173 research outputs found

    Analysis of Chemical Laboratory Management at SMAN 55 Jakarta

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    An understanding of laboratory management is highly important to be owned by parties related to the laboratory, both directly and indirectly. Laboratories must be managed and utilized properly, because chemical laboratories are one type of laboratory that is considered quite dangerous in the context of carrying out education, research, and / or community service. This study aims to describe the management of a chemical laboratory using qualitative descriptive research methods. Research subjects were the principal, vice chairman of the curriculum, chair of the laboratory, and teachers in the field of chemistry studies. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) Planning of chemical laboratory work program has been prepared and standardized by the head of the laboratory, 2) Organizing the laboratory structurally already exists, 3) Organizing by the principal involving all those involved in laboratory management, 4) The implementation of the program is suitable with the plan of the work program, 5) Supervision and evaluation of the principal must still be carried out intensively. In other words, laboratory management at SMA 55 Jakarta has been well organized

    Identifikasi Tanaman Hanjuang (Cordyline Fruticosa) Di Kebun Raya Bogor Sebagai Tanaman Lanskap Berdasarkan Morfologi Dan Anatominya

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    Hanjuang (Cordyline fruticosa) is perennial plant which has function as protective plant and barrier in rice fields or fields. The research purpose was to determine Hanjuang (Cordyline fruticosa) plant based on morphology and anatomy. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. Samples were taken at Bogor Botanical Gardens. The anatomy Observed under microscope light with magnification 100-400 times. The research resulted that leaves morphology showed pointed apical and base, arrangement pinnate bones, flesh like paper, lanceolate shape, smooth surface, choppy edges, bright purple when exposed to sunlight and purple when is not, and type leaf sheath. Moreover, leaves, stems, and roots have support tissue in form of colenchyma. The anatomy of stem and root showed transport tissue but xylem observed larger than its phloem. Root showed radially shape. Leaves has an actinositic stomata and content ergastic in the form of needle crystals. Leaves could be seen purple in water and changes when to yellow and green after some drops of basic solutions. It showed that Hanjuang (Cordyline fruticosa) leaves contain anthocyanin but no carotenoid

    Efektivitas Program Kesetaraan Kelompok Belajar Paket C di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat 11 Manggarai Tahun 2015

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    Pemerintah telah mencanangkan wajib belajar 12 tahun sebagai bekal pendidikan masyarakat dimasa depan melalui pendidikan formal namun pada Kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat yang terkendala merasakan pendidikan formal Program kesetaraan paket c setara SMA adalah salah satu solusi, PKBM 11 manggarai adalah salah satu lembaga yang menyelenggarakan program kesetaraan paket c, apakah program kesetaraan paket c di PKBM 11 manggarai sudah efektif? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas program kesetaraan paket c dilihat dari input, proses dan output yang dihasilkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, teknik penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara,Observasi langsung dan Dokumentasi Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisa kualitatif dengan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini dilihat dari input yang ada di program kesetaraan seperti pengurus PKBM, tenaga pendidik, sarana prasarana dan mitra kerjasama sudah cukup baik, namun pada saat proses pelaksanaan masih kurang dan terjadi beberapa kendala sehingga output yang ingin dicapai kurang memuaskan. Sehingga diperlukan beberapa peningkatan untuk mencapai efektivitas yang lebih maksimal

    Penggunaan AB Mix dan Media Tanam terhadap Viabilitas Tanaman Selada (Lactuca Sativa L. Var. New Grand Rapids) dalam Hydroponic Wick System

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    Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources. One of the natural resource wealth is in the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector has a variety of agricultural commodities found in Indonesia. One of them is horticulture. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a horticultural commodity. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of ab mix and planting media on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var New Grand Rapids) in increasing growth and yield after 40 Days After Planting (HST). This research method is an experiment with statistical data collection and analysis techniques. The results of this study are the number of leaves, plant height, and wet weight in the ab mix is ​​higher than aquades (control) because the ab mix provides nutrients for plant growth so that the plant becomes tall and enlarged with its leaves looking wide. However, the number of seeds germinated and plant viability in aquades (control) was higher than ab mix because there was an inorganic salt in ab mix that inhibited seed germination so that the seed membrane in absorbing water became impermeable

    Potensi Teh Bunga Telang (Clitoria Ternatea) Sebagai Obat Pengencer Dahak Herbal Melalui Uji Mukositas

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder in the respiratory tract that can occur in both childrenand adults who are susceptible to inflammation with symptoms of recurrent wheezing, shortness ofbreath, chest pressure, and coughing as a result of the limited air entering the lungs. The purpose ofthis study was to determine the potential content of butterfly pea tea (Clitoria ternatea) as analternative medication to loosening mucus for asthmatics. This study uses an experimental researchmethod, where in this study investigated the mucolytic activity of butterfly pea tea, conditions,conditions, or other things, which are then presented in the form of a research report. The data in thisstudy were obtained from the results of mucolytic test of butterfly pea tea steeping on cow mucus. Theresults of this study are butterfly pea tea solution having mucolytic activity potential at aconcentration of 30% ????????⁄ so that regular consumption can potentially help thin the phlegm due to adecrease in mucous flow rate after the addition of butterfly pea tea solution and there are similaritiesbetween cow mucus and human sputum