Evaluating operations research utilization: Guidelines for assessing process and impact


The Population Council has been providing technical assistance and conducting Operations Research (OR) studies in family planning and reproductive health for over two decades. These studies are designed to identify problems and test strategies to resolve those problems, providing program managers, administrators, and policymakers with the information they need to improve service-delivery systems. The ultimate goal is that strategies tested through OR will be adopted, leading to changes in policy or operational procedures at institutional, national, or international levels. These changes are what we refer to as impact. The purpose of the new approach to evaluation described in this Evaluation Manual is to assess the magnitude of impact achieved by FRONTIERS in Reproductive Health, as well as the role of process and contextual factors. This document describes the FRONTIERS evaluation methodology and gives detailed instructions on its implementation. It is intended for use primarily by FRONTIERS project monitors, who will be conducting evaluations

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