A Text Filtering Module Based on Lexical Chain


在介绍文本过滤的背景及传统基于关键词的向量空间方法不足之处的同时,引入了词汇链的概念,提出了基于词汇链表示文本的文本过滤模型,该模型首先对文本进行分析,把文本表示成词汇链的形式,在形成用户初始模板之后,以此模板来进行文本过滤。在用户反馈的基础上,自适应地修改该模板,以适应用户变化的需求及改善系统过滤性能,实验表明,这样的确可以提高系统精度。In this paper we first give some information about the text filtering and the defects in VSM(Vector Support Machine),then we introduce the concept of lexical chain,give a model that build a profile based on lexical chain.We first analyse the text,then express the text with lexical chain.We use this lexicalchained profile to sift the information which may be of the user's interest.A filtering system should be able to adapt to user's interest changes,so we automatically modify the user model to recognize the changes.Experimental results show that the methods can improve the text filtering performance.国家"863"计划项目(2001AA114110);; 福建省科技计划重点项目(2001H023

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