Parents’ expectations from preschool education institutions


The purpose of this study was to investigate parents’ expectations from preschool education institutions. By using stratified sampling method, the sample consisted of 1465 parents who had children enrolled in preschool education in 2010-2011. Data were gathered by using a demographics information form and Parents’ Expectations from Preschool Institutions questionnaire developed by the first author. Parents’ expectations were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results show that parents’ expectations from early childhood institutions varied according to their level of education, income, and region in which they live. Parents who graduated from elementary school and the ones who had low-income had higher expectations from early childhood institutions in education-family subscale than others. Parents who lived in Marmara and Mediterranean regions had higher expectations when compared to parents who lived in other regions. © 2015 (publisher). All rights reserved

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