103 research outputs found

    Demokratisasi Birokrasi: Studi Kasus Pelayanan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik di Kota Makassar

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    Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan terkait penerapan demokratisasi birokrasi di Kota Makassar khususnya pada layanan keterbukaan informasi publik. Adapun latar belakang penulisan ini karena masih rendahnya penerapan keterbukaan informasi publik sesuai amanat UU nomor 14 tahun 2008 di tingkat Pemerintah Daerah. Salah satunya yakni Pemerintah Kota Makassar yang baru menerbitkan perwali pada tahun 2016 yang sebelumnya dipersyaratkan 2 tahun setelah ditetapkan yakni tahun 2010. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mixed method dengan melakukan secara simultan metode kualitatif dan metode kuantitatif dengan fokus pada pemahaman aparatur, penyediaan fasilitas dan komitmen Wali Kota Makassar dalam keterbukaan informasi publik. Penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara, survei, observasi dan studi dokumen dalam mengumpulkan data. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa demokratisasi birokrasi dalam layanan keterbukaan informasi publik di pemerintah Kota Makassar sudah berjalan walaupun belum optimal. hal ini karena pengetahuan dan pemahaman aparatur birokrasi masih belum sepenuhnya mengetahui UU nomor 14 tahun 2008 serta muatan yang ada di dalamnya. penyediaan layanan publik berupa pembentukan PPID di tiap Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) masih belum mencapai angka 50% yakni hanya 36% serta komitmen Wali Kota Makassar belum sepenuhnya hal ini ditandai dengan lambatnya penerbitan Perwali dan rendahnya kepercayaan representasi OPD atas komitmen tersebut

    Studi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat pada Program Dana Desa di Desa Pa’batangang, Kec. Mappakasunggu, Kab. Takalar

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    This article examines How the Design of the Society Empowerment Field Program, and the factors of resistor empowerment Field at Desa Pa’batangang, Kecamatan Mappakasunggu, Kabupaten Takalar. This phenomenon seeing that countryside fund policy is not maximum to superintendence it, by seeing of the indication of less involvement societies to the forum of countryside development plan, and the effects are many activities that unsuitable with society’s needs, and the execution of activity is not well presentation. In Permendesa PDTT number 11 years 2019 clause 5 concerning use priority countryside funds, it states that there are two sectors that become priority; countryside development and society empowerment which these two sectors should run simultaneously. However, Society Empowerment Field Program become neglected, most of the utilization countryside fund only focused on physical project, staff like pretend resources potency which is exist in countryside. Whereas, towards build the autonomous countryside, it very important to have support from government that become beneficial. This article may useful for the government of Takalar regency, along expansion countryside fund program. Research informant: Head of Countryside, Staff, Technical Practitioner, and Societies. Research scientific used qualitative. Data aggregation through interview, observation, secondary data study. Researcher used Data analysis technique’s Miles and Huberman. Based on research, that the result of Program manifested in two sectors; development and society empowerment. From both sectors, it shows that there is Fund Allocation distributed on activity which is not productive and there is no impact on society’s economic growth. Thereafter, which become resistor factor of the society empowerment are rigid regulation and the homogeneous activity, less manpower, less socialization, society access to the program is low and tend to hegemonic, the society only involved in taking and implementing activity, and the consequence is simply tend to active formality. 

    Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Media Sosial Sebagai Faktor Pembentukan Preferensi Politik Pemilih Pemula di Kota Makassar

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    This paper aims to show how the formation of political preferences of first-time voters occurs. As a factor that influences political behavior, the understanding of political preferences becomes important thinking of a person or community, including the first-time voters. As one of the important segments in political dynamics, first-time voter existence is always an interesting aspect to be examined, including their existence as people who are about to exercise their voting rights for the first time. So far, the first-time voters have tended to be seen as a segment that seems simply to understand their political behavior tendencies due to assumed it is often reflecting the political attitudes of their parents or family. However, since the emergence of social media, there has been a tendency of shifted related to their forming political preferences. Based on research conducted in the City of Makassar towards students in several high schools as first-time voters, this paper aims to show how the actual role of schools, parents, and social media roles in shaping their political preferences that shaping the tendency of their political behavior. 

    Aplikasi E-Government dalam Inovasi Pelayanan Publik: Studi Kasus di Yogyakarta

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan mengenai upaya Pemerintah Yogyakarta dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik melalui aplikasi Jogja Smart Service (JSS). Adapun latar belakang dari penulisan ini adalah karena pelayanan publik yang diberikan oleh para aparatur negara masih terbilang memiliki banyak kelemahan. Sehingga kebutuhan untuk masyarakat masih belum terpenuhi secara maksimal. Di sisi lain, keberlangsungan reformasi birokrasi menuntut banyak pemerintah daerah untuk memperbaiki beberapa area perubahan yang salah satunya adalah pelayanan publik. Pemerintah Yogyakarta menyikapi hal tersebut dengan menghadirkan aplikasi pelayanan via online untuk memudahkan masyarakat setempat. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan penjelasan yang mengacu pada pengertian dari konsep Smart City serta reformasi birokrasi. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan dianalisis dengan metode interpretative. Penelitian ini mengindikasi Pemerintah Yogyakarta memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan inovasi pelayanan publik dengan memperkenalkan aplikasi pelayanan via online yakni Jogja Smart Service (JSS). Inovasi aplikasi dilakukan untuk memenuhi tuntutan agenda reformasi birokrasi yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik

    Local Community-based Tourism in The Frame Institutional Theory

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    The tourism sector is a strategic and superior sector that is the focus of development in supporting the regional economy of Merauke Regency. The tourist attractions of Merauke Regency include natural tourism, cultural tourism and artificial tourism. The wealth of tourism owned can be the main capital in the economic development of Merauke Regency. In addition, its tourism wealth also places Merauke Regency in a strategic position in the tourism constellation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. For this reason, the development of local community-based tourism is important to do so as to increase community participation and improve the economy. This study aims to explain the network of local community-based tourism development policies in Merauke Regency based on three institutional pillars (regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive). This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out with data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Determination of informants using purvosive sampling technique. The results of the study show that there is a regulatory synergy, namely the synergy of rules issued by the Merauke district government with the system of rules used in the life of indigenous peoples. Normative shows mentoring and community involvement around tourist sites for the development of skills and knowledge in tourism management, and cultural-cognitive shows the existence of shared knowledge and understanding related to developing economic aspects by creating production centers for the development of the potential of local communities in collaboration with the customs of indigenous peoples in producing their cultural product

    Mengurai Kesenjangan Layanan Publik bagi Penyandang Disabilitas di Masa Pandemi: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    Penyandang disabilitas dengan jenis disabilitas yang berbeda merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan terhadap infeksi virus covid-19. Dalam menghadapi covid-19 dan untuk penyandang disabilitas, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan pencegahan. Regulasi ini harus diimplementasikan secara benar, dikarenakan individu dengan disabilitas memerlukan bantuan untuk melakukan aktivitas mereka karena keterbatasannya. Sehingga pendidikan mengenai protokol kesehatan menjadi sangat penting bagi penyandang disabilitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literature, observasi, focus group discussion dan wawancara mendalam.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan strategy dari pemerintah daerah untuk mengedukasi protokol kesehatan untuk orang dengan disabilitas mental melalui optimalisasi Lembaga sosial di Ponorogo. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pemerintah setempat, termasuk juga penyandang disabilitas, mempunyai peran yang signifikan dalam menjalankan protokol kesehatan masyarakat. Edukasi protokol kesehatan untuk penyandang disabilitas dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan a) mengikutsertakan pembicara bahasa isyarat; (b) menyusun panduan pelaksanaan komunikasi dan penyediaan informasi yang inklusif, dan (c) membuat pedoman layanan untuk kelas daring. Edukasi protokol kesehatan dilakukan secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Partisipasi dari lembaga sosial non pemerintah merupakan salah satu cara untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan bagi penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Komunitas Rumah Harapan Karangpatihan adalah salah satu lembaga non pemerintah yang secara langsung aktif dalam edukasi penyandang disabilitas untuk protocol kesehatan di desa mereka. Edukasi bagi keluarga penyandang disabilitas dilakukan secara informatif. Dalam rangka membatasi interaksi langsung, aktivis Rumah Harapan sering mengkoordinasikan dukungan sosial dari berbagai pihak. Namun sangat disayangkan, pengoptimalan proses edukasi protokol kesehatan untuk penyandang disabilitas tidaklah terkoordinasi dengan baik antara rumah harapan dengan otoritas terkait yang ada di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Bagaimanapun juga, jelas bahwa penyandang disabilitas dalam aktivitas keseharian mereka tidak menerapkan protokol kesehatan

    Analysis of Formulation and Implementation Preparation: Waste to Energy Plant Development Policy in Surakarta City

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    The problem of waste as an urgent problem in Surakarta became the beginning of the idea the Waste to Energy of PLTSa Development in Putri Cempo Landfill. This study aims to describe the process of policy formulation and analyze the implementation preparation of PLTSa development policy in Surakarta. This descriptive qualitative study was obtained from interviews with 8 informants and analyze data from results of interviews, documentation, and observations according aspects of policy formulation process and policy implementation preparation. The findings show that the policy formulation process has through several formulation steps of the Draft Regional Regulation Formulation arranged by the executive and still in the draft has planned to be approved in 2020. Changes of central regulation on tipping fee and concerns about potential state losses had hampered the draft. Eventually, the draft has planned to be finished in 2020 and become regional regulation in 2021 but could not be continued because of the budget was refocusing for Covid-19 handling. Nevertheless, the political will of Surakarta about this matter is very serious. This is realized by taking preparatory steps to implement the policy in parallel with the policy formulation process. In the process of preparing for implementation, the Surakarta City Government has made preparations on organizational activities and interpretations. In organizational activities, designation of the implementor has been carried out institutionally and personally, establishment of implementation management with leading sector and collegial pattern, and the scheduling which is now in the construction phase. While the organizational activity being prepared is making SOP, this is somewhat hampered due to limited resources. In the interpretation activity, Surakarta City Government has not yet fully made official communication and socialization preparations to the residents considering that the implementation is unclear, so that it is still passive to residents around the PLTSa construction.

    Models and Challenges of Coordination in Regional Disaster Management

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    Disaster is a complex problem that requires coordination with many parties. The results of previous studies regarding disaster management in Wajo indicated that there were coordination problems in disaster management in Wajo. This study aims to explain the coordination of disaster management in Wajo from the perspective of the models and challenges of disaster management in Wajo. This study uses a qualitative approach with the Gadamerian hermeneutic method to find the meaning of coordination texts in the context of pre-disaster management. Data collection was carried out through document analysis and interviews. The results of the study revealed that the coordination of disaster management in Wajo was running well at the disaster preparedness stage but was still not optimal at the pre-disaster stage. We found three meanings of coordination in disaster management in Wajo. First, coordination because of their awareness of the limitations they have. Second, coordination serves as fulfillment of the requirements of sponsorship activities. Third, coordination is an innovation to overcome problems. Coordination in Wajo is hampered by the actors' interpretation of the subject and object of disaster management coordination

    Adaptive Policies in the Family Hope Program (PKH) to achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Pangkep Regency

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    In general, the objectives of this study are: (1) To describe how the implementation of poverty reduction policies through the Family Hope Program (PKH) in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Pangkep Regency; (2) To find out the obstacles to the implementation of poverty reduction policies through the Family Hope Program (PKH) in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Pangkep Regency. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with informants selected through the snowball technique. Data collection methods used in this study are interviews, observations, and documents related to the research. The data collected was then analyzed using the Interactive Analysis Model of Miles, Huberman & Saldana.  Based on the results of the research, the implementation of poverty reduction policies through the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Pangkep Regency concerning assisting the Adaptive Policies theory according to Swanson & Bhadwal (2009), 5 out of 7 indicators have been implemented properly to successfully achieve Goal 1 of SDGs 2030 which related to integrated and forward-looking analysis, automatic policy adjustment, decentralization of decision-making, promoting variation, and formal policy review and continuous learning. However, 2 of them have not been optimal, namely related to multistakeholder deliberation and enabling self-organization and social networking. The research found obstacles in the implementation of these policies were the lack of involvement of the private sector, geographical constraints of the region, and the mindset of the community in receiving assistance

    The Effect of Service Information System Quality on the Intensity of Use of Digital Learning Service Systems

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    Information systems are used by organizations to help the organization's operations become more efficient in their role as a tool to win the competition. Data processing has become an important part of the Management Information System that will affect every organization's activities. Universitas Hasanuddin's management information system has developed an online information system through the website, namely the Learning Management System. The Universitas Hasanuddin Learning Management System is prepared to support and expedite the learning process. However, the current learning management system has not been understood by lecturers and students due to poorly understood features, slow system access, and a lack of socialization of the use of the learning management system at the department or study program level, so that it does not encourage lecturers and students to use it more often. Learning Management System. This study aims to determine how the system's quality significantly affects the intensity of use. This type of quantitative descriptive research uses a survey approach in this study. The respondents in this study were adjusted for lecturers with a sample of 100 people and students with a sample of 100 people. Data collection techniques included Questionnaires and Document Studies. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling will be processed using AMOS software version 24.00. This study found that the effect of system quality on the intensity of use resulted in a cr value of 0.328 < 1.96 and a p-value of 0.74 > 0.05, so there was no significant effect of system quality on the intensity of use. This answers the hypothesis in the study. Namely, H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted
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