4,383 research outputs found

    Graditev partnerskega sodelovanja med ucitelji in starsi

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    This paper presents the goals of teacher-parent cooperation, various potential models for establishing mutual cooperation, and the conditions required to achieve quality interactive cooperation. The partnership model is highlighted as an optimal model of interactive cooperation between teachers and parents, as it includes the distribution of expertise and control with the purpose of ensuring optimal education for children. It enables the creation of an interactive working relationship in which all of those involved are respected and recognised in their efforts to achieve common goals. The second part presents the findings of an empirical study carried out on a representative sample of Slovene primary schools. Teachers (N = 467) and parents (N = 1,690) were asked to express their opinions about the need for mutual cooperation, their view of each other when fulfilling their respective roles, and where they perceive the main obstacles to mutual cooperation. It became evident that teachers and parents have doubts about each other’s competence. This does not form a solid base on which to establish and build the necessary partner relationship, and along with it mutual cooperation. Yet both groups to a large extent agree that teacher-parent cooperation is both necessary and useful. This gives rise to the question as to how to ensure that schools adopt policies pro¬moting opportunities for better understanding, for building quality mu¬tual relations and for parents to become more actively involved. (DIPF/Orig.

    Otrok s cerebralno paralizo

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    Conflict between adolescents and parents

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    Problematika konfliktnosti med mladostnikom in starši je kljub porastu števila raziskav v tujini v Sloveniji še vedno relativno neraziskano področje. Aktualnost konfliktov v družini odraža tudi naraščajoče število agresivnih izražanj družinskih sporov v slovenski družbi, ki s tem dnevno postavlja znanost pred nove strokovne izzive. V članku najprej opredelimo konfliktnost v družini in pojem ločimo od drugih sorodnih pojmov. Prispevek prinaša tudi pomembna teoretična in empirično podprta izhodišča za razumevanje razlogov konfliktnosti v družini, natančneje konfliktnosti med mladostnikom in starši. Kritično predstavljamo razvojno psihološki vidik konfliktov med mladostnikom in starši, kjer soočamo in ocenjujemo štiri danes aktualne možne perspektive razvojno-psihološke razlage konfliktnosti: psihoanalitični vidik, socio-biološki, kognitivno razvojni in socio-relacijski vidik. Nazadnje pa v prispevku osvetlimo konfliktnost med mladostniki in starši kot element spremembe celotnega družinskega sistema skozi prizmo soočanja družine s stresom v skladu s Burr-Kleinovim modelom in omenjen model ovrednotimo na osnovi hipotetično predstavljenega primera delovanja družine.Despite the growing number of studies on family conflict abroad this issue still remains relatively unexplored in Slovenia. The importance of this issue is also evident from the increasing incidence of aggressive behaviour in family disputes in the Slovenian society. This represents new challenges science is faced with daily. Firstly, this paper tries to define the concept of family dispute and to separate it from other related concepts. Secondly, we provide a valuable theoretical and empirical understanding of reasons that determine conflict in the family, and more specifically the conflict between adolescents and their parents. The article critically points out the psychological and developmental aspect of the conflict between adolescents and their parents, where four possible developmental psychological perspectives and interpretations of conflicts in family are confronted and evaluated: the psychoanalytic perspective, the socio-biological, the cognitive developmental and the sociorelational aspects. Finally, the article tries to illuminate conflict in family as an element of change of the entire family system through the prism of family coping with stress adopting the Burr-Klein model (1994) and to evaluate the model on the basis of a hypothetically presented case of family functioning

    Easting problems among children in early childhood

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    Experiencing illness and death of own child

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