
A computational method to model radar return range in a polygonally based, computer-generated-imagery simulation


Described is a method for modeling a ground-mapping radar system for use in simulations where the terrain is in a polygonal form commonly used with computer generated imagery (CGI). The method employs a unique approach for rapidly rejecting polygons not visible to the radar to facilitate the real-time simulation of the radar return. This rapid rejection of the nonvisible polygons requires the precalculation and storage of a set of parameters that do not vary during the simulation. The calculation of a radar range as a function of the radar forward-looking angle to the CGI terrain is carried out only for the visible polygons. This method was used as part of a simulation for terrain-following helicopter operations on the vertical motion simulator at the NASA Ames Research Center. It proved to be an efficient means for returning real-time simulated radar range data

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