11,848 research outputs found

    Sequestration of Martian CO2 by mineral carbonation

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    Carbonation is the water-mediated replacement of silicate minerals, such as olivine, by carbonate, and is commonplace in the Earth’s crust. This reaction can remove significant quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it over geological timescales. Here we present the first direct evidence for CO2 sequestration and storage on Mars by mineral carbonation. Electron beam imaging and analysis show that olivine and a plagioclase feldspar-rich mesostasis in the Lafayette meteorite have been replaced by carbonate. The susceptibility of olivine to replacement was enhanced by the presence of smectite veins along which CO2-rich fluids gained access to grain interiors. Lafayette was partially carbonated during the Amazonian, when liquid water was available intermittently and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were close to their present-day values. Earlier in Mars’ history, when the planet had a much thicker atmosphere and an active hydrosphere, carbonation is likely to have been an effective mechanism for sequestration of CO2


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    Purpose. Study of the formation of an electrically conductive phase in carbonates using siderite as an example and determination of the temperature dependence of its formation and silicon content during simultaneous heating and the action of a weak electric field. Methodology. Analysis and generalization of the results of experimental studies. Physicochemical analytical studies have been performed using electron and optical microscopy, petrographic and X-ray phase analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, and gas chromatography. Phase equilibria in the “iron oxides – carbon – carbon oxides” system have been evaluated using data on the standard change in the Gibbs energy Evaluation. Findings. Formation of electrically conductive phases in siderite has been studied. The dependence of new phase formation on heating and the magnitude of the electric field strength have been determined. The regularities of the change in threshold temperatures of phase transitions in samples of siderite and calcite containing silicon impurities have been established. Originality. Due to the thermally stimulated increase in the concentration of mobile charge carriers in intergranular space, the electric field of point charges takes the prominent part in the formation of the end product of chemical reactions. The additional effect of electric current on the increasing destabilization of chemical bonds between surface atoms leads to the formation and transport of ions, to a decrease in the energy barrier of nuclei formation of the electrically conductive phase near the active centres. The abrupt increase in electrical conductivity is due to the spontaneous formation of the nuclei of a new phase and the transition of ionic conductivity to a mixed one or an electronic one primarily. A composite semiconductor is formed as a result of electrothermal activation of siderite. This semiconductor consists of a matrix-semiconductor representing the initial mineral and is penetrated by parallel-oriented highconductivity threads. Practical value. Experimental results show that such processes occurring in rock are quite real under the conditions of the earth’s crust, and the physical values of thermodynamic quantities (factors of metamorphism) are sometimes overestimated significantly in the interpretation of various geological events

    The nakhlite meteorites provide evidence for mineralization of martian CO2 by carbonation of silicates

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    Evidence from the Lafayette meteorite shows that carbon dioxide could have been sequestered very effectively from the martian atmosphere by mineral carbonation

    Kinetic model of carbonate dissolution in Martian meteorite ALH84001

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    The magnetites and sulfides located in the rims of carbonate globules in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 have been claimed as evidence of past life on Mars. Here, we consider the possibility that the rims were formed by dissolution and reprecipitation of the primary carbonate by the action of water. To estimate the rate of these solution-precipitation reactions, a kinetic model of magnesite-siderite carbonate dissolution was applied and used to examine the physicochemical conditions under which these rims might have formed. The results indicate that the formation of the rims could have taken place in < 50 yr of exposure to small amounts of aqueous fluids at ambient temperatures. Plausible conditions pertaining to reactions under a hypothetical ancient Martian atmosphere (1 bar CO2), the modern Martian atmosphere (8 mbar CO2), and the present terrestrial atmosphere (0.35 mbar CO2) were explored to constrain the site of the process. The results indicated that such reactions likely occurred under the latter two conditions. The possibility of Antarctic weathering must be entertained, which, if correct, would imply that the plausibly biogenic minerals (single-domain magnetite of characteristic morphology and sulfide) reported from the rims may be the products of terrestrial microbial activity. This model is discussed in terms of the available isotope data and found to be compatible with the formation of ALH84001 rims. Particularly, anticorrelated variations of radiocarbon with δ13C indicate that carbonate in ALH84001 was affected by solution-precipitation reactions immediately after its initial fall (ca. 13,000 yr ago) and then again during its recent exposure prior to collection

    Formation of iddingsite veins in the martian crust by centripetal replacement of olivine: evidence from the nakhlite meteorite Lafayette

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    The Lafayette meteorite is an olivine clinopyroxenite that crystallized on Mars ∼1300 million years ago within a lava flow or shallow sill. Liquid water entered this igneous rock ∼700 million years later to produce a suite of secondary minerals, collectively called ‘iddingsite’, that occur as veins within grains of augite and olivine. The deuterium/hydrogen ratio of water within these secondary minerals shows that the aqueous solutions were sourced from one or more near-surface reservoirs. Several petrographically distinct types of veins can be recognised by differences in their width, shape, and crystallographic orientation. Augite and olivine both contain veins of a very fine grained hydrous Fe- and Mg-rich silicate that are ∼1-2 micrometres in width and lack any preferred crystallographic orientation. These narrow veins formed by cementation of pore spaces that had been opened by fracturing and probably in response to shock. The subset of olivine-hosted veins whose axes lie parallel to (001) have serrated walls, and formed by widening of the narrow veins by interface coupled dissolution-precipitation. Widening started by replacement of the walls of the narrow precursor veins by Fe-Mg silicate, and a crystallographic control on the trajectory of the dissolution-precipitation front created micrometre-scale {111} serrations. The walls of many of the finely serrated veins were subsequently replaced by siderite, and the solutions responsible for carbonation of olivine also partially recrystallized the Fe-Mg silicate. Smectite was the last mineral to form and grew by replacement of siderite. This mineralization sequence shows that Lafayette was exposed to two discrete pulses of aqueous solutions, the first of which formed the Fe-Mg silicate, and the second mediated replacement of vein walls by siderite and smectite. The similarity in size, shape and crystallographic orientation of iddingsite veins in the Lafayette meteorite and in terrestrial basalts demonstrates a common microstructural control on water-mineral interaction between Mars and Earth, and indicates that prior shock deformation was not a prerequisite for aqueous alteration of the martian crust

    Clasts in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite Lonewolf Nunataks 94101: evidence for aqueous alteration prior to complex mixing

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    Clasts in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite Lonewolf Nunataks (LON) 94101 have been characterized using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis to determine their degrees of aqueous alteration, and the timing of alteration relative to incorporation of clasts into the host. The provenance of the clasts, and the mechanism by which they were incorporated and mixed with their host material are also considered. Results show that at least five distinct types of clasts occur in LON 94101, of which four have been aqueously altered to various degrees and one is largely anhydrous. The fact that they have had different alteration histories implies that the main part of aqueous activity occurred prior to the mixing and assimilation of the clasts with their host. Further, the presence of such a variety of clasts suggests complex mixing in a dynamic environment involving material from various sources. Two of the clasts, one containing approximately 46 vol% carbonate and the other featuring crystals of pyrrhotite up to approximately 1 mm in size, are examples of unusual lithologies and indicate concentration of chemical elements in discrete areas of the parent body(ies), possibly by flow of aqueous solutions

    Organic chemical signatures of New Zealand carbonate concretions and calcite fracture fills as potential fluid migration indicators

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    Macroscopic calcite crystals are common in sedimenta¬ry strata, occurring both as tectonic veins and also filling one or more generations of septarian rupture or later brittle fractures in calcareous concretions. Traces of hydrocarbons are frequently present in calcite crystals, especially near active petroleum systems, and are routinely the object of fluid inclusion studies linking source and migration pathway. Such calcites are shown here also to contain fatty acids in widely varying amounts ranging from 0.2 to more than 5 μg/g. Vein calcites examined are typically near the lower figure, close to analytical blank levels, and this is also true of some concretionary fracture fill calcites, notably those from the Palaeocene Moeraki ‘boulders’. Other concretionary fracture fill calcites (Jurassic, Scotland; Eocene, Waikato Coal Measures and associated marine strata) have much higher fatty acid contents, especially those filling later brittle style fractures. Although usually less abundant than the fatty acids in the concretions themselves, they lack the long chain n-acids derived from terrestrial vegetation and are commonly dominated by dioic acids. Exceptionally, in the calcitic septarian fill of a sideritic Coal Measures concretion, their abundance far exceeds that of concretion body fatty acids. They appear to be fluid transported, probably in aqueous solution, and have molecular signatures potentially distinctive of maturing organic matter sources from which the fluids derived