447 research outputs found

    Survey on 「二十四孝原線」 in Vietnam

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    「二十四孝別集」 (a printed book ) was included in 『四十八孝詩画党集』, which was edited in 1867 by Dang Huy Tru (鄧茝著). 「二十四孝別集」is now in the possession of the Hanoi Sino-Nom Research Institute. There is only one literature which is related to「二十四孝別集」in Vietnam. So, we can say that this must be an important literature. However, until now there has been virtually no research done in Vietnam on 「二十四孝別集」. This paper will compare the 「二十四孝別集」 (included in 『四十八孝詩画党集』) in Vietnam with the 「二十四孝別集」 (carried in 「䞉逘堂叢刻」) and the 「二十四孝別録」 (included in 『前埌孝行録』) of China to clarify its receptiondiffusion and transformation in Vietnam. We point out that 「二十四孝別集」(carried in 『䞉逘堂叢刻』) is the original manuscript of the 「二十四孝別集」(included in 『四十八孝詩画党集』). Howevercompared with 「二十四孝別集」(carried in 『䞉逘堂叢刻』), there were some modifications and some parts was omitted, furthermore, putting Dang Huy Tru(鄧茝著)‘s own 「䞃蚀絶句」poem into the 「二十四孝別集」(included in 『四十八孝詩画党集』)of Vietnam. So we can say that 「二十四孝別集」(included in 『四十八孝詩画党集』) of Vietnam was not regarded as the original manuscript of China. Moreover, this is the point reveals characteristic features of Vietnamese style.東アゞアの思想ず構造文郚科孊省グロヌバルCOEプログラム 関西倧孊文化亀枉孊教育研究拠

    Dang Huy Tru and 「二十四孝原線」 in Vietnam

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    「二十四孝原線」 (a printed book, now in the possession of the Hanoi Sino-Nom Research Institute) was edited in 1867 by Dang Huy Tru (鄧茝著, and was included in『四十八孝詩畫党集』). However, until now there has been virtually no research done in Vietnam on 「二十四孝原線」. This paper will compare the 「 二十四孝原線」 (included in『四十八孝詩畫党集』) in Vietnam with the「二十四孝原線」 (carried in『䞉逘堂叢刻』) of China to clarify its reception, diffusion and transformation in Vietnam. We point out that both of them have similar contents and that「二十四孝原線」 (carried in『䞉逘堂叢刻』) is the original manuscript of the 「二十四孝原線」 (included in 『四十八孝詩畫党集』). However, it was not regarded as the original manuscript. It can be argued that 「二十四孝原線」 (included in 『四十八孝詩畫党集』) reveals characteristic features of Vietnamese style

    A study of the brother tale "Zhangxiao and Zhangli" on the tales of twenty-four dutiful sons and daughters : A problem of shifts of tales

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    The study of the Tales of twenty : four dutiful sons and daughters

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    The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars belong to Ly Van Phuc sections and Diary of Historical Events

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    In Nguyen Dynasty, Ly Van Phuc adapted the Chinese "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars", which belong to Diary of Historical Events『日蚘故事』sections into "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars" by Nom script under a form of poetry called "seven-seven-six-eight" 双䞃六八䜓. At present, there are 29 documents related to "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars" in Vietnam. Among them, there are 17 documents belong to Ly Van Phuc sections. The representative documents of Diary of Historical Events『日蚘故事』sections are 䞇暊䞉十九幎版、寛文九幎版、二十四孝原線、『超子固二十四孝曞画合壁』、「二十四孝原本」. In this paper, we compare five representative documents of Diary of Historical Events『日蚘故事』 sections, we pointed out that the 「二十四孝原本」is an original document of "The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars" which belong to Ly Van Phuc sections. However we can say that they were not observed as an original text"The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars" which belong to Ly Van Phuc section referred not only 「二十四孝原本」 but also used another documents. It can be said making the characteristics of Vietnamese style文郚科孊省グロヌバルCOEプログラム 関西倧孊文化亀枉孊教育研究拠点東アゞアの思想ず構

    Research on the Relationship of Saikaku's “Honcho Nijufuko” and Nijushiko

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    舜子倉文ず『二十四孝』  「二十四孝」の誕生

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    埡䌜草子『二十四孝』の説話本文に぀いお  枅原枝賢の孊問をめぐっお

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    「二十四孝」朱寿昌の刺血写経  事実ず虚構 続

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