Indigenous techniques of catching mudskipper in Bhavnagar and Bharuch districts, Gujarat


533-538Indigenous fishing techniques for catching the mudskipper in Bhavnagar and Bharuch districts of Gujarat coast were investigated during 2014-15. The complexities of its muddy habitat and behaviour characteristics make it difficult to catch the mudskipper. Documentation on the fishing methods for catching the mudskipper is not available. This paper describes the two techniques namely- wire mesh technique and noose trap technique employed traditionally by the ethnic communities of fishermen to catch the mudskipper, encountered during the course of the survey. Wire mesh technique is used by fisher folk of Bhavnagar district whereas noose traps technique used by fisher folk of Bharuch district. Fisher folk of these two districts are able to earn their livelihood by these indigenous techniques in the areas which are known for low productivity of marine fishes due to their geomorphological features. Habitat destruction due to growing salt pan activities and industrial set up which leads to continuous shrinking of the mudflats used by fisher folk is the major concern for future livelihood aspects of the fisher folk of these districts

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