15,292 research outputs found

    翻譯與殖民管治 : 早期香港史上的雙面譯者高和爾 (1816-1875) = Translation and colonial rule : Daniel Richard Caldwell (1816-1875), the duplicitous translator in early Hong Kong history

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    由於殖民者與被殖民者存在著語言上的隔閡,翻譯往往在殖民管治中扮演十分重要的角色。1842年割讓為英國殖民地的香港,在開埠之初便面對著嚴重的管治問題,其中一個主要原因是港英殖民政府缺乏可堪信賴的雙語人才,能夠處理好殖民者與被殖民者的溝通。本文為一龐大研究計劃「翻譯與香港殖民管治」的部分,透過整理大量原始資料及檔案,重點討論香港開埠初期港英政府裏的一名譯員高和爾(Daniel Richard Caldwell, 1816-1875)。他背景複雜,身份特殊,精通多種語言,儘管最初只是一名寂寂無名的法庭傳譯員,但卻做到法庭沒有他便沒法開庭審案的局面,最終更擢升總登記官以及首任撫華道之職,且遊走於正邪之間,既與上流社會保持密切關係,又跟汪洋海盜相往來。本文分析港英殖民管治初期的特殊政治、文化及語言時空,並闡述作為獨特個案的高和爾,怎樣發揮特殊功能,作出重大的貢獻,也產生深遠影響

    Research of the Japanese Youkai Culture in Animation

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    [[abstract]]In recent years, the creative industry has become one of the main trends for the country development in Asia; In Japan, traditional culture is a quite popular subject in animation films. One by one, after the creative thoughts from animation artists, lots of trational legend or folk stories became the main content in animation stories. To compare with other subjects in animation, traditional legend and folk story usually obtain more approval and support by the audience. In this case, the recreation of traditional culture can bring high value and profit, and to be the main direction, in the competition of animation industry developments in Asian countries. The folk believes in Taiwan is one of the features in tradition. It ’s easy to have response from Taiwanese audience with the kind of subject. With the complexity of historical background, there is a lot of culture varieties mixed together in Taiwan; which includes Chinese, Japanese South Asia and aboriginal cultures. Lots of god and sprits legends are very brilliant, which can become good creative elements. This dissertation mainly analyses Youkai culture subject in Japanese animations, and with further discussions about how to decorate the traditional story with creativity. At last analyse the reason of succeed in Japanese Youkai animation characteristics. The research introduces and exhaustive analysis to Youkai animation, and wish can be helped in future direction and concept for Taiwan, and those countries in Asia , who are in hurry to develop animation industry.


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    1998年3月,中國(海南)改革發展研究院正式提出“關於實行瓊台農業項下自由貿易的建議報告”。 這項建議的提出,曾在海內外產生反響,但由於種種原因,未能實施,今天當中國和中國臺灣先後加入WTO 之後,此項建議,是否還有價值,是否可行,在新形勢下如何推動,本文將對這些問題進行探討

    Integrated learning programme 2016-2017 : term 2

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    This Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) guidebook provides details about ILP courses offered during 2016-2017 second term in Lingnan University, Hong Kong.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ilp_guidebook/1028/thumbnail.jp

    嶺南通訊 Lingnan Newsletter (第3期)

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    On the Causes of landslides in Shinkai Village

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    This study combines rainfall records, geological surveys, satellite images, and digital terrain model data to explore the possible factors causing landslides in Shinkai. The geological data surveyed soon after disasters has become invaluable due to a reclamation project in the landslide area. The results show that the landslide area consists of low metamorphic rocks which have been severely schistosed and jointed into wedge-shaped weak planes. When a typhoon brought large quantities and long durations of rainfal, the rock wedges slipped along the weak planes when they were lubricated by water and moved to the Shinkai village, finally leading to large disasters. The causes of landslides in Shinkai are similar to those in Siaolin village, and the landslides happened repeatedly. These findings point to the importance of geological surveys prior to hillside development. development.本研究綜和雨量、地質、衛星影像與數值地形資料,探討2009 年莫拉克颱風於新開地區所引發的土石流地質災害成因探討,並同時與小林村的地質災害成因比較。在災區進行植生綠化工程之後,地質調查資料更顯彌足珍貴,本研究認為新開地區發生土石災害的因素為:低度變質板岩區受岩石劈理與節理切割,岩性變的脆弱,加上高累積雨量與長降雨歷時,使岩層飽含水分,增加荷重,上方岩塊沿岩石劈理面與節理面形成順向坡滑動並構成楔形破壞,岩塊和著水形成土石流向下游流動造成災害。此一土石流災害肇生因素與高雄小林村土石流災害發生背景有相似之處,且兩地最引人注目的特徵是皆位於曾經發生過土石流災害的地區,說明山坡地開發前進行地質調查的重要性


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    Retrogressive sliding can be observed in groundwater-induced landslides. The major inducing factor of this phenomenon is the fluidization in the down-hillslope and the soil of the bottom-layers. Moreover, when the water content in the area around the groundwater input pipe surpasses 29%, sag in the upper soil layer can also occur. As the groundwater discharge increases in experiments with the same slope, the equilibrium time needed to achieve landslide equilibrium gets shorter and the durations of landslides also decrease. As the slope in experiments with the same level of groundwater discharge increases, the equilibrium time required to achieve landslide equilibrium gets shorter, the landsliding area in a specific time period gets larger and the total landsliding area also decreases.由地下水誘發自由端邊坡滑動現象,崩塌型態屬於後退型崩塌。主要誘發因子為滲透水分造成下層土壤流動化及地下水輸入管鄰近區域因土壤土體底層水分飽和度超過29%而產生土壤下陷現象。在相同坡度的邊坡滑動實驗中,地下水量越增加,達到邊坡滑動平衡的時間越短且發生滑動次數越少;而在相同輸入地下水量的邊坡滑動實驗中,坡度越增加則達邊坡滑動平衡時間越短、有越高比例的滑動面積集中在特定時段,且總滑動面積也會因此減少

    嶺暉 (第112期)

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