Response of the mesoscale eddies to tropical cyclones in the South China Sea:a case study


利用TOPEX/POSEIdOn和JASOn-1卫星高度计,SEAWIfS水色传感器和TMI微波成像仪等卫星遥感资料研究了南海中尺度涡旋对热带气旋“玲玲“(lInglIng,0123)、“灿都“(CHAnTHu,0405)和“榴莲“(durIAn,0621)的响应,得到以下研究结果:(1)位于热带气旋“玲玲“和“榴莲“移动路径右侧的冷涡在热带气旋经过后增强,表现在海面高度距平和海表温度的较大幅度下降,以及叶绿素A的爆发性升高;(2)位于“玲玲“移动路径左侧以及“灿都“路径上的暖涡在热带气旋经过后减弱,表现在海面高度距平和海表温度的下降,而叶绿素A变化不太明显;(3)当热带气旋“玲玲“和“灿都“经过暖涡时,热带气旋的强度迅速增大,这表明暖涡可能有助于热带气旋的加强.Response of the mesoscale eddies to tropical cyclone "Lingling"(0123),"Chanthu"(0123) and "Durian"(0123) in the South China Sea are studied using satellite data from TOPEX/POSEIDON and Jason-1 satellite altimeter,SeaWiFS ocean color sensor and TMI microwave imager.We obtain the following results.(1) The cold eddy in the right of tropical cyclone "Lingling" or "Durian" track was intensified after the tropical cyclone passing,evidenced by a relatively large decrease in sea surface height anomaly and sea surface temperature,and an explosive increase in chlorophyll a concentration.(2) The warm eddy in the left of tropical cyclone "Lingling" track or along the "Chanthu" track was weakened after the tropical cyclone passing,as shown in a decrease in sea surface height anomaly and sea surface temperature with no obvious change in chlorophyll a concentration.(3) As the tropical cyclone "Lingling" or "Chanthu" encountered with a warm eddy,their intensities were rapidly increased,indicating that the tropical cyclone tends to be enhanced by the warm eddy.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40576015;40821063);中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室开放课题(200304

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