157 research outputs found

    An Entry Strategy of Two-sided Markets Based on Homing Structure and Installed Base

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    双边市场是近年来研究的热点。双边市场通常由服务提供商平台和平台两侧的用户组成,不同种类用户通过公共平台完成交易。熟知的视频网站、电商平台、社交网络等都是双边市场的典型案例。其中网络外部性和归属结构是双边市场的重要特征。在成长性市场中,在位平台拥有用户基础优势,用户基础会对加入在位者平台的新用户产生网络效应,影响在位者平台和跟进者平台之间的竞争。 前人对于平台跟进者问题研究,聚焦于网络效应的实证研究,但在平台网络效应和归属结构的特征下具体如何影响在位者与跟进者平台的竞争,并没有清晰的结论。文章应用霍特林模型,基于在位者平台的用户基础,研究归属结构、网络效应、切换行为等条件下,在位者平台和跟进者...Two-sided market has been one of the most popular topics for the past few years. It usually involves a platform provider and two groups of users who interact with each other and provide network benefits through the platform. E-commerce platforms, social networks, and video websites are typical examples of the two-sided markets. Network effect is one of the most important features of the two-sided...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_管理科学与工程学号:1772013115109

    Value effect and network effect in the process of currency substitution

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    This paper builds an inter-temporal model to study the value and network effects in the process of currency substitution. According to our model, we can define the inaction area and malignant area by taking real interest rate difference and network effect variable as two axes. We also find that the network effect is inconsistent, that is, in the inaction area it will stabilize the using of domestic currency and inhibit currency substitution, however, in the malignant area, it will accelerate currency substitution. This inconsistence result to a ratchet effect in the process of anti-currency substitution.currency substitution; network effects; exchange cost; ratchet effect

    Computational Experiments for Study of the Competition Diffusion of New Products with Local Network Effects Based on Complex Social Networks

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    采用基于复杂社会网络视角的新产品竞争微观扩散模型,应用计算实验的方法分析局部网络效应下用户基础、产品内在价值以及初始种子用户的选择等因素对产品竞争扩散的影响。研究结果表明,与全局网络效应不同的是,在局部网络效应中,影响新产品竞争扩散的关键因素不是用户基础而是社会网络中消费者的交互作用,该作用加快了信息传播、产品扩散的速度;产品自身内在价值的加大可以弥补局部网络效应强度较弱的产品竞争弱势。此外,选择Hub节点作为初始种子用户将有利于产品的扩散并最终占有更有优势的竞争格局。This paper,by the micro diffusion model of new competition products,applies the method of computational experiments to analyze how the factors,such as user basis,the intrinsic value of the products and the selection of the initial seed users,influence the diffusion of competition products in the complex social networks.Result shows that the user bases will affect the competition diffusion of new products with local network effects,but the interaction between the customers from the social network is a more critical factor to reach a successful diffusion,which is different from the global network effects.Their interaction accelerates the speed of information spreading and product diffusion.The increasing of the products' intrinsic value can compensate for the competition weakness of the products whose strength of the local network effects is weaker.Furthermore,choosing the hub node as the initial seed user is helpful for the product to diffuse and occupy a more well competition situation.国家自然科学基金项目(11005041); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01383

    A Study on Standard Competition and its Strategies with Network Effect: Analysis Based on Evolutionary Game Model

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    在网络经济时代,技术创新速度越来越快,企业所面临的市场环境也因此日趋复杂多变。为了在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,企业开始采用标准这一竞争工具。在具有网络结构的产业中,不同于传统产业的一个重要特征就是“网络效应”。网络效应在本质上是一种需求方规模经济,并与古典经济学所研究的供给方规模经济有着较大的区别。由于网络效应的存在,标准竞争中产生了新的现象和特点,因此有必要更新传统的经济学理论,让理论能够更好解释现实和提供建议。 本文首先定义了网络,并将网络分成物理网络和虚拟网络、单向网络与双向网络。这些区分有利于理解网络效应的起源和分类。本文认为,网络效应起源于互补性,包括了结构互补性、功能互补性、信...In the era of Network Economy, the speed of innovation is growing faster and faster; therefore, the market environment that the firms are facing is becoming more complicated. To survive and develop in the fierce market competition, firms start to use standard competition as the main competition tool. In the industries that has the network structure; one significant difference from the traditional ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_网络经济学学号:1552006115097

    A Study on Market Structure, Competitive Strategy and Public Policy of Network Industries:Analysis Based on Network Effects Theory

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    网络的结构特征和信息在网络节点之间的传输交互深刻地影响了经济主体的行为特征和市场的运行规律。网络效应的存在使经济运行过程中呈现出一些不同于传统经济的新特点、新规律,并使其市场竞争表现出一些不同于传统竞争的新现象、新趋势。因此,对网络经济学进行深入的理论分析和多角度的应用研究是具有重要意义的。 本文以网络产业为研究对象,以网络经济学的核心理论——网络效应理论为线索,以市场结构、竞争策略和公共政策为切入点进行系统性研究。通过对网络效应理论及相关经济规律的系统性阐述,剖析网络产业市场结构的特殊性及其原因,解读厂商各种竞争策略背后的经济动因及其对市场运行的影响,并提出相关公共政策的框架性建议,旨在为...The network structure and interaction between nodes have exerted significant influences on the economic behaviors and the market operation. With the existence of network effects, the network economy demonstrates some new characteristics, which are distinctively different from the traditional economy. Hence, in-depth theoretical and applied researches on network economics are of great importance. ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政系_网络经济学学号:2005140289

    The Structure, Efficiency and Countermeasures of Network Industrial Chain——A Study Based on Network Effects Theory

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    从网络产业被人们所关注开始,大多数国内外学者的研究方向主要体现在两个方面,包括微观层面对网络产业中的经济特性和市场策略的分析,以及从宏观层面对网络产业公共政策的解读,这些研究都极大地促进了网络产业经济理论的发展。而中观层面的研究则相对较少,主要是对某一特定网络产业的研究。本文试图从具有中国特色的“产业链”角度,在中观层面上分析网络产业之间的联结方式和利益分配。在这些具有网络结构的产业中,其不同于传统产业的一个重要特征就是“网络效应”。网络效应在本质上是一种需求方规模经济,它与古典经济学所研究的供给方规模经济有着较大的区别。网络效应的存在使得网络产业链层与层之间以一种新的方式紧密联系,并互相影响...Ever since network industries caught people's attention, the studies of most scholars focus on two aspects, including analysis of economic properties and market strategies from a micro level, and interpretations of public policies from a macro level, which have led to significant developments in economic theories of network industries. However, studies from a medium level are much less. Most studi...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_网络经济学学号:1552010115179

    Analysis of Influence of Network Effects and Bandwagon Effects on the Diffusion of Digital Information Products

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    数字信息产品更新换代迅速,扩散也就需要倍加关注。数字信息产品的扩散主要取决于消费者的采用,而消费者的采用行为往往会受到网络效应和跟风效应的影响,因此研究网络效应和跟风效应对数字信息产品扩散的影响具有非常重要的意义。 鉴于以往研究中对网络效应和跟风效应的概念区别不够完善,本文首先从两者的作用机制入手,进一步分析两个概念的区别,并在此基础上总结消费者感知效用的构成框架。在明确了网络效应和跟风效应的区别之后,重点探讨在这两种不同效应的影响下,数字信息产品的扩散问题。 本文结合数字信息产品的特点,从宏观的角度,建立单一的数字信息产品扩散模型以及基于生物种群竞争模型的两种相互竞争的数字信息产品扩散模...The replacement of digital information products is rapid, so its diffusion should be seriously concerned. The diffusion of digital information products depends on consumers’ adoption, and consumers’ behaviors are often affected by network effects and bandwagon effects. So, it is very important to do researches about the influence of network effects and bandwagon effects on the diffusion of digital...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_管理科学与工程学号:1772008115124

    The Diffusion of Digital Information Products with the Influences of the Bandwagon Effects and Network Effects:A Perspective of Complex Networks

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    当今社会已经进入创新时代。作为企业的核心竞争力,创新对企业的生存和可持续发展具有重要意义。如果创新无法在社会上传播并被人们接受,即创新无法扩散,那么创新就无法实现其社会价值。创新产品扩散逐渐成为国内外学者和企业家们研究的热点。在创新产品扩散的过程中,特别是数字信息产品扩散的过程中,跟风效应和网络效应起到了不可忽视的作用。 为了体现消费者之间的交互作用,本文基于复杂网络视角,结合三度影响理论建立了跟风效应和网络效应的微观扩散模型,采用仿真的方法对数字信息产品扩散进行分析,分别研究了在跟风效应和网络效应作用下,不同的网络结构、跟风效应强度和网络效应强度、三维权重对数字信息产品扩散的影响。接着,本...Nowadays, the society has entered an era of innovation. As the core competitiveness, innovation is quite significant for the survival and sustainable development of enterprises. If innovation cannot be transmitted and accepted by society, which means the diffusion of innovation, the innovation will not be able to achieve its social value. The diffusion of innovative products has attracted the atte...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_技术经济及管理学号:1772011115113

    A Study on the Diffusion of Innovation Products Based on Small-world Theory:Network Effects and Bandwagon Effects

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    创新产品能否被消费者所接受采纳,将决定创新产品乃至整个企业的命运。而跟风效应和网络效应这两个影响消费者购买决策的重要因素又被大多数学者视为相同的概念。在这个背景下,本文对网络效应和跟风效应概念进行了追溯,并通过对国内外创新产品扩散领域的研究文献的总结,分别分析总结了网络效应和跟风效应对于创新产品扩散的影响。在此基础之上,明确了网络效应与跟风效应在存在前提、来源以及作用效果三个方面的差异性以及他们之间的联系。 在以上分析的基础上,从消费者之间关系的角度出发,通过引入复杂网络理论中的重要模型——小世界网络模型,分别建立了在跟风效应作用下以及跟风效应和网络效应共同作用下创新产品市场扩散比例模型...The fact that whether innovation products can be accepted by consumers can decide the destiny of the products, even the future of the whole company. However, two factors, bandwagon effects and network effects, which play important roles in the purchase decisions of consumers, are considered as the same by most scholars. Under this circumstance, this paper has reviewed the concept origin of network...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_技术经济及管理学号:1772007115072

    The Adoption of Digital Information Products: An Integration of Network Effect and Bandwagon Effect

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    智能手机、平板电脑和各种移动智能终端的快速发展,进一步促使数字信息产品成为人们日常生活的重要组成部分。从技术角度看,数字信息产品具有集成化、模块化、网络化等特点,涉及到技术兼容的问题,其在扩散过程中表现出网络效应。另一方面,数字信息产品具有娱乐性、时尚性,具有潮流的特征,容易引起消费者的跟风购买,其在扩散过程中表现出跟风效应。 本文以网络效应和跟风效应为理论基础,结合数字信息产品的特性,分别构建了影响数字信息产品用户满意度、影响数字信息产品使用意愿的理论模型,然后,本文以数字信息产品的代表产品——智能手机为例,采用问卷调研的方法对理论模型进行验证。基于回收的有效问卷,本文采用结构方程模型的方...With the rapid proliferation of smart phones and other smart devices, digital information products have gradually become an important part of people’s daily life. With its open system platform, developers are able to design a large variety of applications on digital information products to meet consumers’ demand. Those complementary products has significantly enhanced the attractiveness and popula...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_管理科学与工程学号:1772010115107