14,395 research outputs found

    On Vietoris-Rips complexes of ellipses

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    For XX a metric space and r>0r>0 a scale parameter, the Vietoris-Rips complex VR<(X;r)VR_<(X;r) (resp. VR(X;r)VR_\leq(X;r)) has XX as its vertex set, and a finite subset σX\sigma\subseteq X as a simplex whenever the diameter of σ\sigma is less than rr (resp. at most rr). Though Vietoris-Rips complexes have been studied at small choices of scale by Hausmann and Latschev, they are not well-understood at larger scale parameters. In this paper we investigate the homotopy types of Vietoris-Rips complexes of ellipses Y={(x,y)R2  (x/a)2+y2=1}Y=\{(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2~|~(x/a)^2+y^2=1\} of small eccentricity, meaning 1<a21<a\le\sqrt{2}. Indeed, we show there are constants r1<r2r_1 < r_2 such that for all r1<r<r2r_1 < r< r_2, we have VR<(X;r)S2VR_<(X;r)\simeq S^2 and VR(X;r)5S2VR_\leq(X;r)\simeq \bigvee^5 S^2, though only one of the two-spheres in VR(X;r)VR_\leq(X;r) is persistent. Furthermore, we show that for any scale parameter r1<r<r2r_1 < r < r_2, there are arbitrarily dense subsets of the ellipse such that the Vietoris-Rips complex of the subset is not homotopy equivalent to the Vietoris-Rips complex of the entire ellipse. As our main tool we link these homotopy types to the structure of infinite cyclic graphs

    On the homotopy type of complexes of graphs with bounded domination number

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    Let Dn,γD_{n,\gamma} be the complex of graphs on nn vertices and domination number at least γ\gamma. We prove that Dn,n2D_{n,n-2} has the homotopy type of a finite wedge of 2-spheres. This is done by using discrete Morse theory techniques. Acyclicity of the needed matching is proved by introducing a relativized form of a much used method for constructing acyclic matchings on suitable chunks of simplices. Our approach allows us to extend our results to the realm of infinite graphs. We give evidence supporting the assertion that the homotopy equivalence Dn,n2NnS2D_{n,n-2}\simeq\bigvee_{N_n}S^2 does not generalize as expected for Dn,γD_{n,\gamma}, if γn3\gamma\leq n-3.Comment: 19 page

    On Vietoris-Rips complexes of Finite Metric Spaces with Scale 22

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    We examine the homotopy types of Vietoris-Rips complexes on certain finite metric spaces at scale 22. We consider the collections of subsets of [m]={1,2,,m}[m]=\{1, 2, \ldots, m\} equipped with symmetric difference metric dd, specifically, Fnm\mathcal{F}^m_n, FnmFn+1m\mathcal{F}_n^m\cup \mathcal{F}^m_{n+1}, FnmFn+2m\mathcal{F}_n^m\cup \mathcal{F}^m_{n+2}, and FAm\mathcal{F}_{\preceq A}^m. Here Fnm\mathcal{F}^m_n is the collection of size nn subsets of [m][m] and FAm\mathcal{F}_{\preceq A}^m is the collection of subsets A\preceq A where \preceq is a total order on the collections of subsets of [m][m] and A[m]A\subseteq [m] (see the definition of \preceq in Section~\ref{Intro}). We prove that the Vietoris-Rips complexes VR(Fnm,2)\mathcal{VR}(\mathcal{F}^m_n, 2) and VR(FnmFn+1m,2)\mathcal{VR}(\mathcal{F}_n^m\cup \mathcal{F}^m_{n+1}, 2) are either contractible or homotopy equivalent to a wedge sum of S2S^2's; also, the complexes VR(FnmFn+2m,2)\mathcal{VR}(\mathcal{F}_n^m\cup \mathcal{F}^m_{n+2}, 2) and VR(FAm,2)\mathcal{VR}(\mathcal{F}_{\preceq A}^m, 2) are either contractible or homotopy equivalent to a wedge sum of S3S^3's. We provide inductive formula for these homotopy types extending the result of Barmak in \cite{Bar13} about the independence complexes of Kneser graphs \text{KG}2,k_{2, k} and the result of Adamamszek and Adams in \cite{AA22} about Vietoris-Rips complexes of hypercube graphs with scale 22

    On string topology of classifying spaces

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    Let G be a compact Lie group. By work of Chataur and Menichi, the homology of the space of free loops in the classifying space of G is known to be the value on the circle in a homological conformal field theory. This means in particular that it admits operations parameterized by homology classes of classifying spaces of diffeomorphism groups of surfaces. Here we present a radical extension of this result, giving a new construction in which diffeomorphisms are replaced with homotopy equivalences, and surfaces with boundary are replaced with arbitrary spaces homotopy equivalent to finite graphs. The result is a novel kind of field theory which is related to both the diffeomorphism groups of surfaces and the automorphism groups of free groups with boundaries. Our work shows that the algebraic structures in string topology of classifying spaces can be brought into line with, and in fact far exceed, those available in string topology of manifolds. For simplicity, we restrict to the characteristic 2 case. The generalization to arbitrary characteristic will be addressed in a subsequent paper.Comment: 93 pages; v4: minor changes; to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Hom complexes and homotopy theory in the category of graphs

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    We investigate a notion of ×\times-homotopy of graph maps that is based on the internal hom associated to the categorical product in the category of graphs. It is shown that graph ×\times-homotopy is characterized by the topological properties of the \Hom complex, a functorial way to assign a poset (and hence topological space) to a pair of graphs; \Hom complexes were introduced by Lov\'{a}sz and further studied by Babson and Kozlov to give topological bounds on chromatic number. Along the way, we also establish some structural properties of \Hom complexes involving products and exponentials of graphs, as well as a symmetry result which can be used to reprove a theorem of Kozlov involving foldings of graphs. Graph ×\times-homotopy naturally leads to a notion of homotopy equivalence which we show has several equivalent characterizations. We apply the notions of ×\times-homotopy equivalence to the class of dismantlable graphs to get a list of conditions that again characterize these. We end with a discussion of graph homotopies arising from other internal homs, including the construction of `AA-theory' associated to the cartesian product in the category of reflexive graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, final version, to be published in European J. Com