91,091 research outputs found

    Vile v. Klem

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    USDC for the Middle District of Pennsylvani

    Vila Sv. Martin /Raab u zapadnoj Panoniji – Rimsko naselje i nekropola

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    In den Jahren 1997-2001 wurden vom Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz in fünf Kampagnen Grabungen im Bereich der Marktgemeinde St.Martin / Raab im südlichen Burgenland in der Nähe der Straßenstation Ad Vicesimum im westlichen Oberpannonien durchgeführt. Die Grabungen hatten zwei Schwerpunkte: eine römische Villa und eine zur Villa oder doch eher zu einer (Villen)Siedlung gehörige Gräberstraße. Im Areal der römischen Villa konnten 1997 nach einem Survey und geophysikalischen Untersuchungen in einer Probegrabung die Reste zweier Wirtschaftsgebäude stichprobenartig untersucht werden.Od 1997. do 2001. godine Institut za arheologiju Sveučilišta u Grazu proveo je pet kampanja iskapanja na području općine Sv. Martin/Raab u južnom Gradišću pokraj cestovne postaje Ad Vicesimum u zapadnom dijelu provincije Gornje Panonije. Iskapanja su bila usredotočena na dvije stvari: rimsku vilu ili prije bi se reklo naselje oko vile i nekropolu koja je pripadala toj vili ili tom naselju. Na području rimske vile 1997. godine djelomično su iskopani ostatci dviju gospodarskih zgrada, nakon pregleda i geofizičkih ispitivanja u pokusnom iskopu. Tijekom petogodišnjih kampanja iskapanja na nekoliko točaka nekropole nedvojbeno je potvrđen smjer pružanja groblja uz cestu od zapada ka istoku okomito na jantarnu cestu. Nekropola tipa grobljanske ceste kreće od skupine tumula zapadno od vile, prolazi područjem rimske vile do grobnog spomenika koji se može rekonstruirati i tumula pokraj vile s ugrađenom grobnom komorom, sve do grobnog spomenika i dva tumula s grobnim komorama u susjedstvu vile. U sva tri slučaja svaki od tumula ima dromos koji vodi u ukopnu komoru, koja je pak okrugla/ovalna u dva slučaja ili pravokutna u jednom slučaju. Izvan približno četverokutnog temelja drugog grobnog spomenika pronađeni su tragovi gipsa, dok dromos nedostaje, tako da ne može biti riječ o grobnoj komori nekog tumula. Svi su grobovi bili oskrnavljeni, no ipak bili smo kadri, uz pomoć nalaza – keramike, novčića i stakla te arhitektonskih ulomaka – datirati tumule i grobne spomenike u vrijeme od sredine 2. st. po. Kr. nadalje

    Fruit of a Vile Tree: The Eshelman Family\u27s War

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    Frederick Eshelman\u27s father wasn\u27t home. He was in Petersburg, the chilly and treacherous trenches stretching to his right and left as far as the imagination might take them. That\u27s where the danger was. That\u27s where war lived. [excerpt

    Vortex Induced Liquid Engine

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    The growth of reusable space launch vehicles has led to a demand for improved rocket propulsion cooling systems which vary in degrees of complexity. Vortex Induced Liquid Engine (VILE) is a project to study and investigate cooling solutions that lead to higher engine efficiency and increased reusability for rockets. The research focuses on the design and thermal analysis to postulate a novel approach to vortex engine concepts to ensure the system\u27s functionality and reliability is augmented by the ease of production to aid the growing field of space propulsion. CFD modeling was utilized with VILE version 1 CAD model as a proof of concept to determine if film cooling could be replaced with vortex cooling. Currently VILE is undergoing analysis for its MATLAB model and an associated version update for the CAD model. Focus is on the fuel and oxidizer feed system with all the supporting hardware for proper data collection and analysis

    Book Review

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    In Conventional Wisdom: The Alternate Article V Mechanism for Proposing Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, John R. Vile discusses the thus-far unused Article V convention method of amending the U.S. Constitution. The book focuses on what an Article V convention could be and what parameters it might entail. Could such a convention be limited in scope, or must it be general in nature? Vile considers these questions and the literature behind them to develop his own interpretation of an Article V convention and how it should be implemented

    Gun Control Policy Preference in Context: A Contextually Sensitive Model of Gun Control Policy Preferences

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    Using data from the 2000 American National Election Study and the Uniform Crime Reports, this research studies the impact of core values and contextual effects on gun control policy preferences. The research seeks to produce a contextually sensitive model of gun control policy preferences that accounts for the nature of the elite message war regarding the issue of gun control and for both long and short-term contextual factors that might sway individual opinions at the point of stimulus (e.g., the survey question). While the analysis does find conditioning effects, the effects do not conform to the theoretical expectations, and they are generally weaker than expected. In contrast, the research demonstrates the strong connections that formed in the public’s mind between ideological, partisan and gender-based core values and gun control policy preferences. These results are consistent with research that found the effects of political messages often vary in counterintuitive ways due to variance in the strength of the message and political awareness (Zaller 1992). Replicating this research across various time periods permits the investigation of the decay rate of impacts on individual policy preferences created by substantial, one-time contextual effects. It may be that contextual effects have a substantial impact in the short-term, but these short-term impacts are mitigated over the longterm by continual reinforcement of the basic themes employed by elites in the message war surrounding the issue

    Book Review: Explicit & Authentic Acts. by David Kyvig.

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    Book review: Explicit & Authentic Acts. By David Kyvig. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas. 1996. Pp. 604. Reviewed by: John Vile