38 research outputs found

    Research on control system of meibomian gland massage instrument based on C8051F960 MCU

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    睑板腺功能障碍是引起蒸发过强型干眼症的主要原因。在我国,睑板腺功能障碍的发病率较高。本文针对睑板腺功能障碍治疗中最重要的步骤——热敷和睑板腺按摩,进行机电一体化研究,在已初步完成睑板腺按摩仪机械结构的基础上,进行睑板腺按摩仪控制系统研究,完成了相应控制电路板以及软件方案的设计,并进行了睑板腺按摩仪控制手柄外形设计。 该睑板腺按摩仪,通过按键进行控制,通过显示屏进行显示,同时具有非常人性的按键功能播报以及按摩环境参数播报功能,方便用户能够快速掌握按摩仪的使用。 睑板腺按摩仪控制系统包含以下模块:按键模块、主控MCU、电源模块、电机驱动模块、温度控制模块、压力控制模块、显示屏驱动模块、语音控制...Meibomian gland dysfunction is the main reason that cause evaporative dry eye,it has a higher incidence in China.Meibomian gland fomentation and massage is the most important steps for Meibomian gland dysfunction treatment. For this point, we conducted a electromechanical integration research. On the base of the completion of the massage structure, we study the control system of meibomian gland ma...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(机械工程)学号:1992013115293

    Meibomian gland function status in type 2 diabetes patients

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    摘要 目的:研究分析2型糖尿病患者的泪液及睑板腺特征,探讨睑板腺功能障碍在2型糖尿病相关干眼症的作用及相关影响因素。 方法:本研究为前瞻性的病例对照研究。选择2015年3月至2016年4月在厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心就诊的99例(198只眼)2型糖尿病患者,其中男47例94只眼(47.5%),女52例104只眼(52.5%),年龄范围40~77岁,平均年龄59.72±6.05岁,根据眼部症状轻重与糖化血红蛋白水平、糖尿病病程、糖尿病视网膜病变程度进行分组。同时收集年龄、性别相匹配的40例(80只眼)正常人群,其中男21例42只眼(52.5%),女19例38只眼(47.5%),年龄范围40~7...Abstract Aim of the study: To study the characteristics of tear and meibomian gland in type 2 diabetic and characterize meibomian gland dysfunction in the pathogenesis of dry eye in type 2 diabetic. Methodology : This study is a prospective and case-control study of 198 eyes of 99 type 2 diabetic patients,they were divided into groups according to the severity of ocular symptoms and the level ...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_眼科学学号:2452014115356

    Ex vivo expansion and differentiation of rat Meibomian gland progenitor cells

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    目的:睑板腺功能障碍(Meibomianglanddysfunction,MGD)尚无有效的药物治疗方法,通过优化大鼠睑板腺祖细胞(ProgenitorcellsofMeibomiangland)的培养方法,研究睑板腺祖细胞体外克隆培养、扩增、分化的特点及表型,可提供一种有效的体外药物筛选工具。 方法:从8周龄大鼠的眼睑中分离出睑板腺,通过酶消化法将其消化成为睑板腺单个细胞,与丝裂霉素处理过的3T3-L1细胞混合均匀后接种,用含激素的上皮培养基(Supplementalhormonalepithelialmedium,SHEM)进行克隆培养,在培养基中加入Y27632以增加克隆形成率,待克隆...Purpose: There is no effective treatment for Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), in this study we modified the expansion of meibomian gland peogenitor cells and investigated the molecular signatures of duct and acinus of Meibomian gland (MG) in vivo and Meibomian gland progenitor cells in vitro, besides, offered a new choice for screening drugs for MGD ex vivo. Methods: Fresh MG tissues were isol...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_眼科学学号:2452014115356

    The pathophysiology of meibomian gland dysfunction related ocular surface diseases and the molecular mechanism

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    第一部分:睑板腺功能障碍诱导的小鼠干眼动物模型的建立 目的:睑板腺功能障碍(MGD)是引起蒸发过强型干眼最常见的病因,但是MGD引起的眼表面病变的病理生理过程目前还知之甚少。本研究的主要目的是建立蒸发过强型干眼的动物模型,并观察该类型干眼的眼表病理变化过程。 方法:用裂隙灯显微镜观察外异蛋白基因(EctodysplasinA,EDA)突变鼠(Tabby鼠)的眼表病变过程,用荧光素钠染色方法检测Tabby鼠的角膜上皮缺损状况,用酚红棉线检测小鼠的水性泪液分泌,对角膜和眼睑进行H&E染色和油红染色。用扫描电镜观察眼表面上皮细胞的微绒毛变化。用蛋白质电泳(Westernblot)和/或实时定量P...Part I. A mouse dry eye model induced by meibomian gland dysfunction Purpose: Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is the most frequent cause of evaporative dry eye. However, its underlying pathophysiology is largely unknown. Our objective was to gain insight into the ocular surface change induced by MGD. Methods: Ocular surface changes of Ectodysplasin A(EDA) gene mutant Tabby mice were observed u...学位:理学博士院系专业:医学院_生理学学号:2452013015431

    Therapeutic effect of a new warm moist air device assisted with eyelid massage on office dry eye

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    目的:比较眼睑加热联合眼睑按摩与人工泪液对办公室干眼的疗效。方法:本研究纳入办公室工作人员干眼患者60例60眼,并随机分为2组。对照组给予人工泪液治疗,试验组给予蒸汽润眼仪联合眼睑按摩治疗。所有受检者均在治疗前、治疗后2、4wk按照以下顺序进行检查:眼表疾病指数问卷表、泪膜破裂时间、角膜荧光素染色、Schirmer Ⅰ试验与睑板腺分泌功能评估。结果:入选60例60眼干眼患者中,48例48眼患者(对照组23例23眼,试验组25例25眼)患有睑板腺功能障碍。4wk的治疗过程中,眼表疾病指数评分(F分组=41.63,P〈0.01)、泪膜破裂时间(F分组=60.47,P〈0.01)与睑板腺分泌物性质评分(F分组=12.12,P〈0.01),实验组疗效均优于对照组。角膜荧光素染色(F分组=1.79,P〉0.05)、泪液分泌量(F分组=0.17,P〉0.05)与睑板腺管通畅率评分(F分组=0.68,P〉0.05),两组间差异无统计学意义。结论:睑板腺功能障碍是我国办公室干眼的重要病因,眼睑加热联合眼睑按摩对办公室工作人员干眼疗效优于人工泪液。AIM: To investigate the therapeutic effect of a new warm moist air device assisted with eyelid massage in the treatment of office dry eye (ODE). METHODS: Sixty ODE patients were recruited, and these patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group received artificial tear treatment, and the other group received a new eyelid warm moist air device combined with eyelid massage treatment. Subjects completed the ocular surface disease index (OSDI), which was followed by fluorescein tear breakup time (BUT), corneal fluorescein staining (CFS), Schirmer I test (SIt) and meibomian gland secretion function evaluation at baseline, and 2 and 4wk after treatment. RESULTS: In these 60 patients, 48 patients (23 in artificial tear treated group and 25 in the new warm moist air device assisted with eyelid massage treated group) were positive for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Compared to artificial tear treatment, the new warm moist air device assisted with eyelid massage treatment showed favorable therapeutic effect on OSDI (FGroup=41.63, P<0.01), BUT (FGroup=60.47, P<0.01) and the grade of meibum quality (FGroup=12.12, P<0.01) during 4wk treatment in this study. No significant difference was found in SIT (FGroup=0.17, P>0.05), CFS (FGroup=1.79, P>0.05) and meibomian gland expressibility (FGroup=0.68, P>0.05) between the two groups during 4wk treatment. CONCLUSION: This new eyelid warm moist air device assisted with eyelid massage has favorable therapeutic effect over artificial tear in ODE treatment. Copyright 2017 by the IJO Press.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No.81500693

    Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in patients with pterygium

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    睑板腺功能障碍(meibomianglanddysfunction,MGD)是临床常见的一种眼表疾病,是引起蒸发过强型干眼的主要原因,其特征为腺体终末导管的堵塞和/或睑板腺分泌物的质或/和量的改变。睑板腺功能障碍的临床症状没有特异性,通常以眼部的红痛、异物感、干涩感等眼部刺激症状为主,在临床上容易被忽视。而翼状胬肉(pterygium)是球结膜及结膜下组织发生的变性的、良性增生性病变,常凸出于眼表面,其生长可越过角巩膜缘延伸至角膜表面,作为引起患者眼部不适而到眼科就诊的一种常见眼表疾病。翼状胬肉患者临床多以眼部干涩、烧灼感、异物感等干眼症状作为首诊表现,被认为与干眼的发病有相关性。迄今为止关于...Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)is one of the most commonly ocular surface disease in clinical practice, but the symptoms of MGD have no specificity, the consideration and examinations of meibomian gland abnormalities were easy to neglected by ophthalmologists. In 2011, MGD had been published the definition; a chronic, diffuse abnormality occurs in meibomian glands, the features are terminal duct...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_眼科学学号:2452012115321

    Significance of ocular surface interferometer in the diagnosis of Meibomian gland dysfunction

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    AIM: To investigate the significance of ocular surface interferometer in the diagnosis of Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD).METHODS: Prospective case-control studies. Totally 62 patients with MGD and 38 healthy volunteers were selected in Peking University Third Hospital from October to November in 2017. All subjects of both groups were examined respectively for Ocular Surface Disease Index Questionnaire(OSDI), slit-lamp anterior segment check, the eye surface interferometer inspection, and break up time. Independent sample t-test and chi-square test were used for comparison between the two groups. Spearman correlation analysis was used in the group of patients with MGD. RESULTS: In both groups, there were changes on the morphology of the eyelid, and the lesions were different. The score of OSDI, the discharge ability and the loss score of the MGD group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P). However, the lipid layer thickness(LLT)was significantly lower than that in the control group(P). There was no significant difference in BUT, the proportion of incomplete blink time, the score of Meibomian gland orifice and the quality score of the Meibomian gland discharge ability between the two groups(P>0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis indicated that the negative correlation between LLT and the OSDI questionnaire score(rs=-0.730, Prs=-0.639, Prs=-4.15, P=0.001); however, the positive correlation was shown between the loss of Meibomian gland and the OSDI questionnaire score(rs=0.790, PCONCLUSION: Meibomian gland dysfunction symptoms and signs significantly correlates with LLT, loss of Meibomian gland detected by ocular surface interferometer, so ocular surface interferometer can be used for rapid, noninvasive and objective diagnosis of Meibomian gland dysfunction and assess the stage of disease progression

    Correlation between infection with demodex folliculorum of eyelash and Meibomian gland dysfunction in elderly patients

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    AIM:To investigate the prevalence of demodex folliculorum in eyelashes of elderly patients with Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)and to find the correlation between the presence of demodex folliculorum and MGD. METHODS: The study involved elderly patients(age≥40)who visited Department of Ophthalmology in Fujian Provincial Hospital for the Elderly between September 2017 and March 2018. Patients were divided into MGD group(137 patients 137 eyes)and non-MGD group(96 patients 96 eyes). The patients underwent eyelid examinations by slit lamp, lipid secretion of the Meibomian gland, fluorescein corneal staining(FL), tear film breakup time(BUT). At the same time underwent epilation of eyelashes, and the number of Demodex was counted. The positive rate of demodex was compared between the two groups, the relation of number of demodex with eyelid margin score, lipid secretion of the meibomian gland, FL score and BUT were evaluated. RESULTS: The positive rate of demodex in MGD group was 89.1%, significantly higher than that of group non-MGD 74.0%(Pr=0.89, Pr=0.67, Pr=0.35, Pr=-0.37, PPCONCLUSION: There is a strong correlation between ocular moderate or severe demodex mites infection and MGD, suggesting that demodex folliculorum may play a pathogenic role in elderly patients with MGD

    Research of Flexible Gasbag Hot Compress Therapy of Meibomian Gland Massage Using Carbon Fiber

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    睑板腺功能障碍是引发干眼症的主要原因之一。睑板腺按摩配合热敷是一种治疗睑板腺功能障碍的有效辅助手段。该文针对自主设计的辊式睑板腺按摩仪,对其柔性气囊的热敷方式进行设计。采用碳纤维作为电发热丝,构成与柔性基材集成的电路,并配合控制电路,实现了对气囊的加热和温度控制。同时,研究了气囊与碳纤维的集成工艺,利用热压技术实现了碳纤维和柔性TPu薄膜的紧密结合,而不会影响按摩仪的按摩效果。该方法还可应用到其他以柔性材料为基材实现热敷的医疗器械中。Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD) is one of the main reasons for dry eye and Meibomian gland massage with hot compress therapy is an effective adjutant therapy for MGD.Based on the self-designed meibomian gland massager, a method of heating is designed with flexible gasbag in this paper.With control circuit and flexible circuit made of carbon fiber, as electric heating wire, it's able to heat the gasbag and control the temperature.An integrated technology for gasbag and carbon fiber which using hot-pressing to make TPU and carbon fibers fit closely together, will not have influence on the massage.According to this, this technology is applicable for other medical devices with flexible material and hot compress therapy

    Meibomian Gland Conditions in Visual Display Terminal Workers

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    睑板腺是人体最大的皮脂腺,位于眼睑的上下睑板层,合成、储存并分泌脂质,构成泪膜的脂质层,具有重要的生理功能。睑板腺功能障碍(meibomianglanddysfunction,MGD)作为一种常见的眼表疾病,是蒸发过强型干眼的主要原因,常以腺体末端导管堵塞和/或睑板腺分泌物质和/或量的改变为特征。MGD患者的临床表现通常以长期、反复的眼部红痛、异物感、眼干涩等刺激症状为主,并无特异性,易被临床医生忽略。目前,临床上对于睑板腺形态的观察,主要有红外线睑板腺照相系统和激光共聚焦显微镜两种设备。 随着科技进步,视频显示终端(visualdisplayterminals,VDT)的使用随之广泛应用,...The sebaceous meibomian glands(MG) in the eyelids, that synthesis, storage and secrete lipids for the superficial tear film layer,play an important role in maintaining a healthy ocular surface. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)is one of the most commonly ocular surface disease in clinical practice, but the symptoms of MGD have no specificity, the consideration and examinations of meibomian gland a...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_眼科学学号:2452011115337