274 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Study of Serotonin in the Digestive System of Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用免疫组织化学方法对锯缘青蟹消化系统的 5- HT分泌细胞的形态和分布进行了观察 .结果表明 :5- HT阳性细胞形态多样 ,多数为卵圆形 ,少数为柱形 ,多边形或具有较长的胞突 .消化道各段均有 5- HT阳性细胞 ,中肠密度最高 ,食道次之 ,贲门胃、幽门胃和后肠较低 .5- HT阳性细胞多数位于固有膜和粘膜下层 ,少数散布于肌层 .肝胰腺也具有 5- HT阳性细胞 【英文摘要】 The morphology and distribution of serotonin(5 HT) immunoreactivity in the digestive system of Scylla serrata were investigated. 5 HT immunoreactive cells had various forms: the majority were oval, while the minority were columnar, irregular in shape, or having long processes. 5 HT immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract, with the highest density in the midgut, the second in the esophagus, and a low density in the stomach and hindgut. Most of the 5 HT immunoreactive c...福建省重中之重“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”资助项

    Immunorecognition of Estrogen Receptor in the Optic Ganglion of Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 利用免疫细胞化学SABC法对锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)视神经节雌激素受体(ER)进行定位研究.结果表明:视神经节的视外髓、视内髓和视端髓存在ER免疫阳性细胞.视神经节存在的ER免疫阳性细胞可以为雌激素提供结合位点.本研究为雌激素参与视神经节神经内分泌调节作用提供了形态学依据. 【英文摘要】 Antisera generated in vertebrate and immunocytochemical SABC method was applied to observe the immunoreactive neurons and neuropils of estrogen receptor(ER) in optic ganglia of Scylla serrata.The results showed that:ER-immunoreactive substance was located in medulla externa,medulla interna and medulla terminalis in optic ganglion.ER-immunoreactive neurons in optic ganglia might provide the binding sites for estrogen and accept the feedback regulation of estrogen.This present work provides the morphological ...国家自然科学基金(30300269)资

    Status of Mud Crabs(Scylla spp.) Farming and Studies on the Population Biology of S. paramamosain

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    综述了国内外青蟹养殖的基本情况,包括养殖模式、养殖历史、人工育苗的现状,我国青蟹养殖在海水养殖中的地位及其特点,以及我国拟穴青蟹种群生物学研究现状及其在养殖中的重要性.This paper summarized the internationally general situation of mud crabs( Scylla spp.) farming,including cultivation pattern,cultural history,the situation of artificial mass larvae culturing,study progresses of population biology of S. paramamosain and its significance in its farming in China,as well as the status and characteristics of China mud crab farming.国家自然科学基金(31472294

    Biochemical genetic analysis of allozymes of mud crab, Scylla serrata

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    【中文摘要】 应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对锯缘青蟹 6个自然群体进行 11种等位酶电泳检测和谱带遗传分析结果表明 ,所研究的锯缘青蟹 2 2个等位酶位点和 30个等位基因中有 15个单态位点 ,即Ldh 1、Sod 2、Aat 1、Aat 2、Skd 1、Skd 2、Idh 1、Sdh 1、Adh 1、Me 1、Me 3、Mdh 1、Amy 1、Amy 2和Amy 3,而这些位点仅有 1个等位基因 ;有 7个多态位点 ,即Est 1、Est 2 (此位点厦门锯缘青蟹为单态位点 )、Est 3、Sod 1、Me 2、Mdh 2 (此位点厦门锯缘青蟹为多态位点 )和Mdh 3,而这些位点有 2~ 3个等位基因。 6个锯缘青蟹自然群体所有位点中共享大多数常见等位基因 ,其生化遗传非常相似。 【英文摘要】 Allozyme was investigated using the assay of vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in Scylla serrata. Eleven enzymes presumably encoded by 22 allozyme loci and 30 alleles are scored in S.serrata, the monomorphic loci with one allele are Ldh?-1, Sod?-2, Aat?-1, Aat?-2, Skd?-1, Skd?-2, Idh?-1, Sdh?-1, Adh?-1, Me?-1, Me?-3, Mdh?-1, Amy?-1, Amy?-2, amd Amy?-3; and 7 loci with 2~3 alleles are polymorphic, they are Est?-1, Est?-2(the monomorphic locus in Xiamen population), Est?-3, Sod?-1, Me?-2, Mdh...国家自然科学基金项目(40376044);国家海洋(863)计划项目(2002AA603013); 福建省重中之重项目“福建海岸优良种质生物学和生物活性物质的基础应用研究”;集美大学校长基金项目“锯缘青蟹遗传变异与分化的研究”资

    Comparison of two highly expressed antimicrobial peptides Scygonadin and SCY2 in Scylla paramamosain gonads and their mechanism of reproductive immunology

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    拟穴青蟹(Scyllaparamamosain,以下简称青蟹)是我国南方最重要的海水养殖蟹类品种。近些年来,随着青蟹养殖规模的不断扩大,各种病害频繁发生引起养殖青蟹大量死亡,严重影响了我国青蟹养殖业的发展。青蟹以先天性免疫为主,抗菌肽是先天性免疫系统中重要免疫因子,对抵抗病原微生物感染发挥关键作用。 Scygonadin(SCY1)和SCY2是本实验室从雄性拟穴青蟹射精管中发现的两种新抗菌肽基因,前期研究已分别阐明了两种抗菌肽的基因组成与部分特性,并证明SCY1具有生殖免疫功能。青蟹半开放的生殖系统使得生殖道长期暴露于潜在病原微生物的环境中,因此研究该类抗菌肽与生殖免疫的关系对于揭示海水养殖...The mud crab, Scylla paramamosain is the most important marine breeding crab in northern China. In recent years, the farming of this species has grown rapidly. However, this economic species frequently suffered from outbreaks of disease which had led to decrease in production and severe economic loss. Antimicrobial peptides are major component of the innate immune defense system in S. paramamosain...学位:理学博士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262009015327


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    用水瓶法和径流装置测定了锯缘青蟹各期状幼体(Z1~Z5)在不同温度(22、24、26、28、30和32℃)下的耗氧率和氨氮排泄率.实验结果表明,耗氧率和氨氮排泄率随温度的升高而升高,但各期幼体之间存在差异;Q10值表明,最适温度Z1和Z2是24~26℃,Z3和Z4是28~30℃,而Z5是26~28℃;耗氧率和氨氮排泄率与幼体干质量呈幂函数关系,M=aDWb,耗氧率和氨氮排泄率的a值范围分别是119.26~304.64和508.13~942.17,平均值分别为180.23和754.74;b值范围分别是-0.6724~-0.5155和-0.7729~-0.4536,平均值分别为-0.5865和-0 6131;不同温度下各期幼体的O/N平均值为15.6,青蟹幼体主要以蛋白质代谢物质;耗氧率和氨氮排泄率与温度和体重的二元回归方程分别为R=14.83+0.526T-0.090DW(r2=0.8211,n=26)和E=6.09+4.47T-0 376DW(r2=0.7796,n=26),F检验表明相关性极显著(F 【英文摘要】 Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of zoea(Z1~Z5) of Scylla serrata were examined by using bottle water method and flowthrough system at six temperature(22,24,26,28,30 and 32 ℃). Results show that oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion increased with temperature rising, but there is difference among each stage larvae. Q10 values indicated that, the optimal temperature of Z1 and Z2 is 24~26 ℃, Z3 and Z4 is 28~30 ℃, and Z5 is 26~28 ℃. The relationship between oxygen consumption or ammon...海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究"福建省重中之重项目资

    Molecular Cloning, Expression and Tissue Distribution of the Chitinase Family of Mud Crab (Scylla serrata)

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    几丁质酶是甲壳动物周期性蜕皮过程的关键酶之一,甲壳动物几丁质酶均属于18家族几丁质酶。目前对甲壳纲几丁质酶的研究很少,主要集中在虾类,还未见对蟹类几丁质酶的报道。本文根据几丁质酶基因的保守序列设计引物,运用反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法从锯缘青蟹(Scyllaserrata)的肝胰腺和鳃中扩增得到部分几丁质酶编码序列,进一步结合RACE法和反向PCR法,克隆得到了锯缘青蟹的4个几丁质酶基因,将其命名为Schi1、Schi2、Schi3和Schi4。它们均具有几丁质酶18家族催化活性区,其中Schi1、Schi2和Schi3分别含有一个几丁质二型结合区。此外,Schi1和Schi3含...Chitinase is the key enzyme during the molting of Crustacea. Crustacean chitinases belong to glycoside hydrolase 18 (GH18) family of chitinases. Data about crustacean chitinases are rather limited and mainly focus on shrimps. There is no reports on chitinase of crabs. Primers were designed according to the conserved nucleotide sequences of crustacean chitinases and used to clone partial Scylla ser...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162007115198

    Yield and Value of Fishery Products of Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry National Nature Reserve

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    2006年全年对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区红树林主要分布地竹塔村辖区内的海产品类型、产量和价格进行了逐日统计。结果表明:2006年竹塔村滩涂海产品总产量为529956kg(1589.9kg/HM2),远高于一般的红树林。其中缢蛏苗和缢蛏成品的产量最高,分别为312468kg(937.4kg/HM2)和123376kg(370.1kg/HM2),占总产量的59.0%和23.3%。泥蚶、锯缘青蟹成品和泥螺分别占总产量的12.2%、2.3%和2.0%。缢蛏苗以冬季(1月和12月)的产量最高;锯缘青蟹苗年产量为2.59尾/M2,高峰期出现在6月至11月。2006年竹塔村红树林滩涂海产品总产值为1388.0万元(4.17万元/HM2)。研究结果可为红树林生态系统服务功能的评价和红树林的科学管理提供基础数据。Daily investigation of the yield and value of the main fishery products within a mangrove area of Zhuta village in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve were surveyed throughout the year of 2006.Results showed that the total yield of fishery products in this area was 529 956 Kg(1589.9kg/hm2) in 2006,much higher than that of the normal mangrove areas.The yields of young and adultSinonovacula constricta were the highest among the fishery products,respectively 312 468 kg(937.4kg/hm2) and 123 376 kg(370.1kg/hm2) ,accounting for 59.0% and 23.3% respectively of the total fishery yields.Tegillarca granosa,adult Scylla serrata and Bullacta exarata were the second important fishery products,accounting for 12.2%,2.3% and 2.0% of the total fishery products respectively.The yield of youngSinonovacula constricta peaked in winter(January and December) and the peak season of young Scylla serrata appeared between June and November.The annual fishery products value was 13.88 million Yuan(41 700 Yuan per hm2) .The results provide a basis for the evaluation of ecological services of mangroves and for its sound management.国家自然科学基金项目(40876046)资


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    实验观察了不同饵料、池底、密度对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的影响.实验结果表明:投喂裸腹蚤时,大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,3种池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为 78.1%,残杀率最低平均为 11.4%;海泥池底大眼幼体蜕皮变态率最高,投喂3种饵料的大眼幼体蜕皮变态率平均为84.8%,残杀率最低平均为7.6%;裸腹蚤是青蟹大眼幼体培育适宜的饵料,而海泥则是大眼幼体变态适宜的池底.不同培育密度对青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的实验结果表明:当大眼幼体的培育密度为3 尾/dm3 时,其蜕皮变态率最高,而残杀率与大眼幼体培育密度的关系不明确. 【英文摘要】 Effects of different dietary,densities and substrata on metamorphosis rate and cannibalistic rate from protozoea 1 (PZ1) to postlarvae 1(PL1) stages of Scylla serrata megalopae were studied in two separate experiments.In the first experiment,three dietary:Monia mongolica,minced meat of Ruditapes philippinaram which filted through mesh and haima 0 shrimp stuff and three substrata:sea mud,sand and cement were investigated.It showed that the metamorphosis rate of megalopae was higher when it was fed Monia mong...国家海洋 863 项目“锯缘青蟹大规模人工育苗技术”(2002AA603013)资


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    采用兔抗哺乳类抗血清 ,应用链霉菌抗生物素蛋白 -过氧化物酶免疫细胞化学技术 ,研究了锯缘青蟹(Scyllaserrata)胸神经团中5 羟色胺 (5 HT)、胰高血糖素(Glu)和神经肽Y(NPY)的分布。其分布的主要特征为 :5 HT免疫阳性细胞在每对步足神经节都呈对称排列 ;Glu免疫阳性最强 ,胸神经节的阳性细胞排列成两条环绕胸动脉孔分布的细胞带 ,神经髓质中免疫阳性物质呈斑块状分布 ;NPY阳性细胞主要分布于食道下神经节。这3种免疫阳性物质的特定分布模式可为腹神经链的系统演化和参与神经活动提供形态学证据 【英文摘要】 Immunocytochemistry techniques were applied to observing the immunoreactive neurons and neuropils of serotonin (5 HT), glucagon (Glu) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the thoracic ganglion mass of Scylla serrata. The distribution characteristics of the 3 immunoreactive substances are as follows: 5 HT immunoreactive cells in each leg ganglion are symmetrically distributed; Glu immunoreactivity is strong;the immunoreactive cells in the thoracic ganglionare arrange in two distinct bands, which surround the...福建省重中之重项目“福建省海洋生物优良种质和生物活性物质的应用基础研究”;; 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目20010384010