Niobium tungsten oxides for high-rate lithium-ion energy storage.


The maximum power output and minimum charging time of a lithium-ion battery depend on both ionic and electronic transport. Ionic diffusion within the electrochemically active particles generally represents a fundamental limitation to the rate at which a battery can be charged and discharged. To compensate for the relatively slow solid-state ionic diffusion and to enable high power and rapid charging, the active particles are frequently reduced to nanometre dimensions, to the detriment of volumetric packing density, cost, stability and sustainability. As an alternative to nanoscaling, here we show that two complex niobium tungsten oxides-Nb16W5O55 and Nb18W16O93, which adopt crystallographic shear and bronze-like structures, respectively-can intercalate large quantities of lithium at high rates, even when the sizes of the niobium tungsten oxide particles are of the order of micrometres. Measurements of lithium-ion diffusion coefficients in both structures reveal room-temperature values that are several orders of magnitude higher than those in typical electrode materials such as Li4Ti5O12 and LiMn2O4. Multielectron redox, buffered volume expansion, topologically frustrated niobium/tungsten polyhedral arrangements and rapid solid-state lithium transport lead to extremely high volumetric capacities and rate performance. Unconventional materials and mechanisms that enable lithiation of micrometre-sized particles in minutes have implications for high-power applications, fast-charging devices, all-solid-state energy storage systems, electrode design and material discovery.K.J.G. gratefully acknowledges support from The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, the Herchel Smith Scholarship, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council Futures Early Career Award. K.J.G and C.P.G thank the EPSRC via the LIBATT grant (EP/P003532/1). L.E.M. was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – European Union research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska–Curie grant agreement No. 750294. We thank Dr. Ieuan Seymour, University of Cambridge, and Prof. Bruce Dunn, University of California, Los Angeles, for fruitful discussions. We thank Drs. Jeremy Skepper and Heather Greer, University of Cambridge, for assistance with the electron microscopy and Dr. Maxim Avdeev, Bragg Institute, for his bond valence sum mapping program. We thank Dr. Olaf Borkiewicz, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory and Alisha Kasam, University of Cambridge for diffraction data reduction scripts. We thank Diamond Light Source for access to beamline B18 (SP14956, SP16387, SP17913) that contributed to the results presented here. This research used resources of the Advanced Photon Source, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE- AC02-06CH11357

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