In-situ SERS of piperonal and isosafrole electrooxidation on Pt electrode


The electrooxidation behavior of piperonal(PI) and isosafrole (ISF) on roughened platinum in nonaqueous system was investigated by cyclic voltammogram(CV) and in-situ surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy. On the one hand, PI would be oxidated to piperic acid if the potential was equal to 1.50 V or higher than 1.50 V. On the other hand, the in-situ SERS results demonatrated that the exciting laser of 632.8 mn promoted the electrooxidation of PI at the oxidation potential (>= 1.50 V). As a result, the potential which was to directly oxidate ISF to PI should be controlled between 1.20 V and 1.50 V

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