4,889,428 research outputs found

    The EF-hand CaÂČâș-binding protein super-family: A genome-wide analysis of gene expression patterns in the adult mouse brain

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    In mice, 249 putative members of the superfamily of EF-hand domain CaÂČâș-binding proteins, manifesting great diversity in structure, cellular localization and functions have been identified. Three members in particular, namely, calbindin-D28K, calretinin and parvalbumin, are widely used as markers for specific neuronal subpopulations in different regions of the brain. The aim of the present study was to compile a comprehensive atlas of the gene-expression profiles of the entire EF-hand gene superfamily in the murine brain. This was achieved by a meticulous examination of the in-situ hybridization images in the Allen Brain Atlas database. Topographically, our analysis focused on the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex (barrel cortex in the primary somatosensory area), basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum, midbrain, pons and medulla, and on clearly identifiable sub-structures within each of these areas. The expression profiles of four family-members, namely hippocalcin-like 4, neurocalcin-ÎŽ, plastin 3 and tescalcin, that have not been hitherto reported, at either the mRNA (in-situ-hybridization) or the protein (immunohistochemical) levels, are now presented for the first time. The fruit of our analysis is a document in which the gene-expression profiles of all members of the EF-hand family genes are compared, and in which future possible neuronal markers for specific cells/brain areas are identified. The assembled information could afford functional clues to investigators, conducive to further experimental pursuit

    La construction d’un rĂ©pertoire langagier de base en allemand et en anglais par le jeu

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    Actuellement Ă©tudiante Ă  la HEP-BEJUNE de Porrentruy et spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans le cycle 2, j’ai choisi d’orienter ma recherche dans le domaine des langues Ă©trangĂšres. Mon travail de mĂ©moire aborde plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment l’apprentissage d’un rĂ©pertoire langagier de base par le jeu en allemand et en anglais. L’étude menĂ©e a pour but de dĂ©couvrir si le jeu permet rĂ©ellement l’apprentissage d’un lexique de base chez les Ă©lĂšves qui dĂ©butent l’apprentissage de ces langues, si celui-ci est un outil pertinent qui favorise cet apprentissage. Mes objectifs de recherche tendent Ă  comprendre ce que peuvent apprendre en jouant les Ă©lĂšves de 5e annĂ©e HarmoS en ce qui concerne l’allemand et de 7e annĂ©e HarmoS pour l’anglais ainsi qu’à identifier les effets produits par le jeu lors de situations d’apprentissage. Pour recueillir les donnĂ©es, j’ai mis en place un processus de recherche-action et me suis rendue dans quatre classes du canton du Jura dans lesquelles j’ai pu observer la rĂ©alisation d’une intervention faisant intervenir le jeu. A la suite de l’intervention, les compĂ©tences des Ă©lĂšves ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es afin de fournir un deuxiĂšme type de donnĂ©es

    Revising SA-CCR

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    From SA-CCR to RSA-CCR: making SA-CCR self-consistent and appropriately risk-sensitive by cashflow decomposition in a 3-Factor Gaussian Market ModelComment: 20 pages, 13 table
