울릉 분지의 성인과 구조에 대한 중력 자료의 분석과 섭입대에서의 아다카이트 생성에 관한 수치 모델링 연구


학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 지구환경과학부, 2016. 2. 이상묵.This thesis presents the results of my studies concerning the tectonic evolution of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea using geological and geophysical data and the genesis of adakites and boninites by partial melting of oceanic crust in subduction zones. My thesis comprises two chapters and first is about the effect of time-varying subduction parameters on the Cenezoic adakites and boninites and next is the analysis of gravity measurements in the Ulleung Basin and its implications for the Moho depth variations. Chapter 1 addresses the effect of time-evolving slab age and convergence rate of the incoming oceanic plate on the genesis of adakites and boninites in the subduction zones. I made a series of two-dimensional numerical models using the time-dependent subduction parameters and compared with the geochemical evidence in each subduction zones. The results show that my model calculations successfully explained the adakites and boninites in some subduction zones. However, in the other regions such as Mariana and northeastern Japan subduction zones, the other tectonic settings of back-arc spreading, inflow of hot mantle and ridge subduction are needed to explain the partial melting of oceanic crust in subduction zones. Chapter 2 includes the analysis of gravity measurements in the Ulleung Basin and its implications for the crustal structure. I examined the gravity anomaly of the Ulleung Basin using more extensive data sets focusing on the crustal thickness and also calculated the effect of temperature on the gravity anomaly using a simple thermal model. My analysis shows that the Moho discontinuity is varied from 16 to 22 km, but within the central part of the basin, the variation is only about 10-20 %. Such finding appears to be consistent with previous studies using ocean bottom seismometers. Based on the gravity analysis, I provide the information of crustal structure and infer the important tectonic processes shaped the Ulleung Basin during post-rift period.Chapter 1 Effect of time-evolving age and convergence rate of the subducting plate on the Cenozoic adakites and boninites 10 Abstract 10 1.1. Introduction 12 1.2. Numerical model 15 1.3. Results 17 1.3.1. Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) 17 1.3.2. Northeast Japan–Kuril 19 1.3.3. Tonga 20 1.3.4. Java–Sunda 21 1.3.5. Aleutians 23 1.4. Discussion 24 1.4.1. Implications of time-evolving subduction parameters to thermal structure 24 1.4.2. Other possible mechanisms responsible for adakites and boninites in arc volcanoes in the IBM, northeast Japan, Tonga, and southeastern Java–Sunda subduction zones 26 Izu–Bonin 27 Mariana 28 Northeast Japan 29 Tonga 30 Southeastern Java–Sunda 31 1.4.3. Caveats: mantle potential temperature and down-dip treatment in our model calculations 32 1.5. Summary 33 1.6. References 36 1.7. Figures 46 1.8. Table 55 Chapter 2 Analysis of marine gravity anomalies in the Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan) and its implications for the architecture of rift-dominated backarc basin 56 Abstract 56 2.1. Introduction 58 2.2. Regional Background 60 2.3. Data and Reduction 64 2.4. Result 66 2.5. Thermal Consideration 68 2.6. Discussion 69 2.7. Conclusions 73 2.8. References 75 2.9. Figures 80 Summary (in Korean) 90Docto

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