
Character of Sand Beach Dynamic Despositional Environment in Xiamen University


通过在研究区海滩进行定位采样,结果表明,研究区海滩中潮位附近浅表层物质主要由粗砂至极粗砂的颗粒组成,各正态组分间的截点与频率分布曲线上低谷的位置并不一一对应,这些特征都与本区的强水动力有密切关系。The test at the beach of Xiamen University puttes forward,that the substances near the tested area's tidal stage are composed of coarse sand and extreme coarse sand,and each normal distribution group's cut-off point can't correspond to the frequency distribution line's all-time low position.The characteristicses have an close relation with the tested area's strong hydrodynnamical

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