38 research outputs found


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    Impact of Chlorine Dioxide Slow-releasing Preservative on Quality and Key Anthocyanins of Litchi during Low Temperature Storage

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    Litchi is prone to deterioration in quality after harvest due to degradation of anthocyanins and respiratory metabolism, and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has multiple effects on color protection and respiratory inhibition. In this study, 0.1 g (T1), 0.4 g (T2), and 1.2 g (T3) of ClO2 slow-releasing preservatives were used to treat lychees with 0 g (CK) as the control to evaluate the preservation effect by quality index, color index and anthocyanin, and correlation analysis was applied to explore the association between them. The results showed that the litchi of the T1 showed the optimal qualities. On the 7 th day, the total soluble solids and a* values of litchi in the T1 were significantly (P<0.05) increased by 2.93% and 10.13%, respectively, while the respiration rate was significantly (P<0.05) decreased by 34.54% compared to the CK group in the same period. On the contrary, the relative conductivity of the T3 litchi reached the highest value of 35.84% on the 7 th day, and a* decreased to the lowest value of 18.38, indicating significant damage to cell structure, bleaching, and the worst storage quality. To further investigate the relationship between color changes and anthocyanins, 10 key anthocyanins were selected from litchi, including 7 proanthocyanins, which accounted for 66.96% of the total. The correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficients between a* value and cyanidin-3-O-galactoside in the T1, T2, and T3 groups were 0.980, 0.548, and 0.360, respectively, and the correlation coefficients with cyanidin-3-O-glucoside were 0.985, 0.488, and 0.402 during storage. The T1 maintained the best color, possibly due to the slower decomposition of the two key red anthocyanins above, while the T3 accelerated the decomposition of anthocyanins. This study could provide valuable insights for enhancing the postharvest quality of litchi


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    目的观察单用表阿霉素(EPI)聚乳酸(PLA)缓释微球(MS)及联合游离表阿霉素(FEPI)腹腔化疗治疗肝癌的疗效。方法将35只H22腹水型肝癌荷瘤小鼠分为7组,每组5只,分别予空白微球,生理盐水,低、中、高剂量载药微球(分别含EPI 9、18、36 mg/kg),FEPI(9 mg/kg)和EPI-PLA-MS+FEPI(各含EPI 4.5 mg/kg),经腹腔注射给药,计算动物生命延长率。结果EPI-PLA-MS能有效延长荷瘤鼠的生存时间,并呈量效关系,小鼠最大耐受量约为18~36 mg/kg。联合用药组的平均生存时间、中位生存时间和生命延长率均达到最高值,分别为(40.0±16.9)d、33.5 d和222.58%。结论EPI-PLA-MS缓释剂与游离剂型联合腹腔化疗是一种新型、高效的给药方式,可有效治疗肝癌

    Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Mice with Locally Administered Epirubicin-loaded Poly(D,L)-lactic Acid Microspheres

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    [中文文摘]目的研究表柔比星-聚乳酸缓释微球(EPI-PLA-MS)局部给药治疗肝癌的效果。方法复乳-溶剂挥发法制备EPI-PLA-MS。将40只昆明小鼠随机分为5组,每组8只,分别腹腔注射不同剂量的游离表柔比星(FEPI),计算最大耐受量(MTD)。H22皮下实体瘤肝癌荷瘤小鼠3组,每组5只,分别用生理盐水(normalsaline,NS)、空白微球和含药微球(含EPI9mg/kg)瘤内注射给药,2周后取瘤称重。H22腹水型肝癌荷瘤小鼠3组,每组5只,分别用NS、空白微球和含药微球(含EPI9mg/kg)腹腔注射给药,计算动物生命延长率。结果FEPI腹腔注射的MTD为9mg/kg。EPI-PLA-MS瘤内给药后含药微球组和空白微球组的抑瘤率分别为40.35%和36.09%。腹腔给药后能显著延长荷瘤鼠的生存时间,含药微球组和空白微球组生命延长率分别为153.49%和142.22%。结论EPI-PLA-MS是一种有效低毒的药物新剂型,在局部治疗肝癌方面具有良好的临床应用前景。[英文文摘]Objective To study the effectiveness of treating hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)in mice with locally administered epirubicin-loaded poly(D,L)-lactic acid microspheres(EPI-PLA-MS).Methods EPI-PLA-MS was prepared with double emulsion solvent evaporation technique.Five groups of mice(n=8 in each group)were intraperitoneally injected with five different doses of free epirubicin(FEPI),and the maximum tolerated dose(MTD)was calculated.Then 15 mice with transplanted subcutaneous H 22 HCC were divided into three group s ( n = 5) , which were respectively intratumorally injected with normal saline (NS) , blank micro-spheres, and EPI-PLA-MS (with 9mg/kg of EPI) 1 After two weeks the tumorswere excised and weighed1 Another 15 mice with transp lanted H22 ascites HCC were divided into three groups (n=5) , which were intraperitonealy injected with the same drugs, and the increased life span were registered exactly1 Resutls TheMTD of intraperito neally injected FEPIwas 9mg/kg1 The tumour inhibiting rateswas 40135% and 36109% when EPI-PLA-MS were administered by intratumoral injection to the mice with subcutaneous H22 HCC1 It significantly p rolonged the survival time of mice with H22 ascites HCC and the increased life span by 153149% and 142122% when EPI-PLA-MS were intraperitoneally administered1 Conclusion EPI-PLA-MS is a new sustained release preparation with high-ef-ficacy and low-toxicity in treating HCC and has shown promising prospects when administerd locally


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    目的 分析门诊幽门螺杆菌感染患者治疗用药情况,为规范治疗提供参考。方法 检索医院信息系统合理用药软件,获取2016年下半年门诊诊断为幽门螺杆菌感染的患者的处方信息,依据各临床指南及我国耐药情况等对其用药合理性进行分析。结果 在2577张处方中,主要不合理现象有使用阿莫西林克拉维酸替代阿莫西林,初始治疗方案使用左氧氟沙星,使用胃铋镁替代铋剂,儿童掰开使用质子泵抑制剂肠溶剂型,剂量不足,部分非消化科室治疗方案不合理率高。结论 幽门螺杆菌治疗存在不合理情形,临床应规范用药行为,药师应就不合理用药处方与临床沟通,职能部门进行奖惩、通过信息系统支持设定路径方案,多种措施减少不合理用药

    Study on the Synthesis and Application of Dendrimers

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    本论文共分五章,包括树状大分子的研究进展;树状大分子PAMAM-FCD的合成与应用;树状大分子PAMAM-AND的合成与应用;树状大分子PAMAM-BPA的合成与应用;研究工作的结论与展望。第一章为绪论,评述了树状大分子在现代生物医学和催化、纳米、以及光电材料等方面的重要意义及该领域中已经取得的一些令人激动的研究成果。本章分为两部分,第一部分介绍了树状大分子的历史背景,第二部分主要从八个方面介绍了树状大分子在生物医学领域、催化、纳米、光电材料、膜材料、液晶、涂层、表面活性剂、作为容纳小分子的主体以及其它领域等方面的应用、合成方法、性质研究和研究进展。并在此基础上提出了本论文的研究设想。第二章主...This dissertation consists of five chapters, including the overview of the dendrimers, synthesis and application of novel PAMAM-FCD dendrimers; synthesis and application of novel PAMAM-AND dendrimers; synthesis and application of novel PAMAM-BPA dendrimers; the conclusion and prospect of the present research work. In chapter one, highlights of new finding in dendrimers and its significance in m...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院材料科学系_高分子化学与物理学号:B20013600

    Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Materials with SOD Topological Structure

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    具有特定拓扑结构的多孔材料是长期以来的研究热点。无机方钠石和有机-金属框架结构材料ZIF-8都是具有由SOD拓扑结构的多孔材料。由于ZIF-8的孔道结构比方钠石更加灵活,所以其应用范围更为广泛,在气体的吸附分离、有机物的催化降解方面都具有广阔前景。本论文研究了SOD骨架结构材料及其复合多孔材料的性质,解释了这两类多孔材料的合成机制,探究了不同因素对合成结果的影响,具体从以下三个方面展开: 1、本文以廉价高岭土为原料合成方钠石分子筛,通过不同的合成方法得到不同形貌、不同尺寸大小的方钠石分子筛,并探究形貌对比表面积的影响。研究表明,合成方钠石分子筛的最佳溶胶液成分比为:1Al2O3:2.6SiO...For a long time, synthesis of porous materials with certain topological structures has been a hot subject researchers have been investigating. Inorganic sodalites and ZIF-8 with a metal-oragnic framework belong to SOD topological structure materials. Compared with sodalites, the structure of ZIF-8 is more flexible. Thus, ZIF-8 is more useful for gas adsorption/desorption and photocatalytic decompo...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_工程硕士(材料工程)学号:2072013115011

    Development of Silica Aerogel Production Technology

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    二氧化硅气凝胶,因其在孔结构等多方面的优异性能,在许多领域具有重要的应用,如高端保温材料。虽然其可大规模用作涂料消光剂、催化剂载体、医药负载、食品营养元素负载、香料缓释剂等,然而由于规模化生产的技术问题及生产成本,目前二氧化硅气凝胶实际尚未大规模应用。以水玻璃为硅源制备二氧化硅,其来源广泛、成本低廉,已成为产量最高的生产工艺。但目前行业中以该方法制备的二氧化硅性能低下,污水排放严重。为此,本研究在课题组前期以水玻璃为硅源的间歇加压碳化法、间歇及连续超临界二氧化碳干燥法研究制备二氧化硅气凝胶的基础上,开发连续的加压碳化反应以及新的连续超临界干燥方法和装置。通过这两个连续工艺的创新,解决硫酸法的污...Silica aerogel has potential applications in wide areas due to its specific properties, for example, it has been used as a super thermal insulation material. It can also be used as the matting agent, catalyst, carriers for catalyst, flavors and fragrances, food, and so on, but the uses have been limited due to the technical and cost problems. The production of silica powders with sodium silicate h...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115144

    Effects of FGF on the growth and development of Echinococcus multilocularis and its molecular mechanism

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    泡状棘球蚴病是由多房棘球绦虫续绦期幼虫引起的一种严重威胁人类生命安全的人兽共患寄生虫病,泡球蚴在宿主体内的生长发育过程受到宿主生长因子的影响。本文在实验室成功构建的泡球蚴体外培养体系的基础上,探讨宿主成纤维生长因子FGF与泡球蚴生长发育的相互关系,并初步阐述了FGF通过调控泡球蚴体内的ERK信号通路影响泡球蚴生长发育的分子机制。本文主要包括以下内容: (1)FGF影响体外培养泡球蚴的生长过程。分别从FGF影响泡球蚴囊泡的存活率、生长率来阐述FGF对于泡球蚴的生长过程的影响。在有血清和无血清培养液中,FGF均可以延长泡球蚴存活的时间,提高囊泡的存活率,尤其是在FGF浓度为50ng/ml时最为明...Alveolar echinococcosis, caused by the metacestode larval stage of the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis, is one of the parasitic zoonoses which seriously threaten our safety. Understanding the growth and development process of the parasite and the related factors is very important. Based on the in vitro culture system successfully established in our lab, we investigated the effect of fibroblas...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115242

    Study on the Synthesis and Adhesive Application of Chitosan Analogues

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    甲壳素与其脱乙酰基产物壳聚糖均可广泛用作药物载体、缓控释材料、杀菌、防腐保鲜、增强植物免疫力、活化细胞、改善土壤生态等领域。现有甲壳素及壳聚糖的生产方法存在原料分散、收集困难、污染大、成本高等问题,应用领域受限。因此,本研究选用了来源丰富、与壳聚糖结构相似的淀粉作原料,通过硫酸单酯化、成盐和氨基取代三步反应合成了壳聚糖类似物。开发的新工艺成本低、污染小、产率高,适合大规模生产。 本论文通过淀粉原料预处理及硫酸酯化的单因素探索实验确定了中和pH值为6、氨气作为中和和取代反应原料的工艺条件,淀粉硫酸单酯铵盐的合成收率可达到63.1%。实验结果表明在50℃、0.9MPa、5h条件下通入氨气合成类壳...Both of chitin and the deacetylated product of it, chitosan, can be widely used in drug carrier, controlled release materials, sterilization, antisepsis, enhance plant immunity, activation cells, soil improvement agent and so on. The existing chitin producing method has the problems of material scattered, difficult to collect, serious pollution and high costing, resulting in limited applications. ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062013115151