1,553 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Concept Mapping to Improve the Performance of the Eight Grade Students of SMPN 4 Malang in Writing Descriptive Texts

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    More than half of the students of class VIII D of SMP Negeri 4 Malang in the first semester of 2008/2009 academic year still have poor ability in writing descriptive texts. The major problem that the students faced was how to get an idea and develop it. To overcome the problem, an alternative strategy was applied in the teaching of writing, namely concept mapping technique. This technique was chosen since it helped the students to generate ideas and develop them. The strategy involved in the writing process including prewriting, writing, and post writing. The main objective of the study is aiming at developing concept mapping strategy to improve the students’ performance in writing descriptive texts. In this study, the research design used is Classroom Action Research. This research was conducted in three cycles. Every cycle consisted of four stages: planning, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting the action. The researcher, at the same time, acted as the English teacher in the class. The subjects of this research were the students of class VIII D of SMP Negeri 4 Malang in the first semester of 2008/2009 academic year which consisted of 39 students. The instruments used were writing assignment, field note, and scoring rubric. There were two kinds of data gained, namely the students’ writing scores and students’ attitude and classroom atmosphere. The data gained from the students’ writing scores were analyzed in terms of content, organization, and language use by using scoring rubric. The students’ attitude and classroom atmosphere was taken from the field notes. Both students’ writing score and attitude were supported by the result of the questionnaire on students’ responses on the application of concept mapping in writing. The research finding showed that concept mapping could be implemented to improve the students’ writing performance in writing descriptive texts and solved the students’ problem in generating and developing ideas. In Cycle 1, the implementation of the action was not fully successful; the mean score of the students’ writing for all the three assessed criteria did not significantly increase compared with the score in the preliminary study and there were some students producing descriptive writing below the standard level. So, it was continued to the next cycle that was Cycle 2. The mean score of the students’ writing in Cycle 2 significantly increased compared with the previous cycle; however, there were some students producing descriptive writing below the standard level. So, it was continued to the next cycle that was Cycle 3. The implementation of the action was fully successful in Cycle 3 since the students’ writing performance was better and there was no student producing descriptive writing below the standard level for all the three assessed criteria of writing that were content, organization, and language use.    iiiiIn conclusion, concept mapping technique could be implemented at SMP Negeri 4 Malang, class VIII D. Using concept mapping in prewriting stage was suitable to help the students to improve their writing performance in terms of content, organization, and language use. The implementation of concept mapping in writing descriptive texts not only improved the students’ writing performance in terms of content, organization, and the language use, but also brought students’ positive attitude during the teaching and learning process, which at the end improved the students’ writing performance in class. Since the success of the implementation of the action was reached in Cycle 3—the students’ writing had been satisfactory and met the criteria of success that had been made before—, the stages in the cycle become the answer of the research problem. The procedures of concept mapping strategy used in this study covered four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Planning included four things, which were preparing the lesson plan and media, developing concept mapping strategy into an appropriate model, preparing research instruments, and preparing the criteria of success.  The concept mapping strategy involved process approach and using three-phase techniques in the implementation, namely pre activity, main activities, post activity. The pre activities included reviewing the students’ knowledge about descriptive text and concept mapping. The main activities involved assigning the students to generate ideas using concept mapping on free topics, asking them to start writing their drafts, reminding them of some linguistic points, asking them to proofread and give comments on each other’s work, and giving them time to edit and revise their work. The post activity involved submitting the students’ final work, asking their feeling and difficulties in learning using concept mapping, and eliciting them to conclude the lesson. The success of the implementation of these procedures was by implementing concept mapping in writing descriptive texts on free topics. The topics that had to be developed by the students were not determined by the teacher so that the students could write freely and more creative.  It is recommended that the English teachers implement this technique in the teaching of descriptive writing. It is also recommended that either the junior high school or senior high school English teachers who possibly find similar problem in the teaching of descriptive texts use this technique by adjusting some parts of the procedures to suit the students’ level of ability and also the existing conditions. It is also suggested that other researchers conduct further research concerning to the use of concept mapping technique to improve students’ performance in writing the other text types. They are also recommended to conduct other research on the use of concept mapping technique in teaching the other skill like reading and language component like vocabulary. It is also suggested that future researchers conduct research using other techniques of writing different text types involving more respondents in different setting and conditions to see whether the technique can be implemented effectively or not

    The Description of Teaching Speaking at SMAN 1 Kepanjen

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    ABSTRACTSyahid, Afrani. 2009. Teaching Speaking at SMAN 1 Kepanjen. Thesis. EnglishDepartment. Faculty of Letters. State University of Malang. Advisor: Drs.Murdibjono, M.A.Key words: teaching speaking, SMAN 1 KepanjenThis study was conducted in order to describe about the process of teachingspeaking at SMAN 1 Kepanjen. Specifically, this study aimed at describing (1)the techniques used in teaching speaking, (2) the instructional materials used bythe teachers, (3) instructional media, and (4) how the assessment was conducted.This study was descriptive-qualitative which tried to get a description of theprocess of teaching speaking at SMAN 1 Kepanjen. The techniques of datacollection used were questionnaire and interview. The data collected from theinstruments were gathered and analyzed to draw the final conclusions.In teaching speaking, the English teachers at SMAN 1 Kepanjen used sometechniques such as listen and repeat, asking questions in the beginning of thelesson which were related to the topic, asking the students to make a dialogue andpresent it in front of the class, and group discussion. For grade ten, the teacheralso asked the students to read the dialogues written in their textbooks andpracticed them in pairs. The teacher also asked the students to complete thedialogue using the suitable expressions. In terms of instructional materials, theteachers at SMAN 1 Kepanjen, preferred to use textbooks as their main materials.In this case, the main textbook used by grade ten was "The Bridge EnglishCompetence" written by Kistono et al, published by Yudhistira. The teacher ofgrade ten also used two other textbooks that were "Headlight" written by DraEmalia I. L, published by Erlangga, 2000 and "Look Ahead" written by THMSudarwati, published by Erlangga, 2006. As an addition, the teacher of grade tenalso took the materials from magazines, newspapers, and Lembar Kerja Siswa(LKS). The teacher of grade eleven used six main textbooks. The teacher took thematerials from all those six textbooks, summarized it, and made notes for thestudents. In general, both of the teachers used the facility well. The teachers bothused blackboard effectively in every meeting. They also used language laboratoryfor a different learning atmosphere. The teacher of grade ten also used taperecorder and English conversation cassettes to support the teaching and learningprocess. The test was conducted after one standard competence was finished orafter some standard competencies were finished (block examination). Thespeaking test was done in the form of oral test.Based on the findings the researcher suggested that in teaching speaking theteachers should not only depend on the textbooks. They should use other sources,such as internets and authentic materials. The school should take good care of thefacilities such as, language laboratory, LCD, or tape recorder.ABSTRACTSyahid, Afrani. 2009. Deskripsi Pengajaran Berbicara Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1Kepanjen. Skripsi. Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Sastra. UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing: Drs. Murdibjono, M.A.Kata Kunci: Pengajaran Berbicara, SMAN 1 KepanjenPenelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang proses pengajaranberbicara bahasa inggris di SMAN 1 Kepanjen. Secara spesifik, penelitian inibertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) teknik-teknik pengajaran yang digunakandalam mengajar berbicara bahasa inggris, (2) materi pengajaran yang digunakanoleh guru, (3) media pengajaran, dan (4) bagaimana penilaian dilakukan.Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif yang mencoba untukmenggambarkan proses pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris di SMAN 1Kepanjen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah questionnaire andinterview. Data yang dihasilkan dari instumen-instrumen tersebut dikumpulkandan dianalisa untuk kemudian ditarik kesimpulan.Dalam pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris, guru-guru bahasa inggris diSMAN 1 Kepanjen menggunakan beberapa teknik seperti listen and repeat,menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan diawal pelajaran, membuat dialog danmempresentasikannya didepan kelas, dan grup diskusi. Untuk kelas sepuluh, gurujuga memberi tugas siswa untuk membaca dialog di buku teks mereka dan berlatihsecara berpasangan. Guru juga memberi tugas untuk melengkapi dialog denganmenggunakan ekspresi yang sesuai. Dalam hal materi pengajaran, guru di SMAn1 Kepanjen menggunakan buku teks sebagai materi pengajaran yang utama.Dalam hal ini, materi pengajaran utama yang digunakan oleh kelas sepuluh adalah"The Bridge English Competence" ditulis oleh Kistono dkk, dan diterbitkan olehYudhistira. Guru kelas sepuluh juga menggunakan dua buku lain yaitu"Headlight" ditulis oleh Dra Emalia I. L dan diterbitkan oleh Erlangga, 2000 dan"Look Ahead" ditulis oleh THM Sudarwati, diterbitkan oleh Erlangga, 2006.Sebagai tambahan, guru kelas sepuluh juga mengambil materi dari majalah,Koran, dan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS). Guru kelas sebelas menggunakan enambuku teks. Guru tersebut mengambil material dari keenam buku teks tersebut,merangkumnya, dan membuat catatan untuk kemudian dibagikan kepada murid.Secara umum, kedua guru menggunakan fasilitas dengan baik. Kedua gurutersebut menggunakan papan tulis disetiap pertemuan. Mereka juga menggunakanlabolatorium bahasa untuk suasana pengajaran yang berbeda. Guru kelas sepuluhjuga menggunakan radio tape dan kaset percakapan bahasa inggris. Tesdilaksanakan setelah satu standar kompetensi selesai atau setelah beberapa standarkompetensi selesai (ujian blok). Tes berbicara dilaksanakan dalam bentuk lisan.Berdasarkan penemuan diatas, peneliti menyarankan agar dalam prosespengajaran, guru tidak hanya bergantung pada buku teks. Mereka juga harusmenggunakan sumber lain seperti internet dan materi autentik. Sekolah jugasebaiknya menjaga fasilitas seperti labolatorium bahasa, LCD, atau radio tapedengan baik

    The Implementation of Teaching English in a Conversation Class at SMA Negeri 8 Malang

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    English is the language used for global range. English is used in numbers of aspects such as technology, news broadcasting and education. Yet, mastering English will be useless without the mastery of speaking. Someone’s success in learning a target language is fully determined by his or her ability to use the target language in a real life communication. Yet, in our country, Indonesia, there is a very limited chance for the students to practice their speaking abilities. As the result, they find it difficult to improve their speaking abilities. Therefore, some schools, including SMA Negeri 8 Malang, have established a conversation class as the media for the students to practice their speaking skills.    This study was conducted to describe the implementation of teaching English in the conversation class at SMA Negeri 8 Malang. There were six variables included in this study, namely the kinds of classroom activities conducted in the conversation class, the kinds of roles implemented by the English teacher, the kinds of materials used in the conversation class, the kinds of media used in the class, the description of the students’ speaking problems, and their solutions to overcome the problems. The setting of this study was Grade XI majoring in IPA I with thirty-seven students in that class as the samples for this study. This study employed a descriptive-qualitative design. Field notes, the headmaster and the English teacher’s interview guides and the students’ questionnaires were the instruments used to collect the data needed. By employing all of the instruments, the relevant data were collected. The data are then classified by using the concept of coding categories into six variables as mentioned above.  The findings of this study were as follows. The first, story telling, whispering games, story completion, role-play and watching movie were the classroom activities conducted in the conversation class. The second finding, the teacher acted as knowledge transmitter, a manager for the classroom activities and the counselor for the students who faced speaking problems. The third was that the materials used in this conversation class were the students’ funny experiences, Indonesian folk tales, argumentative texts about current social issues in Indonesia and a heroic movie. The fourth finding was that a whiteboard and a heroic movie were used as media in this class. The fifth finding is related to the students’ speaking problems. It was found out that 92% of the students face speaking problems. Their problems varied from linguistic problems up to psychological problems. It revealed that 86.5% of the students had vocabulary problems, 78.3% of them had grammar problems while 70.2 percent of the students faced pronunciation problems. 46% of the students stated that they were unable to understand other’s utterances in English. As an addition, 59.5% of the students   iifelt shy to speak English and 32.4% of them were not motivated to speak English. The last finding showed the students’ efforts to overcome their speaking problems. The strategies used by the students to deal with their speaking problems were paraphrasing, approximation, the use of gestures, asking help from their classmates and their English teacher, adjusting the messages, and the use of native language. Based on the result of the study, it is recommended that the English teacher be more careful in selecting the kinds of classroom activities for the class. They should provide the opportunities for the students to practice their speaking abilities. Next, the teacher should also set up a fixed syllabus along with the kinds of classroom activities, materials, media and suitable scoring rubrics. As an addition, it is expected that he gives feedback for the students concerning to their performances. To SMA Negeri 8 Malang, it is better if the school establishes other programmes to motivate the students in improving their speaking abilities, for example English day or English competitions. The last suggestion is given to other researchers. It is expected for them to conduct other studies to investigate other elements in the conversation class apart from the six elements above. Another alternative is to take one of the six elements above and conduct an in-depth investigation about it

    Code Switching Used by Indonesian Bloggers in Friendster Blogs

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    This study aims at investigating the use of code switching by Indonesian Bloggers in Friendster Blogs. There are two research problems in this study, namely: What are the types of code switching occurring in Friendster blogs written by Indonesian bloggers? and What are the reasons why Indonesian bloggers switch their Bahasa Indonesia into English, or the other way around when they are writing Friendster Blogs?       Theoretically, this study is expected to enrich the study of Sociolinguistics, especially the study on code switching and to give valuable contribution to the theory of language use and culture, particularly the theoretical use of code switching. Practically, this research is expected to broaden the knowledge of linguistics learners, especially the Sociolinguistics students about the phenomenon of switching language in Blogs writing. This study is also dedicated to the bloggers to open up their horizons about the facts of switching language that occur in Blogs writing.             The research design of this study is descriptive qualitative and the source of the data of this research is the 10 Blogs, in the form of writing written by 10 Indonesian bloggers in Friendster Blogs. The duration of the data collection is for about two months, starting from February 1st until March 20th, 2007.             The results show that there are four out of six types of code switching suggested by Hoffman’s theory which are used by the Indonesian bloggers in their writing in Friendster Blogs. They are: (1) intra-sentential code switching,  (2) inter-sentential code switching, (3) emblematic switching, (4) involving a word within a sentence. Then, the two other types of code switching which are not found in the research are (1) establishing continuity to the previous speaker, and (2) involving a change of pronunciation.             There are seven out of nine reasons of code switching according to Hoffman’s and Saville-Troike theory which are used by the Indonesian youth in their writing blogs in Friendster Blogs. They are: (1) talking about a particular topic, (2) quoting somebody else, (3) being emphatic about something, (4) inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors, (5) repeating for clarification, (6) expressing group identity, (7) real lexical need. Another reason of code switching used by Indonesian bloggers is to express emotional relationships. The other two reasons in the Hoffman’s theory do not occur in the study. They are: (1) intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor and (2) To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience. From the results, it is obvious that the Indonesian bloggers employed code switching in their writing blogs. It can be seen that they use various types and reasons of code switching

    The Problems of Second Grade Students of SMPN 4 Malang in Learning English and the Efforts Made to Overcome Them

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    ABSTRACT   Nurhanifah, Devie. 2012. The Problems of Second Grade Students of SMPN 4 Malang in Learning English and the Efforts Made to Overcome Them. S-1 Thesis. English Department, State University of Malang, Advisor: Dra. Sri Widayati, M.Ed.   Keywords: students’ problem in learning English, efforts to overcome   In Indonesia, English has been decided to be the first foreign language to be taught at school. English in Indonesia is taught from elementary school till university level. In secondary school, it is taught as a compulsory subject. Students must be able to master this subject in order to pass the national examination. However, learning English is not easy. Students usually find problems in learning this subject. The researcher conducted the research in SMPN 4 Malang, that was in class VIIIE. The researcher used to conduct her internship in this class and she found that the students had problems in learning English. It was indicated by their unsatisfactory scores in daily tests and midterm test. This study was intended to find out: (1) the problems of the second grade students of SMPN 4 Malang in learning English in general, (2) the problems of the second grade students of SMPN 4 Malang in learning listening, speaking, reading, and writing, (3) the efforts made by the students to overcome the problems, and (4) the efforts made by the teacher to help the students to overcome the problems. The design of the study was descriptive qualitative. The subjects of the study were the students and the English teacher of class VIIIE, SMPN 4 Malang. The instruments used in the study were questionnaires, interview guide, and observation sheet. The finding shows that almost all of the students had problems in learning English. In general, their problems were related to low motivation, bad study habit, and attitude toward learning. However, external factors, such as the classroom condition also hampered them in learning English in the classroom. Most of the students had problems in learning all English language skills. The students’ most common problems in learning listening were related to the problems in catching what is being spoken by the speaker, the speaker speed of speech, and problems related to concentration. In learning speaking, the problems were related to the problems in self confidence, pronunciation, vocabulary, and diction. In learning reading, the problems were related to the problems in understanding the main idea of the texts, problems in finding both implicit and explicit information, and problems related to the topic and the length of the texts. In learning writing, the problems were related to vocabulary, grammar, diction, spelling, and topic. In order to overcome the problems they encountered in learning English, the students made some efforts. In overcoming the problems in learning listening, their efforts were trying to make themselves accustomed to listen to English songs and to watch English movie, trying to concentrate while listening, and taking note on what the speaker said. In overcoming problems in learning speaking, their efforts were practicing to speak in English with the teacher, their friends, or family, checking in the dictionary or asking the teacher, their friends, or family whenever they did not know the English words and the pronunciation of the words they wanted to say. In overcoming the problems in learning reading, their efforts were checking in the dictionary or asking the teacher or friends whenever they find difficult words in the texts, asking the teacher if they found difficulties in understanding the texts, and practicing to read any article in English to make them accustomed to read. The efforts in overcoming problems in learning writing were learning grammar, checking in the dictionary or ask the teacher, their friends or family whenever they did not know the English words of the words they wanted to write, and practicing to write any kind of text in English, such as a diary, poem, or short story. In helping the students to overcome their problems in learning English, the teacher also made some efforts. In general, what the teacher did was to encourage the students to learn and practice more. However, the teacher could not make maximum efforts because she lacked of facilities. Based on the finding, it is suggested that the students be aware to their problems in learning English. They should know their own problems in learning English, so that they can make some efforts to overcome their problems. The teacher is also suggested to be more concerned with the students’ problems in learning English. Some strategies are needed to help the students to overcome their problems. Other educational practitioner, such as the headmaster and the committee are suggested to concern more with the facilities that support the teaching and learning process, for instance, the condition of the classroom. Future researchers are suggested to conduct further research related to the students’ problems in learning and the solutions to overcome the problems.           ABSTRAK   Nurhanifah, Devie. 2012. The Problems of Second Grade Students of SMPN 4 Malang in Learning English and the Efforts Made to Overcome Them. Thesis. English Department, State University of Malang, Pembimbing: Dra. Sri Widayati, M.Ed.   Keyword: masalah siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, usaha untuk mengatasi   Di Indonesia, bahasa Inggris telah ditetapkan sebagai bahasa asing pertama untuk diajarkan di sekolah. Bahasa Inggris diajarkan dari tingkat sekolah dasar hingga tingkat perguruan tinggi. Di sekolah menengah, bahasa Inggris diajarkan sebagai mata pelajaran wajib. Siswa harus menguasai mata pelajaran ini untuk dapat lulus ujian nasional. Akan tetapi, mempelajari bahasa Inggris tidaklah mudah. Siswa biasanya menemukan masalah-masalah dalam mempelajari mata pelajaran ini. Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini di SMPN 4 Malang, yaitu di kelas VIIIE. Sebelumnya peneliti juga telah melakukan praktek mengajar di kelas tersebut dan menemukan bahwa siswa-siswa kelas tersebut mengalami masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari hasil ulangan harian dan ujian tengah semester mereka yang kurang memuaskan. Penelitian ini dilakukan guna menemukan: (1) masalah-masalah yang dialami oleh siswa kelas delapan SMPN 4 Malang dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris secara umum, (2) masalah-masalah yang dialami oleh siswa kelas delapan SMPN 4 Malang dalam mempelajari keterampilan mendengar, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis, (3) usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh siswa untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang mereka hadapi dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris, dan (4) usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk membantu siswa mengatasi masalah-masalah yang mereka alami dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Desain dari penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru bahasa Inggris kelas VIIIE, SMPN 4 Malang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kuisioner, pedoman wawancara, dan lembar observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua siswa mengalami masalah dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Secara umum, masalah yang mereka alami berkaitan dengan motivasi belajar yang rendah, kebiasaan belajar yang buruk, dan sikap terhadap belajar. Namun demikian, faktor eksternal seperti kondisi ruangan kelas juga menjadi masalah yang bagi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di kelas. Hampir semua siswa mengalami masalah dalam mempelajari semua keterampilan berbahasa Inggris.  Masalah yang paling umum dalam mempelajari keterampilan mendengar antara lain masalah dalam menangkap apa yang dikatakan oleh pembicara, kecepatan berbicara pembicara, dan masalah berkaiatan dengan konsentrasi. Dalam mempelajari keterampilan berbicara, masalahnya antara lain berkaitan dengan rasa percaya diri, pelafalan, kosakata, dan diksi. Dalam mempelajari keterampilan membaca, masalahnya antara lain berkaitan dengan masalah dalam menemukan ide pokok bacaan, masalah dalam menemukan informasi tersirat dan tersurat, dan masalah berkaitan dengan topik dan panjang bacaan. Dalam mempelajari keterampilan menulis, masalahnya berkaitan dengan kosakata, tata bahasa, diksi, pengejaan, dan topik. Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang muncul dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, siswa melakukan beberapa usaha. Untuk mengatasi masalah dalam mempelajari keterampilan mendengar usaha yang dilakukan adalah membiasakan diri mendengar lagu dan menonton film dalam bahasa Inggris, berusaha berkonsentrasi saat mendengar, dan mencatat apa yang dikatakan pembicara. Untuk mengatasi masalah dalam mempelajari keterampilan berbicara, usaha mereka adalah berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan guru, teman, atau keluarga, mengecek kamus atau bertanya pada guru, teman, atau keluarga apabila mereka tidak mengetahui kata bahasa Inggris atau cara pelafalannya. Untuk mengatasi masalah dalam mempelajari keterampilan membaca, usaha mereka adalah mengecek kamus atau bertanya pada guru, teman, atau keluarga apabila mereka menemukan kata-kata sulit dari bacaan, bertanya pada guru apabila mereka kesulitan memahami bacaan, dan membiasakan diri membaca bacaan dalam bahasa Inggris. Usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah dalam mempelajari keterampilan menulis antara lain belajar tata bahasa, mengecek kamus atau bertanya pada guru, teman, atau keluarga apabila tidak mengetahui bahasa Inggris dari kata yang ingin ditulis, dan berlatih menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk diari, puisi, atau cerita pendek. Untuk membantu siswa mengatasi masalah mereka dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, guru juga melakukan beberapa usaha. Secara umum, usaha yang dilakukan oleh guru adalah untuk mendorong siswa untuk lebih belajar dan berlatih. Namun, guru tidak dapat melakukan usaha maksimal karena terhambat kurangnya fasilitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan agar siswa dapat mengetahui masalah-masalah yang mereka alami dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Mereka harus mengetahui masalah yang mereka alami sendiri, sehingga mereka dapat melakukan beberapa usaha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Guru juga disarankan untuk lebih memperhatikan masalah-masalah yang dialami siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Beberapa strategi diperlukan untuk membantu siswa dalam mengatasi masalah yang mereka hadapi. Praktisi pendidikan lainnya, seperti kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah disarankan untuk lebih memperhatikan fasilitas-fasilitas yang mendukung jalannya proses belajar mengajar, contohnya kondisi ruangan kelas. Peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait masalah-masalah siswa dalam belajar dan solusi untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah tersebut.


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    ABSTRACT   Suryawira, Charisudin. 2011. The Effect of 4/3/2 Technique on Students’ Oral Fluency at SMPN 5 Malang. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Nur Hayati, S.Pd, M.Ed.   Key Words: fluency, 4/3/2 technique   Fluency is one of the most important aspect in speaking. At every level of  language proficiency language learners need to be fluent. Even they are in very beginner level that just know several words, they need to speak it fluently in order to be able to communicate. Moreover, to be able to speak fluently is also the aspect that students should achieve as described in Basic Competence for the teaching of English in the secondary level of education such as junior and senior high school. A technique that can be used in order to develop the students’ fluency is 4/3/2 technique. This technique was found to improve the fluency of college students and adult learners. It is necessary to investigate the effect of this technique on the development of  fluency at school levels. It is because fluency needs to be developed from when the students started to learn to speak English. This study is intended to investigate whether 4/3/2 technique has a significant effect on the development of fluency at junior high school level. This study used preexperimental design. This  study has no control group to be compared with the experimental group. In this study the students are forced to speak three times under the time constraint, namely 4 minutes, 3 minutes, and 2 minutes respectively. When students were speaking, they were recorded. Those recordings then were transcribed and analysed. The data were analyzed by comparing the words per minute and hesitation that speaker made among those three deliveries. In short, in this technique the students are compared to themselves. Therefore, this technique has no control group to be compared with the experimental group. The subject of the study were ten students of class VIII-B of the first semester in the 2011/2012 at SMPN 5 Malang. This study took a week for collecting the data. The research findings indicated that the 4/3/2 technique has significant effect on the students’ fluency. The improvement of fluency can be measured from the words per minute and hesitation per 100 words that students made. On average, there was an increase in words per minute (51.02 %) from the 4 minute version to the 2 minute version. There was also reduction in the number of hesitation. On average, there was a decrease of  31.5 % from the first delivery to the third delivery. Regarding the research findings, it was evident that 4/3/2 technique has significant effect on the development of fluency of junior high school students.  Therefore, this technique can be used as an alternative technique for teachers in developing students oral fluency in Indonesia.                   ABSTRAK   Suryawira, Charisudin. 2011. Effek dari Teknik 4/3/2 Terhadap Kelancaran Berbicara Siswa di SMPN 5 Malang. Skripsi. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: Nur Hayati, S.Pd, M.Ed.   Kata Kunci: fluency, 4/3/2 technique   Kelancaran adalah salah satu aspek yang penting dalam berbicara. Di setiap level penguasaan bahasa, pelajar bahasa harus mampu berbicara lancar. Meskipun mereka berada pada level sangat awal yang hanya mengerti beberapa kata saja, mereka harus mampu mengucapkannya secara lancar agar mampu untuk berkomunikasi. Selain itu, mampu berbicara secara lancar adalah aspek yang perlu siswa capai seperti yang tertera dalam kompetensi dasar dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris level kedua pendidikan seperti tingkat SMP dan SMA. Salah satu teknik yang dapat dicoba dalam rangka mengembangkan kelancaran berbahasa siswa adalah teknik 4/3/2. Teknik ini  terbukti dapat meningkatkan kelancaran berbahasa pada  mahasiswa dan terutama pada siswa dewasa.  Namun perlu kiranya untuk menyelidiki efek dari teknik ini terhadap perkembangan kelancaran berbahasa terutama ketika teknik ini diaplikasikan  terhadap level siswa sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Skripsi ini dimaksudkan untuk menyelidiki apakah teknik 4/3/2 memiliki efek yang siknifikan terhadap perkembangan kelancaran berbahasa siswa pada level sekolah menegah pertama (SMP). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain preeksperimental. Penelitian ini tidak menggunakan kelompok kontrol untuk dibandingkan dengan kelompok eksperimen. Dalam penelitian ini, siswa dipaksa untuk berbicara tiga kali dibawah tekanan waktu  yaitu 4 menit, 3 menit, dan 2 menit. Peneliti merekam para siswa ketika mereka sedang berbicara. Rekaman tersebut lalu ditranskrip dan dianalisa. Data tersebut dianalisa dengan membandingkan jumlah kata per menit dan pengulangan dan keraguan yang siswa buat antara ketiga kesempatan berbicara. Ringkasnya, dalam teknik ini siswa dibandingkan dengan dirinya sendiri. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini tidak memiliki kelompok kontrol untuk dibandingkan dengan kelompok eksperimen. Subjek penelitian adalah sepuluh siswa dari kelas VIII-B di SMPN 5 Malang tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini memerlukan waktu satu minggu guna pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa teknik 4/3/2 memiliki efek terhadap kelancaran berbahasa pada level siswa SMP. Peningkatan kelancaran berbahasa dapat diukur dari jumlah kata per menit dan jumlah pengulangan per 100 kata yang siswa buat. Secara rata-rata, terdapat peningkatan dalam jumlah kata per menit ( 51.02 %) dari versi 4 menit ke versi 2 menit. Ditemukan juga  penurunan dalam jumlah pengulangan dan keraguan yang siswa buat. Secara rata-rata, terdapat penurunan dari 31.5 % dari 4 menit ke 3 menit. Berkenaan dengan temuan penelitian, teknik 4/3/2 memiliki efek yang siknifikan terhadap perkembangan kelancaran berbahasa Inggris terhadap siswa sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Oleh karenanya, teknik ini dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif bagi guru dalam mengembangkan kelancaran berbicara siswa di Indonesia.

    Studi kasus dalam penggunaan pertanyaan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran membaca di sma “islam” malang.

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    ABSTRACTDja’far, V H. 2011. A Case Study on the Use of Teacher’s Questioning in the Teaching of Reading at SMA “Islam” Malang. Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Dr.Enny Irawati, M.Pd.Key words: teacher’s questioning, teaching reading, active participationThe role of teacher is very important to guide and motivate the students inlearning English. Reading is an important skill in learning English, but unfortunately the teaching of reading skill has not been developed sufficiently. Questioning is one of the most crucial strategies in the teaching of reading. The effective questioning applied will lead to better reading comprehension of the students. This study was conducted to identify and describe teacher’s questioning in an English class at SMA “Islam” Malang. The subject of the research was the English teacher of grade XI and XII of SMA Islam Malang. In the present study, the researcher is the key instrument because he is the one who collected and analyzed the data. The researcher used field note sheet, observation checklist and tape recorder as the instruments to gain precise data in this study. The main data of the study are the questioning utterances produced by the teacher in teaching reading. The main data were takenduring the teaching-learning process in the class. These main data were collected through observation and recording the teacher’s questioning in four meetings. To support the main data, secondary data were also collected through field note sheet. The data analysis was done in four steps, namely: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.The result of the research shows that the teacher used three types of techniques of questioning mentioned in the category of questioning defined by Chaudron (1988:128)., i.e. (1) repeating or rephrasing the question (39.4%), (2) giving clues to narrow the question down (34.2%), and (3) modifying questions by giving alternative ‘or-choice’ questions (26.3%).The findings of this study mostly support the existing theories of technique of questioning. As can be seen in the findings, the teacher in this study applied the three kinds of the techniques of questioning as suggested by Chaudron(1988).For the teacher, it is suggested that in questioning during teaching and learning of reading activities, the teacher needs to apply all kinds of techniques of questioning proportionally and be creative in questioning by considering the students’ ability since the students come different backgrounds. For the futureresearcher(s), it is suggested to investigate the teacher-technique in giving questioning in other skills in the field of English teaching.ABSTRAK   Dja’far, Veri Hardinansyah. 2011. A Case Study on the Use of Teacher’s Questioning in the Teaching of Reading at SMA “Islam” Malang. Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd.   Key words: pertanyaan guru, pembelajaran membaca, partisipasi aktif.   Sebagai salah satu sekolah menengah atas terpopuler di kota Malang, SMA “Islam” menghadapi beberapa masalah dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Salah satunya adalah dalam melaksanakan pengajaran mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Peran guru adalah sangat penting untuk mengarahkan dan memotivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Membaca merupakan kemampuan yang tak bisa dikesampingkan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, tetapi sayangnya pengajaran kemampuan membaca belum terbangun dengan baik. Salah satu solusi untuk mengarahkan siswa dalam memahami materi membaca, guru menerapkan teknik bertanya. Untuk itu seorang guru harus memiliki kreativitas yang mumpuni untuk mengaplikasikan teknik bertanya kepada para siswa. Untuk meninjau lebih jauh mengenai masalah ini, penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan teknik bertanya guru pada kelas bahasa Inggris di SMA “Islam” Malang. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan: Jenis teknik bertanya apa saja yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di SMA “Islam” Malang? Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa Inggris kelas XI dan XII SMA “Islam” Malang. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti adalah sebagai instrument utama karena peneliti adalah yang melaksanakan pengumpulan data dan sekaligua menganalisanya. Peneliti menggunakan field note sheet, daftar observasi dan alat rekam sebagai instrument untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat. Data utama pada penelitian ini adalah ucapan koreksi yang biberikan oleh guru dalam mengajarkan kemampuan membaca. Data utama tersebut diambil selama proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Data tersebut dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan merekan koreksi guru dalam empat pertemuan. Untuk mendukung data utama, data sekunder juga dikumpulkan menggunkan field note sheet. Data analisis dilakukan dalam empat tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, pemaparan data dan pembuatan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru menerapkan tiga jenis teknik bertanya yang disebutkan dalam kategori bertanya yang didefinisikan oleh Chaudron (1988:128) yaitu (1) repeating or rephrasing the question (39.4%), (2) giving clues to narrow the question down (34.2%), and (3) modifying questions by giving alternative ‘or-choice’ questions (26.3%). Temuan dalam penelitian ini seluruhnya mendukung teori teknik bertanya yang sudah ada. Seperti tersaji di dalam hasil temuan, guru dalam penelitian ini menerapkan tiga jenis teknik bertanya yang dipaparkan oleh Chaudron (1988). Bagi guru, disarankan bahwa dalam memberikan koreksi selama kegiatan belajar dan mengajar kelas membaca, guru perlu menerapkan semua jenis teknik dalam memberikan koreksi secara proporsional dan kreatif dengan mengerti kemampuan siswa karena para siswa mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeda –beda. Untuk peneliti berikutnya, diharapkan untuk melakukan investigasi teknik yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam memberikan pertanyaan pada kemampuan berbahasa lainnya dari pengajaran bahasa Inggris.


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    Based on the Curriculum of 2013, the tenth graders of senior high school are expected to be able to comprehend and produce various long functional texts. One of the text types for the tenth graders of senior high school to be mastered is descriptive text. In descriptive writing, the students should be able to write in detail in order to help the readers imagine what the topic is about. The most important part of writing a description is using clear and effective words that create exactly the picture the writers want to describe. The richer the vocabulary the clearer the description will be. And the situational posters have proven that it indeed improves students’ vocabulary mastery.The result of the preliminary study showed that the students of X MIA 2 of SMAN 3 Blitar had problems with vocabulary, especially when they tried to write descriptive text. In their writing most of them wrote in Bahasa Indonesia when they did not know the English words. Therefore, the researcher conducted a study to solve students’ problem in vocabulary mastery. She employed situational posters to improve students’ vocabulary mastery in descriptive writing.This study employed Classroom Action research (CAR) as the research design. CAR is to intervene in a deliberate way in then problematic situation in order to bring about changes and, even better, improvements in practice. It consists of four stages (1) planning, (2) implementing, (3) observing and (4) reflecting. The subjects of this study were X MIA 2 class students of SMAN 3 Blitar. There were 31 students who participated in this study.  The researcher used two kinds of assessments: vocabulary and writing test. She used five instruments: observation checklists, field notes, questionnaires, students’ worksheets, and vocabulary and writing test. The English classroom teacher helped the researcher by taking the role of an observer during teaching and learning process and also revising the lesson plans and giving advice in terms of teaching and learning strategy.The research findings showed that situational posters have successfully improved students’ vocabulary mastery in descriptive writing. It can be seen from the point improvements of students’ score in vocabulary-writing tests. All of the students, 31 students, could improve their score above 10 points, even the points improvement were extremely good because the highest point improvement was 38 points. The students could reach the criteria of success. Also, the students gave positive responses toward the strategy. The learning process was very interesting and fun for them. The steps of the strategy that have proven to be able to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and make them enjoy the learning process are (1) introducing and strengthening vocabulary, (2) reviewing vocabulary, (3) explaining and giving practice to the students to make simple descriptive sentences in a group, (4) playing ‘True/False’ situations, (5) giving example of descriptive text (describing situation) and find out difficult or unknown word from the text, (6) asking the students to make descriptive text, and (7) asking the students to do peer-feedback.It is finally suggested that English teachers employ situational posters as teaching strategy in teaching vocabulary in writing, especially in descriptive writing. The researcher recommends that future researchers employ the findings of the present research as their reference


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    ABSTRACT   Anugraini, Ridhia Rizki. 2010. Developing The Honey Comb Challenge Multimedia Game Courseware to Improve the Fourth Graders’ Speaking Skill at SDN Purwantoro II Malang. Thesis, English Language Teaching, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang. Advisor: Siti Muniroh, S.Pd., M.A.   Key words: speaking, EYL, multimedia/media, courseware. Speaking skill is an essential skill that should be developed since the early period of learning English. It is in accordance with the two objectives of the teaching English of young learners in KTSP curriculum that is to develop the students’ communicative competence and to have awareness of the essence and the importance of English to increase competitiveness in the global world.  Media is very important to help young learners in learning speaking skill, but it is difficult to find suitable media for them. This problem occurs at SDN Purwantoro II Malang where the fourth graders’ English teacher faces problems to determine the most effective media to teach speaking skill. The purpose of this study is therefore to develop The Honey Comb Challenge multimedia game courseware to improve the fourth graders’ speaking skill especially in answering the teacher’s questions dealing with location (preposition of place) at SDN Purwantoro II Malang. Multimedia game courseware that is used for foreign language teaching and learning will make young learners actively participate to speak, in addition, the children would learn to communicate and express their creativity by using multimedia (Lee, 2009). This research and development (R&D) adopts the framework of Taba cited in Dublin and Olhstain (1986: 2). The materials were developed based on the basic competence of teaching speaking for the fourth graders in the syllabus used at SDN Purwantoro II Malang. The courseware consists of two themes which contains pictures dealing with location (preposition of place), music, and a music video. The courseware was assembled in the form of CD-ROM which was completed with autorun CD-ROM. The researcher also developed a guidance book of the courseware which covers the ways to navigate the courseware, the rules of the game, questions and answers for each theme in the game, and speaking scoring rubric to assess the students’ speaking skill. In courseware try-out, the students liked and enjoyed the activities in the courseware. They were really attracted and interested in the multimedia application which consists of animation and audio so that they could perform their ability in speaking skill well. Therefore the use of The Honey Comb Challenge multimedia game courseware is expected to meet the needs of media in teaching and learning speaking skill for the fourth graders at SDN Purwantoro II Malang, with the hope that it can improve their speaking skill

    Code Switching in Indonesian Pop Songs

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    ABSTRACTSafitri, Ifa Dewi. 2008. Code Switching in Indonesian Pop Songs. S-1 Thesis,English Department, State University of Malang. Advisors: Dr. ArwijatiWahyudi, M.Pd.Key words: Code switching, Indonesian pop song lyricsThis study aims at describing code switching found in Indonesian popsongs composed by some Indonesian pop song composers. There are two researchproblems in this study, namely: what types of code switching are found inIndonesian pop song composed by Indonesian pop song composers and what arethe reasons why the composers switch the language in their songs.This study is expected to give some useful contributions to the theory ofSociolinguistics, particularly the theory of code switching. The findings of thisstudy are expected to give some useful insights to English Department students inorder to get better understanding of the use of code switching by Indonesian popsong composers.The research design of this study is descriptive qualitative and the data ofthe study is in the form of written lyrics. There are three steps for collecting thedata: (1) finding the lyrics of Indonesian pop songs in the internet and in the songsmagazines, (2) selecting lyrics that consist of Indonesian-English code switching,and (3) coding the selected code switching (data) by giving numbers to help theanalysis run well. The results show that there are 4 types of code switching whichare used by Indonesian pop song composers. They are: (1) intra-sententialswitching, (2) inter-sentential switching, (3) emblematic switching, and (4)involving a word within a sentence.There are 6 reasons why Indonesian pop song composers code switch fromone language into another in their composed songs. They are: (1) talking about aparticular topic, (2) inserting a sentence fillers or sentence connectors, (3)repetition used for clarification, (4) expressing group identity, (5) softening andstrengthening request or command, and (6) inserting a real lexical need.From the findings, Inter-sentential switching is mostly used by someIndonesian pop song composers because they prefer to express their messagesfrom one language then code switch it into another language. Emblematicswitching is the least code switching which is found in this study becauseemblematic code switching as tags or exclamations as an emblem of bilingualcharacter is usually found in exchange, whereas most of the songs tell aboutstories.It is known that Indonesian pop song composers do code switchingbecause they mostly talk about particular topics, namely love, unity, and party,and they intent to "show off" their group identity as Indonesian pop songcomposers who are able to code switch into English in their composed songs.Inserting a sentence fillers or sentence connectors is the least reason why theIndonesian pop song composer code switches her language from BahasaIndonesia into English because sentence fillers or sentence connectors sometimesare used in conversation which occur intentionally or unintentionally. Besides,usually, bilingual or multilingual uses them because he/she has been familiar withthem
