5 research outputs found

    Design of Automatically Programmed System for Punching and Shearing and Its Key Technology

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    冲裁加工广泛应用于金属薄板件的加工。论文根据敏捷制造的先进制造技术理念,以制造单元-冲裁加工为研究对象,通过对二维数控冲裁薄板工件的工艺过程和加工特点分析,基于AutoCAD图形信息,研发了一套适合冲裁加工制造单元的数控冲床自动编程软件系统(Punch-CAM)。本系统的开发有助于通过对传统冲床的数字化改造,实施多品种、小批量产品的敏捷制造,从而为薄板工件冲裁加工的数字化和网络化制造奠定了一定基础。通过自动编程和动态仿真的实现,大大提高了数控编程的效率,降低了编程难度和劳动量;提高了生产效率和安全性,避免了加工中的误操作,完全避免了编程中的误操作;有助于生产过程中的自动化。论文通过对工件常有的...Machining of punching and shearing as a manufacturing cell is widely used for the metal sheet manufacturing.According to one of the advanced manfacturing technology theory -- thought of agile manufacturing, the thesis develops an Automatically Programmed System( named as Punch-CAM) for NC machining of punching and shearing.The system analyses the technical process and the machining characteristic ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_测试计量技术及仪器学号:20032902

    The Relevant Legal Problems of Antitrust in E-commerce Market

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    电子商务是以电子化的方式来实现传统的贸易活动,它以信息网络为依托,极大地方便了商业信息交流,提高了商业运营效率,其诞生和发展为人类提供了一种全新的商业运作方式,同时也带来了对传统竞争理论的挑战。电子商务市场竞争、垄断的新形式、新特点,导致传统反垄断理论对电子商务市场的解释力度有所下降。因此,在电子商务市场,传统反垄断理论必须有所拓展。本文以电子商务市场为研究领域,结合电子商务市场出现的新商务模式与竞争特性以及国外已有的相关案例,重点分析论证了传统反垄断理论中“相关市场界定理论”、“限制竞争协议理论”和“企业合并控制理论”在电子商务市场的应用,并提出一些必要的拓展意见。全文分为前言、正文、结论三...E-commerce is a kind of trade activities that is realized electronically. Supported by networks, E-commerce facilitates the exchange of commercial information and improves the efficiency of commercial operation. It provides human beings with a brand-new way to carry out commercial operation, which greatly challenges traditional theories on competition. The new forms and new characteristics of comp...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:20020807

    A study on E-commerce dispute-settlement system

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    1990年代以来,电子商务迅速崛起并逐步取代传统商务而成为21世纪国际商务的主要模式。要妥善解决电子商务争议,为电子商务的发展创造良好的法制环境,应从两个方面着手构建专门的争议解决机制:一是对传统争议解决机制作适应性的调整和改革;二是运用网络技术创建在线争议解决机制。作为发展中国家,我国的电子商务发展起步较晚,关于电子商务争议解决的理论、立法和实践也相对落后。为此,我国在构建电子商务争议解决机制过程中应充分发挥后发优势迎头赶上。本文运用比较的、实证的和逻辑的方法,针对电子商务争议的特征及其解决的特殊需要,从理论、立法和争议解决实践等多个层面,对传统争议解决机制的改革与完善、在线争议解决机制的构...Since the 1990s, e-commerce has developed sharply and replaced traditional business gradually as the mainstream international business mode in the 21st century. To solve the e-commerce dispute properly and create a favorable legal environment for the development of e-commerce, effort should be made to construct a special dispute settlement mechanism from two perspectives: The first is adaptive adj...学位:博士后院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:BH1700009

    A Research on Some Practical Problems under Chinese EC Development

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    进入21世纪,网络对每一个人的生活或多或少产生了影响,对于那些实施电子商务(ElectronicCommerce,E-Commerce,EC)的企业更是如此。电子商务在我国的广泛应用改变了企业传统的管理、经营模式以及会计模式。在实现了书写电子化、信息传送数据化、支付手段现代化的同时,与电子商务相关的一系列管理、法律和审计等问题也都发生了一系列重大的变化。本文将以我国电子商务发展过程中出现的若干问题为出发点,对电子商务相关的法律及制度问题、工商管理问题以及电子商务环境下的审计等问题进行了相关的研究,主要内容包括以下几大部分。第一、二章针对电子商务基础环境和电子商务自身特点分析了电子商务发展的趋势...Taking a step to the 21st Century, net influences human’s daily life more or less, especially influences those enterprises, which has already put e-commerce into practice. The prevailing e-commerce’s application in China changed our enterprises’ traditional model of management, administration and accounting. At the same time of realizing electronification of writing, digitalization of information ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:K2000748

    Technique of graphics processing in agility mould for punching and shearing system design

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    介绍了敏捷冲裁模具系统的组成模块及其功能结构.详细阐述了其中图形处理模块的数控编程技术的开发方法,通过分析数据交换文件(DXF)图形文件结构,提取数控加工所需的数据信息,再根据现场加工工艺要求,对这些图形数据作进一步处理,然后自动生成机床加工的数控代码格式.同时,该系统模块具有加工动态仿真和NC代码检验功能,从而提高了加工效率和加工质量.In order to respond to rapid manufacturing, an agility mould system and its components for metal sheet punching and shearing was proposed. Technique of NC programmed in graphics processing system was particular explained. On the basis of analyzing the structure of data exchange files, the data information requested for numerical control(NC) machining was gotten. According to punching technics conditions in the workshop, the data were processed again, and automatically create NC codes. A plane dynamic model was given to simulate machining process and verify the NC code, which improves greatly machining efficiency and quality