3,882 research outputs found

    Gold-Catalyzed Tandem Reactions of Alkynes for the Synthesis of Heterocycles and Polycyclic Compounds

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    均相金催化由于其催化活性高、反应条件温和、官能团兼容性好等特点,成为近十几年来均相催化领域中最为活跃的研究热点之一。基于均相金催化的这些特性,化学家们发展了一系列行之有效的合成方法学,并将其成功应用于众多天然产物,生物活性分子,药物中间体等的合成之中。本论文将根据目前对金催化的认识,把金催化剂的方便可调性、独特催化活性和串联反应的经济性、高效性有机结合起来,设计、发展一些均相金催化引发的串联环化反应,为合成具有重要结构骨架和功能作用的分子尤其是环状化合物提供全新的合成策略,推动均相金催化的发展,特别是发展一些不同于以往的高效、简洁、可信的合成方法学。 论文主要包括以下六个部分: 论文第一部...Homogeneous gold catalysis has become one of the most active research fields in organic chemistry in the past decade due to its high catalytic activities, benign reaction conditions and good tolerance of various functional groups. Based on these specific features, significant methodologies have been developed and many of them have been successfully applied into the synthesis of numerous natural pr...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052014015391

    Construction of Pyrazoles from N‑Propargylic Sulfonylhydrazones and Synthesis of a-Amino Ketones through N-N bond Cleavage of Hydrazones

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    有机含氮化合物,广泛存在于自然界,譬如氨基酸等链状化合物,是生命活动不可缺少的物质。而含氮杂环化合物作为杂环化学的一个重要分支,其在农药、医药、染料及配体化学方面的应用也越来越广泛。 本论文的研究内容主要是以多官能团化的磺酰腙化合物为底物,在过渡金属以及无机碱等催化剂的催化下进行多步的串联反应合成了一系列具有生物活性的含氮化合物,并且建立了系统的相应有机合成方法学。研究内容主要包括以下五章: 第一章:本章内容简要介绍了N,N-二取代腙化学与有机串联反应,分为两部分:第一部分为腙化学简介;第二部分为有机串联反应简介。 第二章:本章内容为5,6-二氢吡唑并[1,5-c]喹唑啉类化合物的串联环...Nitrogen-containing compounds occupy an important position in modern organic chemistry because of their ubiquity in nature. For example, amino acids, linear nitrogen-containing compounds, that is essential for growth and normal metabolis. nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds as an important branch of heterocyclic compounds, which are extensively used in agrochemical, medicinal, dye, and liga...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052014015391

    Optimization of process and operation parameters of organic wastewater treatment by self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor

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    印染废水与畜禽养殖废水是目前排放量较大且处理难度较高的有机废水。膜生物反应器(MBR)具有占地面积小、固液分离效率高、耐负荷冲击能力强、出水水质稳定等特点,在上述废水处理应用方面取得了较好的效果。但MBR法处理有机废水过程中,膜污染难题难以得到有效控制和解决。动态生物膜反应器(DMBR)由于具备造价低、阻力小、易清洗等优点,被广大研究工作者关注并研究。但动态膜工艺在运行过程中存在膜污染问题,因此动态膜污染及调控策略是目前污水处理领域关注的热点和难点。 本文观察了动态膜在形成初、中、末期的形态变化,发现随着动态膜的形成,动态膜表面的凝胶层逐渐增多,动态膜基材的孔隙逐渐缩小,截留能力越来越强。胞...Dyeing and livestock breeding wastewater with high amount emission are hard to treatment.Membrane bioreactor (MBR) provides a good effect in the treatment of the wastewaters with less land occupation, high solid liquid separation efficiency, strong load impact resistance, and stable outlet water quality.However, in the process of high concentration organic wastewater treatment by MBR method, the p...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:X201119200

    Research progress in Li-ion battery pack inconsistency control

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    NaBARF-Catalyzed Intermolecular Oxidative Cyclization of Dialkynes

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    二炔化合物是有机合成中重要的中间体,近几年其参与的反应受到科学家们 的广泛关注,其中在Lewis酸催化二炔的氧化环化反应中取得了一定的进展。本 论文主要通过NaBARF来催化二炔的双氧化及二炔的分子间氧化串联环化反应。 内容分为以下两个部分: 论文第一部分研究了NaBARF催化二炔的双氧化反应合成各种不同的吡咯 酮及哌啶酮衍生物。传统二炔的双氧化反应都由铑,金等贵金属催化来实现,然 而我们仅用NaBARF就很好地催化了1,5-二炔的双氧化反应,而且把该二炔化 合物拓展到1,6-二炔,同样得到较好的结果。这一过程的实现为二炔的双氧化研 究提供了一种新的实用的途径。 第二部分研究...Dialkyne compound is an important intermediate in organic synthesis, in recent years, scientists have paid more and more attention to the reaction which contains dialkynes, and some progress has been made in the cascade oxidation reaction of dialkynes catalyzed by Lewis acid. In this thesis, we mainly use NaBARF salt as a catalyst to catalyze the double oxidation reactions of dialkynes and the...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052014115155

    Studies on Direct Vinylation of α, β-Sec-Amides with Potassium Organotrifluoroborate and the Cascade of an Imino Nazarov Reaction: One-Pot access to Polysubstituted Cyclopent-2-enimines

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    多取代环戊基胺是许多具有生物性或药理功能的天然产物的骨架结构。经典的Nazarov环化反应通过戊二烯基阳离子发生4π电环化,是合成五元碳环最重要的方法之一。但以戊二烯亚胺为底物的4π电环化反应,即亚胺型Nazarov反应,至今尚未被系统研究过,是极具挑战性的课题。本论文直接从仲酰胺出发在本实验室前期发展的酰胺活化形成碳-碳键方法学基础上利用仲酰胺与有机三氟硼酸钾发生亲核加成反应并串联亚胺纳扎罗夫反应“一锅法”合成多取代环戊烯亚胺类化合物。主要取得的结果如下:1、以α,β-不饱和仲酰胺为底物与有机三氟硼酸钾反应制备了一系列3-亚胺-1,4-戊二烯类化合物。2、以,...Polysubstituted cyclopentylamines scaffolds are ubiquitous in both natural products and biologically important molecules. The classical Nazarov reaction through a conrotatory 4π-electron electrocyclic ring closure of a pentadienyl cation is one of the most important protocol to construct these skeletons. However, the study of Imino-Nazarov cyclization, which features electrocyclic ring closure of ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052014115154

    Studies on the C-C Bond Formation Methods Based on the Activation of Secondary Amides and the Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Cylindricine D

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    有机合成方法学和天然产物全合成是有机化学的两个重要分支,直接推动并促进有机化学及药物研发等相关学科领域的发展。 本论文包含两方面的工作,一是发展基于仲酰胺活化形成C–C键方法学的研究,二是拓展叔酰胺一瓶双烷基化构筑N-杂季碳的方法学应用到Cylindricine类生物碱的不对称合成研究。 酰胺是一类重要的有机合成和药物合成中间体,也构成了蛋白质的主要结构特征。此外,酰胺基常用作胺的保护基、C–H活化反应的活化定位基团。然而,酰胺高度稳定,羰基的反应活性非常低。因此,发展具有步骤经济性和普适性的酰胺直接形成C–C键的转化方法,是一兼具挑战性和重要意义的课题。 Cylindricine类生物...Organic synthetic methodology and total synthesis of natural products are two important branches of organic chemistry, which continue to promote the development of chemistry, drug R & D and relative fields. This thesis contains two parts. Part I, based on the amide activation, developed methodologys for the transformations of secondary amides in C-C bond formation, and part II, study towards asym...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_有机化学学号:2052011015369


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    Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment by automatic solid phase extraction and chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry

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    建立了全自动固相萃取-三重四级杆串联质谱同时测定沉积物中27种多氯联苯的分析方法。样品经1; :1(体积比)丙酮正己烷超声提取后经全自动固相萃取仪净化,采用气相色谱/三重四级杆串联质谱在多反映监测模式(MRM)下进行测定。在MRM模式下用; 两对离子对对多氯联苯进行分析,对母离子进行了碰撞能优化;27种多氯联苯的线性范围为2~200 mug/L,线性的相关系数(r~2) > 0.; 9945,方法检出限在0. 023~0. 060 mug/kg之间,加标回收率为84. 0%~118%,相对标准偏差< 6. 5%。An analytical method was established for simultaneous determination of; 27 polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) residues in sediment by automatic; solid phase extraction and gas chromatography coupled with triple; quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) . The samples were extracted; with acetone hexane,cleaned up by automatic solid phase extracter,then; analyzed by GC/MS/MS using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. As; the results showed,27 PCBs were analyzed in the MRM mode using two pairs; of ions. The collision energy of the parent ion was optimized. The liner; range of 27 PCBs were all larger than 0. 9945,the method detection; limits (MDLs) were form 0. 023 mug/kg to 0. 060 mug/kg, the average; recovery rate were in the range of 84. 0% ~118% and the RSD were less; than 6. 5%. The method was proved to be highly automated,; simple,selective with good reproducibility and it can be suitable for; the trace analysis of PCBs in sediment.厦门南方海洋研究中心海洋生态环境监测和水产品检测服务平台项目基