Drought and heat effect on growth rate of some maize consanguine lines and hybrids created at A.R.D.S. Lovrin


Recently, the climate conditions in the Banat area, in terms of thermal and hydric regime, underwent significant changes, even dramatic in 2017. The lack of rainfall and the very high temperatures this summer have significantly affected the growth, development and fructification of maize in this area. When the atmospheric heat rises above the pedological drought, maize culture is almost compromised, reaching very high production losses, even over 40-50%. This study relates to the ability to adapt parental forms and hybrids obtained from them. From the results it can be noticed that the thermal regime affects only the blooming and silk fenofase and the rainfall regime influences the first stages of growth affecting the parental forms more intensely, in some hybrids there is observed a uniformity of the height with that of one of the parental forms

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