121,638 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Nilai Willingness to Pay Dalam Perhitungan Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan (Studi Kasus : Candi Gedong Songo, Vihara Buddhagaya Watugong, Dan Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah)

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    Gedong Songo Temple, Grand Mosque Of Central Java and Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery are some areas as vacation objects that have many historical value frequented by tourists both local and foreign tourists. Based on this, we need a mep of the region's economic value zone (ZNEK) of the Gedong Songo Temple, The Grand Mosque Of Central Java and Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery to use the willinengss to pay in the calculation of economic value zone in this area of these attractions.Sampling method (respondents) were used in this research is non probability sampling with incidental sampling technique. In a field survey questionnaire needed TCM (Travel Cost Method) which is used to calculate the direct use value (DUV) and questionnaire CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) used to calculate the existence value (EV). Data processing method used is multiple linear regression analysis and calculations software WTP using Maple 14.In this research, the results obtained in the form of a map Zone Economic Value Area. Gedong Songo Temple with WTP value of Rp 39.734,- with consumer surplus of Rp 739.022,- in order to obtain the total economic value of Gedong Songo Temple Rp,- . Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery with WTP value of Rp 30.055,- with consumer surplus amounted Rp129.953,- in order to obtain the total economic value of Buddhagaya Watugong as Buddhist Monastery Rp1.859.627.753,- . The Grand Mosque Of Central Java with WTP value of Rp 49.008,- with consumer surplus of Rp 6.260.711,- in order to obtain the total economic value of The Grand Mosque Of Central Java Rp 1.366.531.749.00,

    Pemanfaatan Nilai Willingness to Pay Untuk Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Menggunakan Travel Cost Method Dan Contingent Valuation Method Dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Kawasan Tamansari YOGYAKARTA)

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    Jogjakarta is a city in Indonesia which has a lot of interesting tourism place to be visited.Tamansari is one of tourism places in Jogjakarta which does not only have potential in their beauty, but also became one tourist destination areas. Based on this thing, region economic value zone map (ZNEK) is needed to figure out economic value based on TCM (Travel Cost Method) and CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) in that region.The respondent withdrawal method used in this final project is non probability sampling with incidental sampling technique which is for the respondents who are accidentally met at the location. The data processing method is multiple linear regression analysis and calculated using Maple 17 software.In this final project research, the result was region economic value zone map which had consumer surplus domestic of Rp 2.734.791,-, consumer surplus foreign tourist of Rp 237.615.621,- and WTP value of Rp 43.833,- for CVM, so that it was obtained that the total economic value of Tamansari domestic was Rp,- and total economic value of Tamansari foreign tourist was Rp 15.963.237.947.900,- (consumer surplus value per individual multiplied by number of visitors on 2015)

    Willingness To Pay Masyarakat terhadap Penggunaan Jasa Pengolahan Sampah

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    The aims of this study are to analysis factors such as the amount of income, education level, and the number of frequencies transporting effect on willingness to pay (WTP) by the respondent that using waste management services. This study is to see how much the value of WTP who are willing to pay by the respondents and how much the level of compliance of the respondents in using waste management service in Kelurahan Rajabasa Raya. This study uses data derived from questionnaires. This study uses Binary Logistic Regression with analysis tools SPSS ver. 15. The results from this study indicate that income and education levels factors have positive and significant effect to WTP. While the frequency of transporting has a positive but not significant effect to WTP. The average value of WTP that willing to pay by respondents is Rp. 18,200. Based on the respondents who are willing to pay and are not willing to pay, we can see the level of compliance of the public against the use of waste management services. By 73 or 77.7% of respondents have a level of compliance with the willing to pay to continue using the waste management services. The remaining 21 respondents, or 22.3% of total respondents have a low compliance

    Analisis Willingness To Pay untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Sebagian Desa Sitimulyo dan Bawuran

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    Penilaian sumberdaya air di Desa Sitimulyo dan Bawuran dapat dilakukan dengan analisis kesediaan membayar atau WTP. Nilai WTP dipengaruhi oleh faktor potensi sumberdaya air dan faktor sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan air untuk domestik, nilai WTP rumah tangga, dan pengaruh variabel WTP rumah tangga. Metode kuantitatif digunakan dalam analisis hasil wawancara. Wawancara ditentukan dengan metode sistematik sampling. Jumlah kebutuhan air rumah tangga dihitung menggunakan rumus perhitungan konsumsi air, sedangkan nilai WTP dan variabel pengaruh dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) rata-rata kebutuhan air domestik di sebagian Desa Sitimulyo sebanyak 63 liter/orang/hari dan Bawuran sebanyak 74 liter/orang/hari. Jumlah tersebut lebih besar dari nilai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) sebanyak 60 liter/orang/hari. (2) Nilai WTP manfaat air sebesar Rp Rp 4.100/m3 untuk Sitimulyo dan sebesar Rp 4.300/m3 untuk Bawuran. Nilai WTP untuk keberlanjutan sumberdaya air yaitu sebesar Rp 4.100/m3 untuk Sitimulyo dan sebesar Rp 4.400/m3 untuk Bawuran. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari WTP standar yaitu Rp 3.900/m3 dan harga air PDAM Rp 2.500/m3. (3) Variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai WTP rumah tangga ialah jumlah anggota rumah tangga dan sumber air

    Willingness To Pay Perbaikan Kualitas Pelayanan Kereta Api

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    : The research aims to estimate Willingness to Pay of the people who use the economy class train long-distance of Jogja-Jakarta and to know what the factors are influencing willingness to pay motive. The research uses the primary data of 146 respondents that randomly chosen from the random sampling. Willingness to pat can be estimated with the contingent valuation method (CVM). Based on the analysis, the average value of willingness to pay/person for the fare of economic class train of Jogja-Jakarta is around Rp78, 866, 00 with the total willingness to pay is around Rp11, 514, 500, 00. Factors that is predicted to influence the amount of willingness to pay for the respondents are age which has positive influence and significant towards willingness to pay. The variable of education period has positive influence and significant towards willingness to pay. The variable of income has positive influence and significant towards willingness to pay. The variable of children bearing has positive influence and significant towards willingness to pay. The means variable has positive influence and significant towards willingness to pay

    Aplikasi Willingness To Pay: Proksi terhadap Penentuan Harga (Model Empirik dalam Estimasi Permintaan Air PDAM Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    The price of freshwater is still determined by PDAM, owned by local government, as a producer. It indicates that PDAM as a monopolist. It can be explained that freshwater is public goods so must be distributed equitably among the people. Thereby there is price discrimination of freshwater for costumer based on the willingness to pay (WTP). The price based on WTP can be defined as the costumer ability for paying the rate of freshwater using by household. This research are aimed to analyze WTP by utility concept on demand of freshwater used by household and determine the rate of WTP as a proxy of freshwater price paid by household. The result shows that the people have the kindness to pay costs for using freshwater trough PDAM. The rate of WTP for using freshwater is about Rp395,41/m3 and the total WTP of one household is Rp9252,59/month excluded from administered cost
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