2,853,817 research outputs found

    Rural-Urban Migration And Agricultural Development In Nigeria

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    Dliven by the lack of opportunities for remunerative "wk, despairing of even the most minimal social amenities, and dreading the prospect of a life time of back breaking labour for pitifully meager economic rewards, hundreds of thousands of young men and women abandon the countryside and migrate to the cities. This paper therefore examinL this trend of events and the multiplier effects as peO];j~ move from the countryside to the cities in search of white collar jobs and the severe effects this has had on agricultural production in rural Nigeria. The study is both exploratory and descriptive using both content analysis and survey research involving descriptive statistics and chi-square analysis. The findings revealed that ruralurban migration is selective of age, marital status, and educational background while the primary reason for the movement is to better themselves economically. Also, that the massi ve influx of people to the urban centres is due to the dearth in rural infrastructure and economic opportunities and the neglect suffered by the agricultural sector. The position of this paper is that more proactive measures be adopted in rural infrastructural development. It further recommends that government should adopt and enforce policies that will create the enabling environment for rural transformation and agricultural development in Nigeria, especially in terms of policy formulation, articulation and implementation that would eventually enhance the living conditions of rural dwellers

    Clayville Rural Life Center and Museum - Publications Series I - Living History Resource List #05: Metal Trades and Crafts

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    This resource list pertains to the study of metal trades and crafts. The list is divided into two parts: Bibliography and the Conservation and Testing of Metal Artifacts. The Bibliography is further divided into four sections: Primary Production and General; Blacksmithing: Tools, Processes, and Products; Pewter and Pewtersmithing; and Tinware and Tinsmithing. The list contains both primary and secondary sources and their locations. 10p.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Rural Research and Development Corporations

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    Through the Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs), rural industries and the Australian Government together invest some $490 million a year in R&D. This co-investment model has important strengths, including: helping to ensure that public money is not spent on research of little practical value; and facilitating greater and faster uptake of research outputs. However, as currently configured, the model has some significant shortcomings:◦it does not cater well for broader rural R&D needs; the overall level of public support for industry-focused research is too high given the sound financial reasons that producers or industries would have to fully fund much of this research themselves; the basis for the Government's matching contribution to RDCs provides no incentive for producers to increase their investments in the model over time. While the broad model should be retained, significant changes to the way in which the Government contributes its funding are therefore called for. Specifically: the current cap on dollar for dollar matching of industry contributions by the Government should be halved over a ten-year period; a new, uncapped, subsidy at the rate of 20 cents in the dollar should be immediately introduced for industry contributions above the level that attracts dollar for dollar matching; a new, government-funded, RDC - Rural Research Australia (RRA) - should be created to sponsor broader rural research. With RRA in place, the other RDCs (except for the Fisheries RDC) should be left to focus predominantly on funding research of direct benefit to their industry constituents. These new arrangements would result in a modest reduction in total government funding for the RDC model - though with a similarly modest increase in private contributions, the overall amount of funding available to the RDCs could increase. More importantly, the redistribution of some public money to broader research would deliver better value for the community from its investment in the model. Some more specific changes can be viewed in the report.rural research; rural research and development; RDCs; rural research and development corporations; R&D

    Clayville Rural Life Center and Museum - Publications Series I - Living History Resource List #12: Inns, Taverns and Hotels in the Midwest to 1860: Materials Useful for the Study of Their Architecture and Functions, and a Checklist of Surviving Buildings in Illinois and in the Midwest

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    This resource list contains sources pertaining to Inns, Taverns, and Hotels in the Midwest to 1860. The publication is divided into three parts: a bibliography, existing structures in Illinois, and existing structures in the Midwest. The bibliography is divided into three parts: the United States, the Midwest, and Illinois. Sources listed include secondary, primary, and archival resources. 14p.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    “You don’t see them on the streets of your town”: challenges and strategies for serving unstably housed veterans in rural areas

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    Research on policy and programmatic responses to homelessness has focused largely on urban areas, with comparatively little attention paid to the rural context. We conducted qualitative interviews with a nationwide sample of rural-serving agencies receiving grants through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families program to better understand the housing needs, available services, needed resources, and challenges in serving homeless and unstably housed veterans in rural areas. Respondents discussed key challenges—identifying unstably housed veterans, providing services within the rural resource context, and leveraging effective collaboration—and strategies to address these challenges. Unmet needs identified included emergency and subsidized long-term housing options, transportation resources, flexible financial resources, and additional funding to support the intensive work required in rural areas. Our findings identify promising programmatic innovations and highlight the need for policy remedies that are responsive to the unique challenges of addressing homelessness and housing instability in rural areas.Accepted manuscrip

    Access to education for rural students

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    This audit found that the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has not provided access to high-quality education for all students. Summary Students in rural Victoria make up 30 per cent of the student population. In rural Victoria levels of disadvantage are higher and educational aspirations and outcomes are lower than for metropolitan areas. This creates unique and complex challenges for government agencies. This audit assessed the effectiveness of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development\u27s (DEECD) activities to ensure that Victorians in rural and regional areas have access to a high-quality education and that outcomes for these students are maximised. The audit found that DEECD has not provided access to high-quality education for all students. Rural students perform consistently below their metropolitan peers on a range of measures. While the gaps in performance are not always large, they have changed little over time and show no signs of improving. DEECD undertakes many activities that assist rural educators and students, but these have not resulted in a significant improvement in performance. DEECD has not developed a comprehensive, targeted strategy to address known barriers to rural students’ access and participation in education. Recent adjustments to government subsidies for vocational education and training included an increase in loading for delivering training to rural students, yet it remains unclear how rural training options will be affected in the future. DEECD is developing a new rural and regional plan to target the educational outcome gap between metropolitan and rural students. However, it has been delayed, and there is no evidence that it will be sufficiently robust to make a difference


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    Nigeria's detachment from the apron's strings of the British government and her gallant entry into independence on October I" 1960 has much been celebrated. The aftermath of this epoch making event has no doubt birthed several reforms, policies and programmes aimed at transforming the lives of the citizenry. It is worrisome however that, nearly fifty (50) years after, th ere seem not to be any remarkable progress and desired transformations in view especially for the rural women who constitute a greater proportion of the population. Hunger, poverty, disease, ignorance and gender violence constitute the lot of these women. Against this backdrop, this paper appraises the plight of Nigeria's rural women, their-strategic roles in development and the militating factors impeding their economic empowerment from independence till date. It examines a few post-independence programmes targeted at uplifting women and why remarkable progress has not been achieved. The theoretical perspective adopted for article is the political economy theory, while data from secondary sources mainly, content analysis was utilized. The paper concludes with suggestions on urgent pragmatic steps and lessons for the way forward

    Rural Alaska Corrections Plan (A Summary)

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    Efforts to improve correctional services in the rural, predominantly Native communities of Alaska have been going on since before statehood. Complete implementation of plans developed by the Alaska Criminal Justice Planning Agency during the 1970s have been hampered by a number of factors: (1) the scope of the planning has tended to be confined to correctional facilities; (2) the problems faced by corrections in Alaska are complicated by diversity of communities served; (3) financial requirements have exceeded available resources; (4) the authority and responsibility for achieving the plans' objectives were unclear. This document offers proposals for a rural corrections plan which offers a comprehensive, systemic — rather than purely correctional — approach for improving public safety and corrections in rural Alaska. It describes the existing situation, philosophy, coordination and planning, organizational proposals, financing, and implementation.Alaska Corrections Master Plan CommitteeTentative Recommendations / Introduction / Background / Philosophy / Coordination / Organization: Statewide Operations; Local Community Operations / Financing / Implementation / Ma

    Rural Community Education and Radio Broadcasting in Nigeria

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    This paper stresses the importance of Rural Community Education and its relevance to development. It then goes on to show why the face-to-face approach to this type of education has not been very efficient in Nigeria, and then suggests the use of the media of mass communication arguing in favour of Radio Broadcasting and suggesting the adoption of Local Radio Strategy

    Group-based financial institutions for the rural poor in Bangladesh: an institutional- and household-level analysis

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    Table of Contents: Tables, Figures, Foreword, Acknowledgments, and Summary; 1. Introduction; 2. Determinants of the Placement and Outreach of Group-Based Financial Institutions:A County-Level Analysis; 3. Group-Based Financial Institutions:Structure, Conduct, and Performance; 4. Household Participation in Financial Markets; 5. Analysis of the Household-Level Impact of Group-Based Credit Institutions in Bangladesh; 6. Conclusions and Implications for Policy; Appendix A: Survey Modules, Sampling Frame, and Location of Survey Sites; Appendix B: Adult Equivalent Consumption Units Differentiated by Age and Gender; ReferencesRural poor, Financial institutions, Microenterprises, Household surveys,