Structure and Function of Marine Mussel Adhesive Proteins


海洋贻贝粘附蛋白具有高强度、高韧性和防水性,以及极强的黏附基体的功能,这与其特殊的分子结构、多巴(DOPA)介导的链间交联和与底材之间的相互作用方式有关,并且,它还具有很好的生物相容性和可降解性,是一类极具优势和潜力的生物胶黏剂.本文主要就粘附蛋白分子的结构和功能、粘附蛋白的粘附机理以及有关粘附蛋白生物粘剂等问题对其进行综述.The characteristics of marine mussel adhesive proteins,such as strong intensity, tenacity,moisture-resistance and strong adhesive ability,are due to their peculiarity of molecular structure, cross-linking of bonds and the interaction between proteins and substratum mediated by DOPA. Furthermore, they are biocompatible and biodegradable. Therefore, marine mussel adhesive proteins may be a preponderant and potential bio-adhesive. This review mainly focused on structure and function of adhesive protein molecule, adhesive mechanism of adhesive protein, and the potential of adhesive protein to be bio-adhesive.福建省青年科技人才创新项目(No.2004J022);; 国家自然科学基金(No.30600147)资助~

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