pregnant women. If insufficient of vitamin intake in those pregnant women, fetus could suffer from dysplasia. Some severe fetal abnormalities can cause fetal death. So, it is necessary that pregnant women should have fetal developmental screening, and that those pregnant women with vitamin insufficient should be treated in time. The reasonable supplement of vitamins, and deployment of diet, is benefit for them to reduce neonatal defects, and to prevent the nutrition-related diseases in pregnant women

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