Noise Assessment of Railway Innovations


Within the European rail research and innovation initiative Shift2Rail there are several projects aiming to strengthen the European railway as a key element for sustainable mobility. Besides research and innovation projects for numerous technical developments, there are also researchers analysing on a system level the different aspects of the railway system evolvement, so-called CrossCutting-Activities (CCA), such as standardisation, human capital or energy consumption. Within the projects FINE1 (Future Improvements for Energy and Noise) and IMPACT-2 (Indicator Monitoring for a new railway PAradigm in seamlessly integrated Cross modal Transport chains), experts aim to assess the effects of innovations developed within the Shift2Rail initiative towards noise emissions and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Life-Cycle-Cost (LCC), Punctuality and Capacity (Shift2Rail, 2015). In the paper the approach to integrate those two fields of research is described

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