306 research outputs found


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    We investigated nitrogen contents on mangosteen leaf and related on leaf SPAD value. The experiment was conducted using mangosteen trees grown in commercial orchard in Bogor, Indonesia during May to October 2010. Mangosteen trees of 3 different ages, young (20-year-old), middle-aged (35-year-old), and old (50-year-old) trees, each of five trees, were selected for study, and the canopy of each tree was divided into 9 sectors based on height (bottom, middle, top) and width (inner, center, outer). SPAD values had a negative correlation with leaf N content in all ages and could be explained by regressionl equations N level (% DW) = -0.0099 × SPAD + 2.2366; R² = 0.91; N level (% DW) = -0.0177 × SPAD + 2.8001; R² = 0.67; and N level (% DW) = -0.0187 × SPAD + 2.7785; R² = 0.45 in young, middle-aged and old trees, respectively. It is suggested that the SPAD value determined by a portable chlorophyll meter can be used to obtain a quick estimation of mangosteen leaf N status. Keywords: age, fruiting position, Garcinia mangostana L., nitrogen, SPA


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    Piper sarmentosum (karuk) dimanfaatkan untuk masakan tradisional; namun tanaman ini juga berpotensi sebagai tanaman obat. Informasi tentang budidaya tanaman P. sarmentosum masih terbatas, oleh karena itu kajian ini diawali dengan pemilihan media tanam yang sesuai. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap satu faktor dengan perlakuan jenis media yaitu tanah saja, tanah+pasir (3:1, v/v), tanah+arang sekam (3:1, v.v), dan tanah+pupuk kandang sapi (3:1, v/v). Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali dan masing-masing terdiri atas 5 tanaman. Analisis data menggunakan sidik ragam. Bahan tanaman berupa stek plagiotrop dengan 3 buku dan polybag warna hitam sebagai wadah. Pupuk anorganik diberikan pada semua perlakuan dengan dosis setara pupuk majemuk N-P-K-Mg 12:12:17:2. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan media mempengaruhi hampir semua peubah yang diamati. Pemberian pupuk kandang sapi menghasilkan keragaan dan produksi tanaman terbaik (ditunjukkan dengan tajuk dan akar yang lebih lebat serta daun yang lebih hijau dibandingkan tanaman yang mendapat perlakukan lainnya). Meskipun tidak nyata, ada kecenderungan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman karuk lebih baik pada media tanah saja dibandingkan pada media dengan penambahan pasir atau arang sekam.Kata kunci: pupuk kandang, pot, sayuran fungsional, piperaceae, arang seka

    Diseases Incidence and Severity of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus in Sweetpotato in Gianyar Regency, Bali

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    Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) (Potyvirus) was first discovered in Indonesia in 2018. No one has reported information about the incidence and severity of SPFMV disease. Therefore, this study aims to determine the incidence and severity of SPFMV in Gianyar, Bali. The research was carried out directly in the field with observational parameters such as symptoms, incidence and disease severity. Observations were made every week when the plants were 63 to 91 days after planting (DAP). The results showed that SPFMV causes purple ringspot symptoms. The incidence of the disease did not increase when the plants were aged 63 to 91 DAP, while the severity of the disease increased every week. The highest incidence and severity of the disease were 70% and 20.7%. The main cause of SPFMV infection in the field is probably due to the continuous use of stem cuttings from previous crops

    The effect of giving goat manure on lettuce growth and product by using yard land in Dulolong Village, Alor District

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    Goat manure is an organic fertilizer derived from goat manure which contains nutrients that are beneficial for plant growth and development. The purpose of this research was to (1) determine the effect of organic goat manure on the growth and yield of lettuce with the use of yardland. (2) Knowing the best dosage of goat manure organic fertilizer in increasing growth and yield of lettuce by utilizing Yard. This study was designed using a randomized block design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications so that there were 18 experimental units. K1: Without treatment (Control) K2: fertilizer as much as 5 tons.ha-1 K3: fertilizer as much as 10 tons.ha-1 K4: fertilizer as much as 15 tons.ha-1 K5: fertilizer as much as 20 tons.ha-1 K6: fertilizer as much as 25 ton.ha-1. To determine the effect of green manure using analysis of variance, if it is influential then continue using the Least Significant Difference test (LSD). The results showed that: (1) Dosing treatment of goat manure affected the growth of lettuce (plant height and the number of leaves) at the age of 1 MST, 2 MST, 3 MST, 4 MST, and 5 MST. However, it had no significant effect on the growth of the day after tomorrow at the age of 1 MST, 2 MST, 3 MST, 4 MST, and 5 MST, (2) Giving organic goat manure by 15 tons ha-1 gave the best effect in increasing lettuce production

    The potential source of natural antioxidant agent of Casia alata microgreen

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    Commonly, plant was cultivated by microgreen have potentially source of natural antioxidant agents. This study was conducted to utilize Cassia alata (C. alata) as a microgreen and evaluated the potential of Microgreen gelinggang as the source of natural antioxidant agents. The seed of Cassia alata was cultivated in Rockwool at room temperature (27±1oC). At the appearance of the first true leaves, about 21 days, microgreens were harvested from a triplicate of trays with sterilized scissors. The antioxidant activity assay using the DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) radical scavenging activity method. It was analyzed using spectrophotometry UV-VIS. The result showed that the IC50 values of Microgreen gelinggang were 1.789x103 ±0.0  µg/mL. It was a weak category antioxidant. This study indicated that the extract of Microgreen gelinggang has a potential source of natural antioxidant agents

    Study on the feeding behaviour of house shrew (Suncus murinus L.) in Bogor to feed and rodenticide

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    Shrew is an animal belong to small mammals that the existence must be noticed because it has defecation behavior and their droplets often pollutes the house. Shrew can be vectors in the spread of infectious diseases to human. Shrew management has not been conducted well. Information about the most preferred bait and the effective rodenticide as a reference in controlling is not widely known.  Chemical control using rodenticides is effective enough and does not take a long time. The objective of this research was to obtain shrew preference to the types of feed that commonly consumed by human and rodenticide to control it. It can be used as bait in trapping and poisoned bait which are effective in shrew management. Baits that used were cooked rice, rice, white bread, Tenebrio larvae, cricket, chicken nugget, fish meatball, and salted fish. Choice tests were used by serving eight feeds in one cage for seven consecutive days in the first test. Then, choose four prefered feeds and tested for seven consecutive days in the second test. Acute poison (zinc phosphide) and chronic poison (coumatetralyl) mixed with the most preferred feed, then served with control feed as comparison for the third test. Result of this research showed that cricket was the most preferred feed therefore it can be used as trap bait or poisoned bait. Moreover, the other most preferred feed is Tenebrio larvae, fish meatball, and cooked rice that can be used as substitution feed if crickets are difficult to find. Zinc phosphide rodenticide is more effective than coumatetralyl to kill shrew with relatively fast on the time of death.   

    Amino Acids Content in Mangosteen Fruit as Affected by Tree Ages

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    Kita meneliti perbedaan kandungan dan komposisi asam amino pada buah manggis yang dipanen dari pohon yang berbeda umur dari kebun Manggis di Bogor pada tahun 2012. Pohon manggis dengan umur yang berbeda (muda, sekitar 20 tahun; sedang, sekitar umur 35 tahun; dan tua, sekitar 50 tahun)dipilih untuk diambil buahnya. Buah dari tiap pohon dipanen pada kondisi masak hijau spot kuning-merah. Pada buah dari semua umur pohon, asam amino yang dominan adalah γ-aminobutyric acid dan alanine. Total kandungan asam amino tertinggi terdapat pada buah yang dipetik dari pohon umur muda dari pada  buah yang dipetik dari pohon umur sedang dan tuaKata kunci: asam amino, GABA, kandungan, manggi


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    Sapota fruits are highly perishable due to their climacteric nature. The rapid softening of fruits is primarily due to high activity of many oxidative enzymes and liberation of ethylene. Harvest maturity plays a crucial role in deciding the marketability of climacteric fruits in general. We investigate sugar contents on sapodilla fruits related on fruits size and seed number. The experiment was conducted using 100 sapodilla fruits harvested from farmer in Madura. Fruit size and weight were recorded. Each fruit was separated into fruit and seed, and then weight was recorded with an analytical balance. The number and weight of seeds were counted. Total soluble solid (TSS; °Brix) was measured using arefractometer (PAL-1, Atago, Tokyo Tech). The number of seed and seed weight of sapodilla have correlation with Total Soluble Solid (TSS). The higher amount of seed equal with increasing seed weight, and effect to decrease TSS in sapodilla fruits. In additional, increasing seed weight have correlation with fruit weight, while TSS was decrease slightly. The average diameter and length of sapodilla fruit were 4.01 and 5.53 cm, respectively.  Keywords: fruit size, Sapodilla, TSS content, seed number

    The effect of interaction of types and dosages of liquid organic fertilizer on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) growth and outcome

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    The use of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) is expected to improve soil physical, chemical and biological fertility. Soil fertility increases, maximum plant growth will increase production both in quality and quantity. This study aims to determine the effect of the interaction between the type of treatment and the dose of POC on the growth and production of eggplant. This study was a factorial experiment consisting of two factors, namely POC types consisting of 2 levels: POC kitchen waste (P1); Banana weevil POC (P2) and POC doses consisting of 4 levels: without POC (D0); 10 ml/tan (D1); 20 ml/tan (D2); 30 ml/tan (D3) with randomization according to a completely randomized design (CRD). Observations were made when the eggplant plants were 10 HST with an interval of 10 days until the plants were 40 days old. The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, fruit length per plant, fruit diameter, number of fruit per plant, and fruit weight per plant. Observational data were analyzed using variance, if the results were significantly different it was continued with the smallest significant difference test (LSD) at the 5% level. The results showed that there was no significant interaction between the type of treatment and the dose of POC on all observed parameters. The various POC treatments significantly affected the parameters of plant height and number of leaves at all observed ages, stem diameters at 20 30, 40 DAP, and fruit weight per plant. POC dose treatment significantly affected the parameters of plant height and number of leaves at all ages of observation, stem diameter at 20, 30, and 40 DAP, number of fruit and fruit weight of the plants. Giving banana weevil POC resulted in better eggplant growth and production than kitchen waste POC. POC dose of 30 ml/plant resulted in the best eggplant growth and production. Because the results of the study showed that the effect of POC dose was still linear (the higher the POC dose, the higher the production)

    Effect of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on growth and yield of Arachis hypogaea L. in varied soil types

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    Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is widely cultivated both in monoculture and polyculture (usually with corn) on dry land in Madura. Generally, the soil types of Madura are grumusol, regosol, and mediterranean. These three types of soil each have different physical and chemical properties. The effect of the addition of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on the three soil types is unknown. The study aimed to determine the response of peanut plant growth due to the addition of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens, in three different soil types. The research was conducted in the experimental garden of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. The research design used a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and four replications. The treatment consisted of three types of soil, namely regosol, grumosol, and mediteran as well as with and without the addition of P. fluorescens. The results showed that the treatment had a significant effect on the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, number of pods, pod dry weight, seed weight, above-ground biomass, root dry weight, and plant P content. The treatment did not show a significant effect on the root-canopy ratio and P. fluorescens population parameters