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    Supply chain concept: a case study

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    Fullonica in Verige Bay on the Brijuni Islands

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    Fulonika u uvali Verige građena je na maritimnoj vili iz 1. st. Ostaci velikih lacunae i manjih četvrtastih bazena ispred njih, još stoje izvrsno sačuvani in situ u sjevernom dijelu uvale. Fullonica se smjestila između terma i gospodarskog dijela maritimne vile, djelomično prebrisavši raniju izgradnju na gospodarskom dijelu. Zgrada s vanjskim portikatima i unutrašnjim dvorištima u koju su bili smješteni pogoni fullonicae, izgrađena je nakon izgradnje vile. Prema dimenzijama građevnog materijala (spica) pripada razdoblju izgradnje različitom od vremena izgradnje vile. Način na koji je nova zgrada smještena kao i način na koji je anulirala raniju izgradnju na tom dijelu, govori o njenom kasnijem postanku. Slične promjene i izgradnja proizvodnih pogona može se pratiti i na nekim drugim maritimnim vilama u Istri (Barbariga, Fornače). Uzgoj ovaca i proizvodnja vune u Istri poznata je još u 1. st. i o njoj piše Plinije Stariji (Plin., Nat . hist., 8, 191). Vrlo uspješna ekonomija na bazi stočarstva uključivala je uzgoj stada ovaca, dobivanje mesa, mlijeka, sira i vune na planinskim dijelovima Istre. Proizvodnji vunenih tkanina, njihova obrada i bojanje bila je organizirana u vilama uz more u trenutku kada one gube svoju izrazito reprezentativnu funkciju. Završna obrada takvih tkanina izuzetno je složeni proces koji je bio pod upravom carskih nadglednika-procuratora. Druga pogodnost za razvoj fulonika na ovom području bili su nalazi sumpora potrebnog za izbjeljivanje tkanina. Poznati su nalazi sumpora (sumporni izvori) u Istarskim toplicama na sjeveru Istre. Važna su i prirodna nalazišta (staništa) školjaka tipa volak od kojih se dobivala purpurna boja.The fullonica in Verige Bay was built over a maritime villa dating from the 1st century. The remains of large lacunae and smaller square pools in front of them are still very well preserved in situ in the northern part of the bay. The fullonica is situated between the baths and farm buildings of the maritime villa, and its construction partially erased earlier facilities of the farm complex. The building with external porticos and internal atria which housed the fullonica installations was built after the villa. Judging by the size of the construction material (spica), it belongs to a different construction period from that of the villa. The location of the new building and the way in which it erased earlier structures on the same plot prove that it was built at a later date. Similar modifi cations and the construction of production facilities can be observed in other maritime villas in Istria, too (in Barbariga and Fornače). Sheep farming and wool production took place in Istria as early as in the 1st century and they were described by Pliny the Elder (Plin., Nat. hist., 8, 191). A very successful economy driven by cattle breeding included sheep farming and the production of meat, milk, cheese and wool in the Istrian mountains. The weaving of woollen cloth and its treatment and dyeing were organised in coastal villas which, by that time, had lost their strictly representative function. The fi nal treatment of such cloth was a very complex process that was managed by imperial supervisors, the procurators. Another factor which favoured the development of fullonicae in this region was the sulphur deposits necessary for bleaching the cloth. The sulphur deposits in Istarske Toplice in northern Istria are well known. Other important factors include the habitats of the murex shell which yields a purple dye

    Supply chain management

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    Aglomeracijsko kasnoantičko naselje u uvali Madona na otočju Brijuni

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    According to all archaeological investigations so far, and the insights obtained by these investigations, we can classify the settlement in Madona Bay into an agglomeration settlemnt with geographical, cultural and ethnic continuity since antiquity. A naturally protected site on the Brioni Islands, from both sea and land, Madona Bay became in Late Antiquity one of the key points on the Adriatic maritime route. The settlement with high fortification walls was created by successive building alonside a large Roman villa. This villa rustica expanded and developed in time of peace and prosperity, then stagnated and expanded again with the construction of a fullonica and the surrounding settlement. In turbulent times of Late Antiquity the settlement found itself in the anchorage zone of a naval base which was defended, together with the settlement, by massive fortifications. The site became a Byzantine stronghold and refuge in the 6th century and developed the features of a late Roman settlement – castellum. A multi-layered and complex settlement, represents a key archaeological site for documenting the history of Roman colonization and building activity on the islands. The urban matrix of this settlement was created by contineous additions and transformations of antique structures, both civilian and military.Aglomeracijsko naselje kasne antike u uvali Madona nastalo je na rimskoj vili iz 1. st. pr. Kr. Prva villa rustica skromnih dimenzija i jednostavnog tlocrta sagrađena je u kasnom 2. st. pr. Kr. ili u prvoj pol. 1. st. pr. Kr. Materijalni i povijesni podaci su općenito vrlo oskudni za razdoblje od 177. g. do polovine 1. st. pr. Krista te je i tijek upravnih i političko-ekonomskih procesa teško osvijetliti (Matijašić, 1998., 31-36; Starac, 1999.). Postoji važan nalaz novca iz prve pol. 2. st. pr. Kr. u uvali Dobrika – republikanski as (Miškec 2002., 177). Prema rezultatima svih dosadašnjih arheoloških istraživanja i iskopavanja u uvali Madona naš prijedlog za razvoj kasnoantičkog naselja je slijedeći. Prvu vilu je sredinom 1. st. pr. Kr. preslojila druga villa rustica dimenzija 63 x 51 m, dok su dijelovi prve vile ostali u njenim substrukcijama. Druga villa rustica, građena preko prije opisanih struktura prve rustičke vile imala je znatno veće dimenzije i drugačiji raspored prostorija. Bila je tip kampanijske rimske vile građena na platformi (terasi) s podzidima kao vila Settefinestre, Cosa (Ager Cosanus), s prostorijama koje su na tri strane okruživale centralno dvorište, s visokim ogradnim zidom na četvrtoj strani koji je bio okrenut prema moru. Jedini nalaz koji je datira je tegula sa žigom (PANS)AE VIBI datirana u 50. – 40. g. pr. Kr. Tegula s istim žigom nađena je na vili u uvali Verige. Strukture koje su dodane u 1. do 2. st. posl. Kr. predstavljaju objekt s kulom s njene jugoistočne strane i nastambe za robove i radnike s sjeveroistočne strane vile. Početkom 3. st. izgrađuju se novi proizvodni pogoni za preradu maslina na rustičkoj vili. Oko vile izgrađuje se kasnoantičko naselje. Strukture koje se u to vrijeme nalaze na lokalitetu okružuju u slobodnom rasporedu rustičku vilu iz 1. st. pr. Kr. i povezane su u cjelinu tek izgradnjom fortifikacija sredinom 5. st. koje nisu uključile sve gradnje u svoj areal. Morao je i prije toga postojati onaj faktor kohezije koji je strukture na tom području pretvorio u naselje s ulicama, a to je izgradnja proizvodnih pogona koji se smještaju u dvorište rustičke vile i formiranje na Brijunima jedne od niza pomorskih baza na vitalno važnom plovnom putu Jadranom. U razdoblju kraja 3. i tokom 4. st. dogodile su se izrazite promjene koje možemo pratiti u nekoliko segmenta. Elementi koji su kroz stoljeća od rimske villae rusticae stvorili naselje: 1. Nastambe za robove i radnike zaposlene na gradnji maritimne vile u uvali Verige, građeni, sjeverno od villae rusticae. 2. Nastambe za robove i radnike zaposlene na poljoprivrednim radovima 3. Izgradnja proizvodnih pogona - fullonica (specijalizirana radna snaga vidi se po grobnim prilozima na nekropolama - sarkofazi i zidani grobovi – 4. i 5. st.) 4. Izgradnja fortifikacija na kasnoantičkom naselju (druga pol. 5. st. i 6. st.) Proizvodni pogoni i izgradnja fortifikacija oko naselja na Brijunima u kasnoj antici daju indikacije o nekim državnim ulaganjima na otočju. Evidencije državnog ulaganja mogle bi se prepoznati u promjeni proizvodnih djelatnosti u centralnom dvorištu villae rusticae u uvali Madona i pogona koji su slični onima izgrađenim na gospodarskom dijelu velike maritimne vile u uvali Verige. Nalazi kamenih bazena, kanala za odvodnju na obim vilama ukazuju na postrojenja - fullonicae. U uvali Verige nađena je kasnoantička izgradnja (s lacunae u centralnom dvorištu) koja je preslojila gospodarski dio maritimne vila i nalazi se uz terme iz 1. st. A. Vitasović piše o nalazima mnoštva utega za tkalački stan na zgradi s vanjskim porticima (Vitasović 2004., 94). Na lokalitetu vile u uvali Sv. Nikola nađeni su keramički utezi za tkalački stan, te prostorije s podom u tehnici opus signinum. Prema rasporedu prostorija i nalazima Gnirs je zaključio da se radi o pogonima fullonicae (Gnirs 1901., 130) koji bi predstavljali dio ukupnih pogona fulonike na Brijunima. Na lokalitetu Porto Colonne u blizini Barbarige na istarskom kopnu nađene su lacunae slične onima u uvali Verige (Schwalb 1902., 2). Gnirs govori o pogonima fulonike na vili u Val Bandonu (Matijašić 1998., 122). M. Suić je dao povijesna i lingvistička objašnjenja za povezivanje tih pogona s baphium Cissense Venetiae et Histriae carske fullonicae koja se spominje u Notitia Dignitatum oko 435. g. (Suić 1987., 202). Preciznije datiranje fulonike nije moguće kao ni povijesna interpretacija izgradnje u uvali Dobrika dok se ne izvrši obrada svih nalaza s tog područja. Notitia Dignitatum spominje fuloniku koja je bila na području Istre. Možemo zaključiti da se pogoni fulonike nisu nalazili samo na jednom mjestu, već su bili smješteni na nekoliko lokacija. Na području Brijunskog otočja nalazili su se u uvali Verige, uvali Madona (u dvorištu vile) i u uvali sv. Nikole u vili na Malom Brijunu. Na obali njeni su pogoni dokumentirani u Barbarigi, Punta Cissana (nalaz školjaka tipa murex), Porto Colonne i u vili na Val Bandonu. Nalazi novca s područja kasnoantičkog naselja pokazuju značajan porast opticaja novca u drugoj polovici 3. st. Nova situacija s povećanom novčanom ekonomijom svakako je uočljiva, bez obzira na veliku emisiju novca u to vrijeme. Na području kasnoantičkog naselja nađen je 261 komad novca. Najraniji i jedini novac republikanskog razdoblja datira iz prve pol. 2. st. pr. Kr. (republikanski as). Najkasniji je srebrni novac Karla Velikog (781.-800.) i Henrika IV ili V. (Matijašić, 1983., 217-233; Miškec 2002., 177-194). Zastupljeni su svi imperijalni periodi, no najveći broj pripada 4. st. (Miškec, 2002., 177-194). Komercijalne aktivnosti u 4. st. na području istočne obale Jadrana vidljive su na mnogim značajnim lokalitetima uzduž plovnih puteva, kao npr. na Dioklecijanovoj palači u Splitu, vili u Polačama na Mljetu, Pharia na otoku Hvaru, Ubli na Lastovu, Lumbarda na Korčuli itd. Većina importirane keramike na tim lokalitetima, posebno ona iz sjeverne Afrike, datira iz 4. st. (Schrunk 1989.). Nalazi keramike iz uvale Madona i uvale Verige još nisu publicirani. Imamo samo izvještaje o većoj količini afričkih amfora i afričke sigillata chiara keramike iz 4. st. iz uvale Madona i Verige, koje pokazuju značajni porast širih trgovačkih veza između različitih područja Rimskog carstva (Bezeczky 1998., 57; Matijašić 1998., 371). Numizmatički i keramički nalazi podupiru argumente za postojanje fulonike i za činovnike i administraciju, te neke vojne postrojbe koje su bile s tim povezane. Druga evidencija porasta populacije i prosperiteta kao i identiteta stanovnika su nekropole 4. i 5. st. poredane uzduž puteva na prilazima naselju. Nalazi u zidanim grobovima i sarkofazima su srebrne i zlatne naušnice i dekorativni elementi vojničkih odora (Marušić 1986., 84-91). Možemo pretpostaviti da je fulonika izgrađena na Brijunima negdje između kasnog 3. i poč. 4. st. To je izazvalo porast stanovništva i građevinskih aktivnosti oko proizvodnih pogona i formiralo naselje na ostacima villae rusticae iz 1. st. pr. Kr. U 5. st. naselje i važni proizvodni pogoni dobivaju prve obrambene bedeme. Moramo razlikovati aglomeracije koje su na tom području bila prije izgradnje obrambenog bedema, kao i fazu nakon izgradnje fortifikacija, koje se razlikuju po strukturi i sadržajima. Izgradnju u uvali Madona prije izgradnje fortifikacija pokazuju smjerovi rasprostiranja bedema koji formiraju nepravilni četverokut. Nepravilni oblik fortifikacija zapravo pokazuje građevine koje su na ovom području bile prije izgradnje bedema. Fortifikacije su upotrijebile ranije strukture tj. jake zidove onih objekata koji su tada bili ugrađeni u bedeme što se izvrsno vidi na jugoistočnom dijelu uz kulu gdje se zid u tehnici opus isodomum vizuelno odvaja od iza njega kasnije izgrađenog obrambenog zida. Na ovom području u vrijeme izgradnje fortifikacija nalazi se velika villa rustica iz 1. st. pr. Kr., skromne izgradnje uz sjeverni zid vile građene u 1. st., objekt građen jugoistočno od vile datiran prema arheološkom materijalu u 1./2. st. (Mirabella Roberti 1936.) i objekt građen sjeverozapadno od vile koji odaje kasnoantički stil gradnje, izgađen svakako prije 452. g. kada se pretpostavlja da je počela izgradnja fortifikacija naselja. Fortifikacijski četverokut bio je dimenzija 110,30 (jugozapadni bedem) x 76,50 (jugoistočni) x 89,40 (sjeverozapadni) x 124 m (sjeveroistočni). Pet ulaza vodilo je u naselje. Ulazi su različitih dimenzija – sjeveroistočna vrata 2,4 m širine i manja sjeveroistočna 1,7 m širine. Ispred njih nalazile su se ulazne kule, četvrtastog tlocrta s dvostrukim ulazom (propugnaculum). Ulice se formiraju uz rustičku vilu s njene sjeverozapadne, sjeveroistočne i jugoistočne strane, a sjeveroistočna obilazi (pokazuje) i nastambe za radnike građene uz sjeveroistočni zid vile. Također pretpostavljamo prema objektu s lezenama građenom južno od ulaza u vilu, da je prvobitni ulazni hodnik vile i pristup u dvorište postao ulica, a ne natkriti prolaz

    Roman Villas of Istria and Dalmatia, Part II: Typology of Villas

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    Drugi dio članka “Rimske vile Istre i Dalmacije” nakon iznesenog pregleda lokaliteta (u I. dijelu) razmatra podrijetlo vila i njihov razvoj na području Italije od arhajskog razdoblja te rane i kasne Republike do ranog Carstva. Za vile na istočnoj obali Jadrana analizira se razvoj specifičan za to područje i njegova povezanost s vilama u Italiji. Zatim se izlaže prihvaćena tipologija vila kao i istraženi primjeri pojedinih tipova vila na području Istre i Dalmacije.The origin of villas was analysed, first on the territory of Italy, and from the first century BC on also on the eastern Adriatic coast, as well as the development of villas of Roman Histria and Dalmatia. The development of villas was analysed in relation to 1. the economic processes that initiated their expansion; 2. the social and political circumstances; and 3. architectural shape (functionality, content and form). The villas were divided according to: 1. type of ownership - A/ soldier/small landowner; B/local socially and administratively highly-positioned individuals; C/ villas of the Roman aristocracy and senator’s families; D/ imperial villas 2. type of groundplan - A/ villas with an inner courtyard; B/ villas with a central corridor; C/ peristyle villas; D/ porticus villas; E/ luxury villas - combinations of C/ and D/. 3. location - A/ villa urbana; B/ villa suburbana; C/ villa rustica; D/ coastal villas; E/ maritime villas 4. chronology - A/ Early Empire villas; B/ villas of the second and third centuries; C/ Late Antique villas, including extroverted and introverted villas, as well as villas with a compact and dissected ground plan. An example of villas owned by the Roman aristocracy and senatorial families are: Loron (in the first part of the first century), belonged to Sisenna Statilie Taur, later to Calvia Crispinilla; Brijuni, owned by the Laecani family; villa on the Sustjepan Peninsula near Cavtat, owned by Cornelius Dolabela. Famous imperial villas are: Loron; Verige Brijuni; Vižula Medulin; Diocletian’s Palace in Split, and an object built before the palace, Polače on the island of Mljet. Examples of excavated villas with an inner courtyard are: Labinci near Poreč; Šijana near Pula; Muline on the island of Ugljan. Examples of excavated villas with a central corridor are: Banjole near Pula; and a part of the villa in Barbariga. Examples of peristylar villas are: villas in Madona Bay and on the Kolci site on the Brijuni Islands; Sorna near Poreč with two peristyl and a triclinium with exedrae; Val Bandon north of Pula. Porticus villas are: Vižula near Medulin; on the island of Murter; and on the Sustjepan Peninsula near Cavtat. Villas representing a combination of the aforementioned types are: villa on the Katoro Peninsula; Barbariga; and Verige, Brijuni. The maritime villa on the peninsula of Katoro (Ca d’oro - Domus Aurea) near Umag occupied the entire peninsula, and it shows a situation similar to the villa Sirmione on Lago di Garda. Aside from some complexes on the top of the peninsula and the large piscinae vivaria in the sea, the villa was not excavated. Near Poreč (antique Parentium) there is a maritime villa on the peninsula of Sorna, a large villa with a figuline in Loron and a villa with a brick kiln in Červar Porat. A particularly interesting area of the eastern Adriatic coast is the southern part of Istria. Along fertile fields and the seashore a set of significant Roman villas was built in the first century AD: Valbandon; Barbariga; Medulin (Vižula); Fažana; the Brijuni Islands (Verige and Madona bays). They seem to have been centers of property of interconnected landowners belonging to the same cultural and economic circle of Roman society. They probably created the large successful economy for a certain number of the imperators’ inner circle of relatives and friends in the period of the Julian-Claudian dynasty. The large antique villa in Barbariga from the Julian-Claudian period, excavated and described by H. Schwalb, has two separate complexes, whose porticos and peristyle are turned toward the sea, and whose long portico connects them with the quay. The Early Empire villa was of luxurious construction and it can be called a maritime villa. It is situated north of Fažana with a panoramic view of the Brijuni Islands. On the basis of the different orientation of the complexes, Schwalb supposed that a part of the villa was intended for summer and the other part for winter sojourns. Directly above Barbariga, in the vicinity of Betiga, on the position of the antique villae rusticae, an Old Christian complex was constructed, which developed around cellae trihorae (from the beginning of the fifth century) and was successively built up until the eleventh/twelfth century. The maritime villa in Val Bandon near Pula was built in a deep shallow bay, into which a stream flows, so that fresh and salt water mix. According to the remains, the inside of the bay, abundant in architectural complexes, was parted, so that the entire part made a large piscina vivarium (like Nečujam, Piškera Bay, the island of Šolta). The piscina vivarium received fresh water from openings toward the sea, and fresh water from the stream to reduce the salinity in the shallow bay. The villa was especially luxurious with semi-round rooms and pavement designed in opus scutulatum (colorful stones - alabaster, aragonite and marbles of different colors - were inserted into a black mosaic with a white rim). On the other side of the bay peristyles surrounded by rooms were found. The entire complex is situated just opposite of the Brijuni Islands, from which it is separated by the narrow Fažana Channel and a panoramic view toward the sea and the Brijuni. Among the villas of this area two on the Brijuni Islands are particularly interesting – in Madona and Verige bays. According to Tassaux, the villa in Verige, owned by the senatorial Laecanii family, is particularly luxurious and represented the center of a property, on which there was a set of smaller villas. In the second half of the first century AD it probably came under imperial ownership. In Late Antiquity, the courtyard of the large villa rustica in the bay of Madona was completed by contents suggesting a fullonica. Suić assumes that it was a Baphium cissense Venetiae et Histriae that in the late fourth century AD was published in Notitia Dignitatum (Occid. XI, 67, ed. Seeck). Near the villa from the first century BC, in the third and fourth centuries modest housing quarters were built, and the entire settlement was given a protective wall and controlled entrances (propugnaculum) in the course of the fifth and sixth centuries. Two villas - the one in Madona Bay and the other in Verige - represented a naval base in the fifth and sixth centuries and a starting point of the sailing route to Ravenna. The villa on the peninsula of Vižula near Medulin, stretching along the entire coastline of the peninsula over a length of approximately 900 m, although only partly excavated, suggests a luxurious maritime villa with porticos built on the shore (with pavement covered with black and white mosaics) and the rooms with pavement designed in opus scutulatum. The surveying of the complexes situated directly along the shore point to extraordinarily rich use of different kinds of marble. In the territory of antique Pula a villa suburbana between the amphitheater and Hercules’ port was excavated. Also another villa suburbana in the territory of Narona on the site Erešove Bare, in which in the Late Antiquity an Old Christian church was built. The Late Antique villa in Muline on the southern side of the island of Ugljan was built on the remains of a villa from the Early Empire period. It was built with a central, slightly elevated courtyard and a large cistern with mosaic pavement. On its premises there are plants for the extraction and production of olive oil. In Late Antiquity, to the east of the villa a number of buildings was constructed - a martyrion, later dissected by adding memorial cellae, basilicas with annexes and an arched mausoleum. The villa on the island of Murter, of which only the porticus, the cistern and the thermae indicate a luxury villa with panoramic views. The finds on the beach point to a large luxury maritime villa in the bay of Stari Trogir. The villa was not excavated. In the territory of antique Salona, in the vicinity of Porta Cesarea, there was an important villa urbana with polychrome mosaics, better known as the Provincial Governor’s Palace. Another villa urbana was excavated in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. Obviously at the site of Diocletian’s Palace there was a building from the earlier period of high-quality construction. Finds in the substructions of the Palace (in the south eastern corner) indicate a high level of artistic skill in the making of the architrave, impost, frieze, and tympanum. Fragments of a theater found on the same place and the find of an odeum on the Ad basilicas pictas site on the road to Salona suggest the existence of a maritime villa before Diocletian’s Palace. The unexcavated Late Antique villa in Rogač (Banje Bay) on the island of Šolta has a wall towards the bay open with large arches built in the opus mixtum technique. The villa in Nečujam on the island of Šolta (Piškera Bay) had a large fishpond that occupied the entire bottom of the bay. The bay was split by a massive wall (situation same as in Val Bandon near Pula) with an opening in the middle for the flow of fresh seawater. After the large fishpond (piscina vivarium) the bay was called Piškera. On the eastern end, in the Lovrečina Bay on the island of Brač, there are remains of an Early Roman villa with a dissected ground plan. The villa’s walls were built of very uniform stone blocks. In the middle of the bay, the remains of Late Antique walls were found. In Bol on Brač there are two antique villas - one on the site of the Dominican monastery, and the other on Zlatni Rat. There are Roman villas in Hvarsko Polje between Starigrad and Jelsa, as well as on the site Soline on the island of Hvar. The villa in Lumbarda on Korčula has walls built in opus reticulatum. It controls the navigation along the channel of Pelješac and is characterized as a villa maritima. On the island of Lastovo (antique Ladesta) in the port of Ubli there are remains of an antique villa from the first century AD, and on its premises an Old Christian church was built in the fifth/sixth century. The Late Antique palace in Polače on the island of Mljet was built directly next to the villa and the thermae from the Early Imperial period. The find of a secondarily used antique plate with an inscription suggests the existence of a Roman temple with a porch dedicated to the old Italic deity Liber - the patron of wine, fertility and fields. In the port Polače numerous undersea finds of wine amphorae and other ceramic and metal artifacts from the period from the first century BC up until Late Antiquity were discovered. In Late Antiquity the island was imperial property, and as such it was donated by the Ostrogoth leader Odoacer to Comes Pierius on March 13, 489, as a debt for a loan. Comes Domesticorum Pierius probably began the construction of the monumental palace in the bay of Polače as a country residential complex. The palace (praetorium) after which the port bears its present-day name has probably never been finished. The villa near Cavtat (antique Epidaurus) on the peninsula Sustjepan was built on the terraces on a slope along the shore. Finds of antique pottery and glass date the villa to the Early Empire period. In Late Antiquity the villa was rebuilt and there are finds of Late Antique graves near the villa. Grave finds are very significant - a golden earring decorated by sapphire and aquamarine and twelve bronze coins of Justinian (527-565). The villa near Cavtat in Tiha Bay, north of the port of Cavtat, where the inscription in the honour of the Regent of Dalmatia, Publius Cornelius Dolabela, and parts of his statue were found. The aforementioned examples show that the architecture of the villas of Roman Histria and Dalmatia according to its scope and quality does not lag behind contemporary works in the territory of Italy. The largest obstacle to their classification is insufficient excavation, the neglect of stratigraphy and finds in older archaeological excavations, and insufficient publishing of the results of archaeological excavations, a very small number of completely excavated sites with defined ground plans and especially divided Early Empire and Late Antique stages. This survey is based on today’s research level and the accessible documentation, and it points to the extent of necessity of further archaeological research and presentation of the sites of Roman villas. In the third part - Roman villas of Istria and Dalmatia III, maritime villas shall be analysed, and in the fourth part a catalogue of villas shall be issued

    Globalen pristop k izobraževanju za industrijo

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    Status pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta in varnost podjetja

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    Status pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta je bil uveden v okviru sprememb Carinskega zakonika Evropske unije, ki se nanašajo na izboljšanje varnosti na zunanjih mejah Evropske unije in na hitrejši pretok blaga s poenostavljenimi postopki ter uporabo informacijske tehnologije. Razlog za pisanje prispevka je pomen uvedbe statusa pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta, ki je zagotavljanje varnosti celotne dobavne verige in njenih posameznih členov – gospodarskih subjektov. Cilj prispevka je predstavitev procesa pridobivanja statusa pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta z vidika zahtev, ki jih mora gospodarski subjekt izpolnjevati, da ustreza merilom za podelitev statusa, s poudarkom na varnostnih in varstvenih zahtevah

    Uloga maritimnih vila u plovidbi Jadranom

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    Maritime villas visibly stood out in the landscape and were important, marked orientation points. They had watchtowers (mentioned by Pliny the Younger) with panoramic views, from which important maritime routes and the channels between the islands and mainland could be controlled. In addition to their economic and residential purpose, they also played an important role in navigation in general along the eastern Adriatic coast. Villas also had safe and protected ports, supplies of food and water for ships and facilities for repairing vessels and ship equipment. Ports for ships in transit were located at a certain distance from the villas. Such examples included Soline and Palmižana on the island of St. Clement near Hvar, the bays of Verige and Madona on the Brijuni islands, Veli and Mali Lago and Ubli Bay on the island of Lastovo, etc. In the first centuries of Roman rule, luxury villas were built by senatorial families and high-ranking commanders of the Roman military, especially the navy. They were linked with urban centres, with which they formed a network of navigation and stopping points. They were located in strategically important places on maritime routes and played an important role in signaling as we can see from the Roman wall paintings (maritime villas with light houses) from Pompeii and Stabiae. There was an important difference in the use of maritime villas in the Early Empire with their strong economic role, as opposed to Late Antiquity, when their defense role was essential. In that time they played an important role in securing the vitally important navigation routes in the Adriatic and in supplying and accommodating military units villas were still central elements in the landscape of the eastern Adriatic coast, as described by Cassiodorus (Variae, XII, 22).Maritimne vile predstavljale su odrednicu u pejsažu, značajne istaknute orijentacijske točke i bile su opremljene stražarnicama (o kojima piše Plinije Mlađi) s kojih se pružaju panoramski vidici i kontroliraju široki akvatorij, te važne maritimne rute između otoka i kopna. Uz svoju rezidencijalnu funkciju imale su i važnu ulogu u ukupnoj plovidbi uz istočnojadransku obalu. Uz njih se vežu sigurne i zaštićene luke, opskrba brodova vodom, hranom te pružanje usluga popravaka brodova i brodske opreme. Luka za prihvat brodova u tranzitu bila je udaljena od vile kao npr. Soline i Palmižana na Sv. Klementu, nedaleko Hvara; uvala Verige i uvala Madona na Brijunima; uvala Mali i Veliki Lago i Ubli na otoku Lastovu itd. Početkom Rimske dominacije na istočnojadranskoj obali, grade ih obitelji senatorskog staleža i visokopozicionirani zapovjednici u rimskoj vojsci, posebno mornarici. Vezane su uz rimska urbana središta. zajedno s kojima čine mrežu plovnih odrednica i zaustavnih punktova. Nalaze se na istaknutim strateškim točkama plovnog puta, te imaju važnu ulogu u signalizaciji, kao što je vidljivo na zidnim slikama (vile sa svjetionicima) iz Pompeja i antičkih Stabiae. Ekonomska baza posjeda čiji centar čini maritimna vila, izvjesno je i prihod od pružanja usluga opskrbe i smještaja brodova (Novi zavjet, putovanje sv. Pavla, apostola). Značajna je razlika u korištenju maritimnih vila u ranom carstvu prema kasnoj antici. U ranom carstvu njihova je uloga vezana uz strateški položaj, plovidbu, signalizaciju, ali i poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. U kasnoj antici ekonomska i strateška funkcija bila je još više naglašena (o čemu svjedoče nalazi keramike na lokalitetima). Tada one igraju važnu ulogu u osiguranju vitalno važnog plovnog puta Jadranom, opskrbi i smještaju vojske (Sustjepan kod Cavtata, uvala Verige na Brijunima, Polače na Mljetu). U 6. st. vile su još uvijek bile centralne točke u krajoliku istočnojadranske obale kao što ih opisuje Kasiodor (Variae XII,22)

    Mestne zelene površine kot izhodišče načrtovanja hidroenergetskih in urbanih ureditev: primer obsavskega prostora v Mestni občini Ljubljana

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    Prispevek predstavlja krajinsko in urbanistično zasnovo obsavskega prostora in severnega bežigrajskega kraka v Ljubljani. Osredotočen je na predstavitev metodoloških in vsebinskih izhodišč priprave zasnove ter urejanja mestnih zelenih površin širšega območja obsavskega prostora, ki kot vezni člen ter hkrati samostojna prostorska in funkcionalna celota predstavljajo izhodišče načrtovanja hidroenergetskih in urbanih ureditev. Izpostavljena je nuja prepoznavanja in reševanja stvarnih prostorskonačrtovalnih problemov, oblikovanja jasnih ciljev in konceptov, soočanja različnih prostorskih sistemov in interesov ter smiselnost oblikovanja alternativnih razvojnih scenarijev. Eno najpomembnejših izhodišč predlagane zasnove je celovito oblikovanje javnega odprtega prostora in zelenih površin. Urbanistična rešitev temelji na programsko močni, prepoznavni in členjeni Dunajski cesti, ki se jo preoblikuje v javni prostor sodobne mestne vpadnice, z jasnim zaključkom in hkrati s postopnim, okoliški morfologiji prilagojenim iztekom v obsavski prostor. To območje ima zaradi naravnih značilnosti, ohranjene kulturne krajine in dobre dostopnosti velike možnosti za razvoj prostočasnih dejavnosti. Predlagana rešitev izhaja iz izhodišča, da verige hidroelektrarn ne gre jemati le kot objekta z negativnimi vplivi na okolje, temveč tudi kot razvojno priložnost – dejansko uresničitev rekreacijskega območja vzdolž Save in način sanacije degradacij v prostoru. Predlagane so celovite prostorske ureditve vzdolž obsavskega prostora, kot del hidroenergetskih ureditev, posebna pozornost pa je namenjena aktivnemu oblikovanju različnih tipov brežin