231 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Crustacea Ordo Decapoda Di Kawasan Mangrove Pangkal Babu Desa Tungkal 1, Tanjung Jabung Barat

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    Mangrove area is a type of ecosystem with unique characteristics. Mangrove ecosystems are located in brackish waters which are a meeting place between land and sea. Mangroves have an ecological function as a habitat for various types of fauna. In addition, many mangrove areas have been developed as ecotourism areas which have impacts on the environment such as the risk of damage to existing natural resources and the survival of one of the fauna that makes up the mangrove ecosystem, namely Crustaceans. The purpose of this study was to identify the diversity of Crustaceans of the Decapoda Order in the mangrove area of Tungkal 1 Village, Tanjung Jabung Barat. This research method is descriptive quantitative. Sampling was carried out exploratively using purposive sampling technique. Sampling was carried out at three stations using four types of fishing gear, namely spread nets, gill nets, sondong and togok carried out 3 repetitions on different days. The research results obtained found 15 species from 8 families including 10 species of shrimp and 5 species of crabs. The diversity index obtained as a whole is in the medium category and dominance index at each station is included in the low category

    In Vitro Callus Induction in Tacca (Tacca chantrieri Andre) Leaf Explants on Murashige and Skoog Media with Different Concentrations of Sucrose

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    Tacca chantrieri belongs to the family Taccaceae has black flowers and has a long filiform that looks like a bat. T. chantrieri contains phytochemicals in the form of spritosol saponins used as traditional medicine by the people of China and Thailand. The amount of land clearing, forest exploitation and habitat destruction resulted in a reduction in the number of T. chantrieri, so T. chantrieri was propagated to maintain its sustainability. One way that can be used is the in vitro culture technique, namely callus culture. Callus culture is an early stage of in vitro culture technique where this stage aims to produce and multiply callus cells. The purpose of the study is were to determine the effect of different sucrose concentrations on callus induction from T. chantrieri leaf explants and determine the best sucrose concentrations for callus culture from T. chantrieri leaf explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media. This study used a single factor completely randomized design (CRD), namely sucrose concentrations 0 g/l, 10 g/l, 20 g/l, 30 g/l, 40 g/l, 50 g/l with five replications. The results of this study showed that the administrations of sucrose with different concentrations on MS media had an effect on increasing callus induction in Tacca chantrieri leaves. The best sucrose concertations for callus induction of Tacca chantrieri leaves was the addition of 40 g/l sucrose at 20 days after planting, 60 % callus formation percentage, callus formed in the form of compact callus and produce yellow-white callus. Keywords: Tacca chantrieri, sucrose, callus, Murashige and Skoog


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    Research on the genetic variation of Anguilla spp. in the waters of the West Coast of West Sumatra was carried out from February to June 2022. This study used the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method. In this study, two Anguilla species were found, namely A. marmorata and A. bicolor bicolor. The highest heterozygosity value of A. marmorata in the Tarusan River was 0,2018, and A. bicolor bicolor in Mentawai was 0,2340. The values of gene flow (Nm) in A. marmorata and A. bicolor bicolor were 0.7592 and 1.6318. The values of genetic differentiation (GST) in A. marmorata and A. bicolor bicolor were 0.3971 and 0.2345, respectively. This shows that the value of genetic variation of A. marmorata and A. bicolor bicolor in several rivers on the west coast of West Sumatra is low

    Distribution Pattern and Mapping of Invasive Alien Species Bellucia pentamera in Conservation Area of PT. Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Solok Selatan

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    Bellucia pentamera is one of the most dangerous invasive alien species for environment. This species had been invaded many forests in Indonesia. This species would invade more area due to deforestation. The objectives of this study were to know the mapping and distribution pattern of B. pentamera; to know the effects of distance from road and light intensity to distribution of B. pentamera. This study was conducted from March to August 2020 in Conservation Area of PT. TKA Solok Selatan using belt transect method by plotting 20x50 m2. Data was analyzed using Morishita Index and Linear Regression. Distribution pattern of B. pentamera in PT. TKA was clumped, showed by 1.17 of Morishita index. Seedlings and saplings of B. pentamera were dominant at the edge of conservation forest while trees were distributed from the middle to inside of the forest. Distance from road gave positively effects and significantly towards distribution of B. pentamera showing result 0.702 of R2 and 0.007 of p-Value. Light intensity did not give effects significantly towards distribution of B. pentamera showing result 0.0806 of R2 and 0.427 of p-Value

    Water Quality Bioassessment Using Macrozoobenthos In The Batang Arau River, Padang City

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    Penelitian mengenai Bioassessment Kualitas Air dengan Menggunakan Makrozoobentos di Sungai Batang Arau, Kota Padang telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret - September 2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos serta kualitas air di Sungai Batang Arau berdasarkan indeks BMWP-ASPT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan penentuan stasiun dengan purposive sampling, berdasarkan rona lingkungan. Sampel makrozoobentos diambil menggunakan surber net 30x30 cm2 dan eckman grab ukuran  15x15 cm2, dan juga dilakukan pengukuran faktor fisika kimia perairan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas makrozoobentos yang ditemukan di Sungai Batang Arau sebanyak 37 genera dengan komposisi Gastropoda 6 genera, Insecta 28 genera, Hirudinea 2 genera, dan Oligochaeta 1 genus. Kepadatan total makrozoobentos berkisar 140-1775 ind/m2 dengan kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun V dan terendah terdapat pada Stasiun III. Genus predominan (KR ≥ 10%) yang ditemukan pada setiap stasiun bervariasi. Pada Stasiun I dan Stasiun II yaitu Orthocladius dan Caenis; Stasiun III yaitu Polypedium, Orthocladius, Baetis, dan Elophila, Stasiun IV yaitu Orthocladius, Caenis, Erpobdella, Hellopdella, dan  Tubifex, dan Stasiun V yaitu Melanoides. Indeks keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di Sungai Batang Arau yaitu 2,38 dengan kisaran H’ = 0,5-2,57 tergolong rendah sampai sedang, dan distribusi populasi makrozoobentos yaitu 0,65 dengan kisaran E = 0,25-0,8 tergolong tidak merata sampai merata . Kualitas perairan di Sungai Batang Arau berdasarkan indeks BMWP-ASPT pada Stasiun I dan II tergolong tidak tercemar, Stasiun III tercemar ringan, Stasiun IV tercemar sedang, dan Stasiun V tercemar berat

    Characterization And Screening Of Protease, Amylase, And Cellulase From Phylloplane Fungi Isolates Of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.

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    Mangrove (Avicennia marina) is an important mangrove species, because it has many benefits for human life, including in the ecological scope as a source of food and medicine. These plants can also be used as a source of symbiont mold isolates which can be developed as an alternative to produce bioactive compounds, one of which is enzymes. Enzymes are protein compounds that can catalyze all chemical reactions in biological systems. This study aims to determine whether mangrove symbiont fungi (A. marina) can produce amylase, protease and cellulase enzymes. This research was conducted using a method based on enzyme activity, namely amylase activity with lugol iodine staining, protease activity and cellulase activity with congo red staining. on agar media enriched with 1% skim milk, 1% starch and 1% CMC. The results showed that 4 isolates were able to show potential enzymatic activity to be developed as agents for enzyme production

    RAPD Primers Selection for Genetic Variation Analysis of Banana Plant (Musa spp.)

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    Identification of genetic diversity using molecular markers is important for basic information for plant conservation. Banana is a fruit bearing plants that important for food sources in human life. This study aimed to determine the optimum conditions of  PCR-RAPD reaction and RAPD primers that suitable to amplify DNA fragmens. DNA isolation was done using modified of CTAB and chloroform isoamil alcohol. The samples used was young leaves of nine banana cultivar plants. Optimation was done using variety of DNA and MgCl2 concentration. Eight primers produced by Operon Primer Technology were tested. The DNA genomic concentration obtained was in the range of 23,3 ng/µl – 70 ng/µl. The optimum conditions of PCR-RAPD of banana plants that produce clear band were 50 ng/µl DNA template, 3 mM MgCl2 with the number of thermal cycles was 40 x. There were six RAPD primers that successfully amplified DNA : OPA 02, OPA 04, OPB 12, OPD 20, OPH 01, and OPH 03. The primer OPA-04 had the lowest resolving power value (4,4) , while  OPH 01 had the highest (11,3) resolving power

    Antimicrobial Activity of Skin Secretion of Rana hosii Frog (Anura: Ranidae) against several pathogenic microbes

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    The research on antimicrobial activity of skin secretion derived from Rana hosii (Anura: Ranidae) against several pathogenic microbes had been conducted at Microbiology Laboratory and at Genetics and Biomolecular Laboratory, both in the Biology Department, Universitas Andalas. The research used to survey and experimental methods. The study aimed to determine the effectivity of Rana hosii skin secretion to inhibit microbial activity, hence it tested onto some pathogenic microbes such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The results showed that the biggest inhibition zone formed against E. coli was 10.96 + 0.63 mm, on S. aureus was 11.74 + 1.00 mm, while on C. albicans was 7.42 + 0.80 mm. The results indicated that the skin secretions from Rana hosii frog could be a potential broad-spectrum antibacterial, and antifungal activity against C. albicans

    Diversitas Spesies Reptil (Squamata) pada Habitat Akuatik dan Terestrial di Magelang, Surakarta, dan Magetan

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    Penelitian tentang keanekaragaman reptil dilakukan untuk mempelajari jenis-jenis reptil apa saja yang menempati habitat Sungai Elo, Sungai Bengawan Solo, Kota Surakarta, dan Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama bulan Februari 2022 hingga bulan Maret 2022 dengan teknik Visual Encounter Survey (VES) atau teknik survei perjumpaan visual di empat lokasi pengamatan secara diurnal dan nokturnal. Total telah ditemukan 1 spesies dari Sungai Elo (Varanus salvator), 2 spesies dari Sungai Bengawan Solo (Varanus rudicollis dan Acrochordus granulatus), 2 spesies dari Kota Surakarta (Calotes versicolor dan Eutropis multifasciata)  dan 1 spesies dari Kabupaten Magetan (Lygosoma quadrupes). Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener pada Sungai Elo dan Kabupaten Magetan sebesar 0; pada Sungai Bengawan Solo sebesar 0,4506; dan pada Kota Surakarta sebesar  0,6518 sehingga termasuk dalam kategori keanekaragaman yang rendah

    Plant Breeding Through Protoplast Fusion

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    Protoplast culture (protoplast fusion) is one method of tissue culture that is widely used in plant breeding programs in a relatively short time. This method is used to overcome the problem of plants that are difficult or impossible to cross conventionally as well as used for species improvement by transferring the desired gene from the donor plant to the target plant via protoplast fusion. Protoplast fusion makes it possible to produce plants that are resistant to a disease and various abiotic stresses, rapid growth rates and have a better quantity and quality of metabolites than their parents. Various factors affect the success of fusion and regeneration of protoplasts into whole plants, including the source of explants, the composition of the enzyme solution and the duration of incubation, fusagen type and culture media for regeneration
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