2 research outputs found

    Unified System on Chip RESTAPI Service (USOCRS)

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    Abstract. This thesis investigates the development of a Unified System on Chip RESTAPI Service (USOCRS) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SOC verification reporting. The research aims to overcome the challenges associated with the transfer, utilization, and interpretation of SoC verification reports by creating a unified platform that integrates various tools and technologies. The research methodology used in this study follows a design science approach. A thorough literature review was conducted to explore existing approaches and technologies related to SOC verification reporting, automation, data visualization, and API development. The review revealed gaps in the current state of the field, providing a basis for further investigation. Using the insights gained from the literature review, a system design and implementation plan were developed. This plan makes use of cutting-edge technologies such as FASTAPI, SQL and NoSQL databases, Azure Active Directory for authentication, and Cloud services. The Verification Toolbox was employed to validate SoC reports based on the organization’s standards. The system went through manual testing, and user satisfaction was evaluated to ensure its functionality and usability. The results of this study demonstrate the successful design and implementation of the USOCRS, offering SOC engineers a unified and secure platform for uploading, validating, storing, and retrieving verification reports. The USOCRS facilitates seamless communication between users and the API, granting easy access to vital information including successes, failures, and test coverage derived from submitted SoC verification reports. By automating and standardizing the SOC verification reporting process, the USOCRS eliminates manual and repetitive tasks usually done by developers, thereby enhancing productivity, and establishing a robust and reliable framework for report storage and retrieval. Through the integration of diverse tools and technologies, the USOCRS presents a comprehensive solution that adheres to the required specifications of the SOC schema used within the organization. Furthermore, the USOCRS significantly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of SOC verification reporting. It facilitates the submission process, reduces latency through optimized data storage, and enables meaningful extraction and analysis of report data

    Analisis Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja Database SQL dan Database NoSQL Untuk Mendukung Era Big Data

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    Recently, the development of data in the digital world has produced new challenges. The challenge is increasing number and complexity of data and variations in data (structured and unstructured). Conventional database management system (RDBMS) is not able to answer these challenges effectively because in RDBMS uses a related structured table approach to store information. Currently present, a database management system called NoSQL. This NoSQL system was introduced to provide quick scalability (amount and complexity) and unstructured data. In this study, we present the performance analysis of RDBMS and NoSQL database management systems in the case of increasing the number of data. We use the simple php page to test database systems, experiments are done with use four data sets of different sizes from academic information systems. The database NoSQL approach is used by Redis and the SQL database approach is used by MySQL. The results show that the noSql database has a execution time better than the MySQL database, there is an increase in the speed of the execution time by 87.58% in the create operation, 85.53% in the update operation, and in the delete operation by 86.40% and while in the read operation the increase in execution time speed is obtained by 57.09%, so that on average the Redis database has a show work better than the MySQL database at 79.15%.. Keywords : MySql Database, Redis Database, PHP Programming Abstrak Baru-baru ini, perkembangan data di dunia digital telah menghasilkan tantangan baru. Tantangannya adalah meningkatnya jumlah dan kompleksitas data dan variasi data (terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur). Sistem manajemen basis data konvensional (RDBMS) tidak dapat menjawab tantangan ini secara efektif karena dalam hal ini RDBMS menggunakan pendekatan tabel terstruktur sebagai konsep dalam menyimpan informasi. Saat ini, telah hadir sistem manajemen basis data yang disebut NoSQL, Sistem NoSQL memiliki kemampuan menangani data yang tidak terstruktur yang jumlah dan kompleksitas terus meningkat. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menyajikan hasil analisis perbandingan unjuk kerja Sistem Manajemen Basis Data konvensional (RDBMS) dengan NoSQL pada kemampuannya dalam menangani pertumbuhan data yang terus meningkat. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis perbandingan unjuk kerja RDBMS dengan NoSQL adalah waktu eksekusi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan operasi dasar pada sistem basis data yaitu create, read, delete dan update. RDMBS yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah MySQL sedangkan pada sistem NoSQL digunakan oleh Redis Database. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Redis Database memiliki waktu eksekusi yang lebih baik daripada MySQL Database, terdapat peningkatan kecepatan waktu eksekusi tersebut sebesar 87.58% pada operasi create, 85.53% pada operasi update, dan pada operasi delete sebesar 86.40% dan sedangkan pada operasi read penigkatan kecepatan waktu eksekusi yang diperoleh sebesar 57.09%, sehingga secara rata-rata database Redis memiliki unjuk kerja yang lebih baik dari database MySQL yaitu sebesar 79.15%. Kata Kunci : MySql Database, Redis Database, Pemgoramaman PH