1 research outputs found

    Research of Restoration of Tooth Enamel Caries by Hydrolysis of α-TCP

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    龋病是口腔科的常见病和多发病,发病始于牙冠,如不及时治疗,最终结果是牙齿丧失。龋病是牙齿硬组织逐渐被破坏的一种疾病,在龋病形成的早期,牙釉质表面开始脱矿,溶解破坏,此时若给予积极的治疗能够有效的阻止龋病进一步发展。 本文发展了一种α-磷酸三钙(α-TCP)水解法在牙釉质表面制备缺钙羟基磷灰石(CDHA)涂层的方法,修复早期的釉质龋;并对涂层的性能进行表征,探讨了不同的实验条件对涂层生长的影响;对α-TCP及其水解液进行细胞毒性评价;设计了一种用于牙釉质及龈缘密闭给药的牙套,使这种简便修复龋损的方法,具有潜在应用前景。 本研究结果表明牙釉质表面的酸蚀能够提高牙釉质表面的表面能和亲水性,增强表...Dental caries is a common and frequent disease in department of stomatology, with gradually damage of oral hard tissue. The crown is affected first, if dosn’t treat timely, the whole teeth will lost at last. At the early stage of dental caries, the enamel surface damage is began with by demineralizing and dissolving, active and positive treatment can prevent it from developing further. A novel me...学位:工程硕士院系专业:材料学院生物材料系_☆生物医学工程学号:2402005130254