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    The Impact of Knowledge Sharing Condition and Motivation on Knowledge Creation Capability in the Organization

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    [[abstract]]1. 研究動機與目的 公司購買資產是一項重要投資決策,其對股東財富之影響,有從效率觀點的「配適 假說」(fit hypothesis)(Maksimovic and Phillips, 2001; Warusawitharana, 2008)和從代理 問題出發的「自由現金流量假說」(free cash flow hypothesis)(Freund, Prezas, and Vasudevan, 2003)兩種解釋,在美國未有一致結論,可能有其他因素未被考慮;國內則尚無此研究, 有探討的必要。過去文獻依據行為財務理論已證實經理人常有過度樂觀或過度自信的心 理偏差,並導致不當的投資決策(Heaton, 2002; Malmendier and Tate, 2005, 2008; Lin, Hu, and Chen, 2005),但也有文獻認為可提升公司價值(Gervais, Heaton, and Odean, 2003)。是 以經理人過度樂觀對資產購買與股東財富之關係或許能提供額外解釋力,爰引起本文研 究動機。本研究目的即在檢視台灣上市上櫃公司過度樂觀的經理人是否會進行不利於公 司價值的資產購買活動。 2. 研究方法 採用三種事件研究法估計資產購買公司宣告期股票超額報酬(AR):傳統法、Jensen’s alpha法及虛擬變數迴歸;其中,虛擬變數法採panel data,係首先嘗試使用,其統計檢定 可不受同期事件報酬相關和事件間異質變異影響。其次分析經理人過度樂觀對公司累積 AR與成長機會、自由現金關係之影響。最後,檢視購買後長期營運績效與上述變數之 關係。計量方法包括分組差異檢定(t檢定與無母數)及迴歸分析。 3. 預期貢獻 這是首次對國內公司檢視資產購買與股東財富關係的研究,而考慮經理人心理偏差 可補充行為財務學的實證證據,及了解經理人行為偏差對投資決策的影響。預期結果: 經理人多有過度樂觀,其資產購買活動損害股東財富。結果可供經理人、投資人、分析 師及主管機關參考。 1. Motives and objectives Asset purchase is an important investment decision of firms. The impact of the activity on shareholder wealth can be explained by both “the fit hypothesis”from an efficiency viewpoint (Maksimovic and Phillips, 2001; Warusawitharana, 2008) and “the free cash flow hypothesis” from the agency problem viewpoint (Freund, Prezas, and Vasudevan, 2003); thus, the empirical results are mixed, and there are likely other factors not considered. Additionally, there is not any study about firm asset purchases in Taiwan. Thus, it is worthy of researching. Based on behavioral finance, past literature has documented that firm managers are typically overoptimistic or overconfident. This psychological bias will cause improper investment decisions (Heaton, 2002; Malmendier and Tate, 2005, 2008; Lin, Hu, and Chen, 2005); but, there is literature arguing that this bias can enhance firm values (Gervais, Heaton, and Odean, 2003). These concepts, therefore, encourage this research to examine whether managerial overoptimism offers an additional explanatory power to the relation between asset purchase and shareholder wealth. The purpose of this research is to examine whether managerial overoptimism in Taiwan’s stock-listed firms cause firms to perform asset purchases unfavorable for firm values. 2. Methodology This study uses three methods to estimate stock’s announcement-period abnormal returns (AR) for asset purchases: the traditional approach, Jensen’s alpha, and dummy variable regression, where the dummy variable regression is employed firstly by this study to increase statistic test power, using the panel data to allow cross-sectional contemporaneous correlations and heteroskedasticity among event returns. In turn, this study examines the effect of managerial overoptimism on the cross-sectional relation between CAR and both growth opportunities and free cash flows. Finally, the effect of managerial overoptimism on the cross-sectional relation between post-purchase of long-run operating performance and both growth opportunities and free cash flows is investigated. 3. Expected contributions This study is the first one in Taiwan that examines the relation between firm asset purchase and shareholder wealth. Moreover, in this issue considering managerial psychological bias can fill a gap in empirical evidence of behavioral finance and offer advanced knowledge about the impact of managerial psychological bias on investment decision. This study expects that managers are typically overoptimistic and the bias will cause asset purchase behaviors to harm shareholder wealth. The study’s results should be useful for corporation managers, investors, securities analysts, and regulatory agencies


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    [[abstract]]當跨足?岸企業面?引進資訊系統之抉擇時,將針對該公司經營策?、經濟、組織、環境、員工接受?等因素做全盤性之考?。面對?岸瞬息萬變之環境,應用一套有效規畫模式,使企業引進資訊系統時,在有限資源情況下獲得最佳化之結果,以協助?岸企業達成經營之績效。基於決策過程的客觀性與整體性考?因素,本研究整合定性方式之策?規畫(strategic planning)??、群體決策(group decision model)分析,及定?方式之層級程序分析法(analytic hierarchy process; AHP)、灰關?分析(grey relation analysis; GRA),建置一套「跨足?岸企業規畫引進資訊系統」之模式。本研究以「A公司」為案?,結果發現,以存貨資訊系統下之貨物管?子系統為最優先考?引進,同系統下之物?規畫子系統次之,?銷支援資訊系統下之通?資訊子系統為最後考?。為符合?岸三地貨品、原物?配送供應鏈所需,建議A公司應優先引進存貨資訊系統,以協助提升公司營運績效。 When considering adopting information systems, enterprises, especially the cross-strait enterprises, will take into account of operating strategy, finance, organization, environment, employees, and etc. Facing the fast changing environment of the two sides of the Taiwan strait, there should be an efficient planning model for enterprises. Then, when adopting information system, enterprises will get the best result with limited resources; it can also help the enterprises achieve their business goals. Based on the objective and all considerable elements in the decision making process, this study established an "Planning for adopting the information system planning for the cross-strait enterprise" model integrating the strategic planning theory, the group decision model analysis of the qualitative method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), grey relation analysis (GRA) of the quantitative method. This study chose "A Company" as the research object. The result shows that the subsystem under the Inventory information system-Goods management system should be adopted first; the Material planning system under the same major system should be the second; the Distribution information system under the Marketing support information system should be the last. In order to fit the need of products and material supply chain, this study suggests that A Company. should actively adopt the Inventory information system to increase company's operating achievements


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    [[alternative]]The Value-Relevance of Intangible Assets in Taiwan - The Effect of Stock Cylce, Industry, and Firm Type

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