89,834 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research

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    This article reviews and analyzes findings from research on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical research papers, which show the effects and influences of information & communication technologies (ICTs), or the effects of social contexts on ICTs use in informal scholarly communication, were analyzed and compared. Types of ICTs covered in those studies include e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. The review shows that most of the empirical studies examined the ICTs use effects or consequences. Only a few studies examined the social shaping of ICTs and ICT uses in informal scholarly communication. Based on comparisons of the empirical findings this article summarizes the ICT use effects/consequences as identified in the studies into seven categories and discusses their implications

    Research of the Japanese Youkai Culture in Animation

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    [[abstract]]In recent years, the creative industry has become one of the main trends for the country development in Asia; In Japan, traditional culture is a quite popular subject in animation films. One by one, after the creative thoughts from animation artists, lots of trational legend or folk stories became the main content in animation stories. To compare with other subjects in animation, traditional legend and folk story usually obtain more approval and support by the audience. In this case, the recreation of traditional culture can bring high value and profit, and to be the main direction, in the competition of animation industry developments in Asian countries. The folk believes in Taiwan is one of the features in tradition. It ’s easy to have response from Taiwanese audience with the kind of subject. With the complexity of historical background, there is a lot of culture varieties mixed together in Taiwan; which includes Chinese, Japanese South Asia and aboriginal cultures. Lots of god and sprits legends are very brilliant, which can become good creative elements. This dissertation mainly analyses Youkai culture subject in Japanese animations, and with further discussions about how to decorate the traditional story with creativity. At last analyse the reason of succeed in Japanese Youkai animation characteristics. The research introduces and exhaustive analysis to Youkai animation, and wish can be helped in future direction and concept for Taiwan, and those countries in Asia , who are in hurry to develop animation industry.


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    Lingnan Gardeners Bimonthly Newsletter (No. 42) = 嶺南彩園通訊 (第42期)

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    春痕 : 永安廣場的桃花綻放https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ln_gardeners_newsletter/1042/thumbnail.jp


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    [[abstract]]由於金融危機及先前主權債市動盪,再次引發對歐盟經濟治理的關注。針對經濟問題,歐盟高峰會設置一任務小組。2010年10月21日任務小組向歐盟高峰會提出一份報告,指出在保有國家財政及經濟政策之同時,各會員國間尤其是歐元區,經濟相互依賴度極高。任務小組建議應強化經濟治理,改革方向應朝五個面向發展。 第八屆亞歐高峰會議於2010年10月4至5日在比利時布魯塞爾舉行。亞歐高峰會主席於主持會議時表示,此次會議的主題在於討論「生活品質」,藉此達成所有公民更好的福利並給予更多的尊嚴。在此會議中,所有亞洲與歐洲成員國的領導人皆重申雙邊策略性對話與合作的議題,並且著重在平等的夥伴關係、相互間的尊重與利益分配。 伊斯坦堡是世界上唯一橫跨歐亞兩洲的城市,且在2010年還獲選為歐盟的文化之都。伊斯坦堡為何入選?土耳其不是穆斯林的世界嗎?土耳其為何想加入歐盟?伊斯坦堡的魅力在哪


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    [[abstract]]本研究主要討論大學粉絲專頁中,訊息與情緒反應之間的關係,以及何種情緒容易刺激粉絲產生參與和 分享。根據S-O-R模型與粉絲專頁所提供的功能分類,提出一套模型,測試訊息、情緒和互動三者之間 的關係。本研究樣本取自全球粉絲數量最多的大學機構,抓取所有文章,以及對應的粉絲回應數量與內 容,共計13,006則訊息。最終揭示粉絲行為與訊息形式具備相互影響關係,而且粉絲人數越多的大學機 構,明顯會善用訊息情緒引發有效互動,提升粉絲對於內容的留言與分享行為,進而刺激更高的內容自 然觸及率。[[notice]]補正完

    Dr Adrian Cheng Chi-kong 鄭志剛博士

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    嶺南學院屯門新校舍 = Lingnan College : new campus development : Tuen Mun

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    嶺南學院於一九九二年獲政府資助在屯門虎地計劃興建一座 面積三萬四仟平方米之新校舍,第一期設施包括二仟學生使 用之教學大樓、圖書館、行政樓及文康設施之主建築群於一 九九五年正式啟用,造價為三億八仟萬。而第二期設施包括 一仟伍佰學生之學生宿舍,一仟二佰席之演奏廳,教職員及 校長宿舍等,為一較完善之大專學院規劃。 校址座落於農村及前虎地軍營上,東依郊野綠翠,面臨青山 路 旁 ,環境優雅脱俗。 In 1992, Lingnan College commissioned to plan a new campus in Fu Tei, Tuen Mun with teaching and amenities facilities of 34,000m2 GFA to be provided for 2000 Students within a tight budget of HK $380 million in the first phase. Subsequent phases will offer a total of 1,500 hostel places for students together with an Auditorium of 1200 seats, a President Lodge and Staff Quarters. The Main Campus site is fronting Castle Peak Road to the west and the Country Park lies on the hill slopes to the east. Majority of the site was formerly the Fu Tei Refugee Camp with the rest of the site being dotted with graves, village houses and dense mature vegetation. 單張原尺寸: A3 (42cm x 29.7cm),以三摺對門式呈現 (17cm x 29.7cm),內容中英對照。 Dimension: A3 (42cm x 29.7cm), tri-fold leaflet; folded dimension (17cm x 29.7cm).https://commons.ln.edu.hk/lingnan_tuenmun_campus/1002/thumbnail.jp

    翻譯與殖民管治 : 早期香港史上的雙面譯者高和爾 (1816-1875) = Translation and colonial rule : Daniel Richard Caldwell (1816-1875), the duplicitous translator in early Hong Kong history

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    由於殖民者與被殖民者存在著語言上的隔閡,翻譯往往在殖民管治中扮演十分重要的角色。1842年割讓為英國殖民地的香港,在開埠之初便面對著嚴重的管治問題,其中一個主要原因是港英殖民政府缺乏可堪信賴的雙語人才,能夠處理好殖民者與被殖民者的溝通。本文為一龐大研究計劃「翻譯與香港殖民管治」的部分,透過整理大量原始資料及檔案,重點討論香港開埠初期港英政府裏的一名譯員高和爾(Daniel Richard Caldwell, 1816-1875)。他背景複雜,身份特殊,精通多種語言,儘管最初只是一名寂寂無名的法庭傳譯員,但卻做到法庭沒有他便沒法開庭審案的局面,最終更擢升總登記官以及首任撫華道之職,且遊走於正邪之間,既與上流社會保持密切關係,又跟汪洋海盜相往來。本文分析港英殖民管治初期的特殊政治、文化及語言時空,並闡述作為獨特個案的高和爾,怎樣發揮特殊功能,作出重大的貢獻,也產生深遠影響