Looking into the Evolution of Mandarin duck Group from Red Rose


《红玫瑰》创刊于1924年7月2日,终刊于1932年1月28日,共出版350期,出版历时长达七年之久,是现代通俗文学期刊中寿命最长的刊物之一,被公认为鸳鸯蝴蝶派的代表刊物,展现了通俗文学杂志的第二代风貌。作为一份大众通俗刊物,《红玫瑰》在二十世纪二三十年代的上海非常流行,深受市民读者喜爱,但在接下来的时间长期遭受人们的非议与批判,并未得到国内学术界应有的客观且公正的评价。八十年代中期后,随着学术界对鸳鸯蝴蝶派及通俗文学研究的深入,这份期刊成为鸳鸯蝴蝶派研究的原始佐证史料不断被提及,但遗憾的是将其作为研究对象的专文专著尚未出现。笔者力图通过翔实的史料研究梳理与突入文本内部的感性体认,还《红玫瑰》..."Red Rose," was published in the July 2, 1924, finally published in the January 28, 1932, a total of 350 publications, lasting for seven years. It is the longest publication in modern popular literature periodicals, and it is recognized as the behalf publications of "Mandarin duck Group", for it shows the "the second-generation style of Popular Literature magazine". As a popular literary publicati...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国现当代文学学号:2005130005

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