
The Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (AGCC) is not just and organization for security, but it is an organization for cooperation in all fields.


This thesis examines the main purpose for establishing the AGCC, and proves that it was not created just as a defensive alliance as it is generally perceived in the West. The AGCC was formed for cooperation in all fields among its Member States. To demonstrate this fact, this thesis discusses the historical events that led to the establishment of this organization and analyzes the cooperation of the member states in area of politics, security, economy, as well as the development of human resources. The analysis indicates that the formation of the Shura Council (Consultative National Councils) was the first step in the right direction in building suitable political institutions. They allow the citizens of the AGCC to participate in the decision making process. Also, the thesis examines the external and the internal threats to the region and the AGCC relations with the West. It finds that the AGCC States must enhance the existing (Gulf) Island Shield Force and maintain its alliance with the West. The Study examines the economies of the AGCC States and shows that the AGCC States are still largely oil-based economies. It suggests additional and aggressive economic diversification programs which are needed and essential to base the economies on sustainable resources. The AGCC State must maximize an use oil returns to diversify their economies away from oil. Additionally, the thesis discusses the human resources development and emphasizes the investment in human capital which should be the objective and the priority of the AGCC States. Also, the thesis suggests that the educational system of the AGCC States needs radical reforms to meet the demands of modern economy. Finally, the thesis provides general recommendations to strengthen and move the AGCC forward in the future

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