249 research outputs found

    Disclosure of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh: A Study on DSE Listed Companies

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    Business organizations can secure their future growth by implementing sustainable development goals into their business process. With the advancement in accounting, the nature of reporting practices is also changing. Now reporting is not merely restricted to financial statements, information related to social contribution, environment; sustainability has attained much interest in the corporate world. This study aims to find out the nature and extent of reporting practices of SDGs by some listed companies of the Dhaka Stock Exchange. The samples of this study are 40 companies from several sectors, including banks, pharmaceuticals, insurance, ceramics, telecommunication, etc. are selected based on market volume. Content analysis based on 16 recommendations under governance, strategy, management approach, and performance and targets found from an extensive literature review has been made to fulfill the research objectives. Annual reports from 2019 to 2020 are examined to determine the disclosure issues based on given recommendations. The findings reveal the minimum level of direct disclosure of SDGs but a satisfactory level (around 87.5%) of exposure about the consciousness of SDGs and involvement of SDG in strategy (approximately 63.75%). This study is pioneering because there is very little research about it in our country; thus, it is expected to encourage more research on this subject. JEL Classifications: G10, G38, I3

    Economic Growth, CO2 Emissions, Electricity Production, and Consumption Nexus in Bangladesh

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    This paper seeks to find the causal relationship between economic growth, electricity consumption, carbon emissions, electricity production from oil, and electricity production from gas. The data were taken from World Development Index (WDI) for the period of 1972-2014. For stationarity checking, visualization and some econometrics techniques like ADF and Phillips-Perron test have been adopted. For testing the long-run relationships among the variables, the Johansen cointegration testing procedure has been considered. This test ensured that there are long-run relationships among the variables. To capture the short-run dynamics, a VECM test has been done, and to find the direction of causation, the Granger causality approach has been tested. The results find that there was a bidirectional causality from CO2 emissions to gross domestic product (GDP) and from electricity production from gas to GDP where unidirectional causality was found from GDP to electricity consumption and electricity production from oil to GDP. CUMSUM and CUSUM approaches have also been considered to test the stability of the parameters. Policy implications of the research indicate that Bangladesh should give importance to low carbon emission technologies to reduce the CO2 emissions level with a view to keeping Bangladesh safe from natural calamities along with economic growth. JEL Classifications: C32, O13, Q4

    Investigating Structural Relationship among Service Quality Dimensions, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty for Conventional Bank Customers: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Customers of the banks are highly servicing sensitive in Bangladesh. The quality of service has become an integral part of customer satisfaction. Day by day, It has been demonstrated that customer satisfaction and loyalty are linked to service quality. There is also a link between service quality and customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in banks. Therefore, this paper investigated the effect of service quality factors on customer satisfaction and the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in conventional banks in Bangladesh. A survey was conducted on 13 different conventional banks in Bangladesh. Using simple random sampling, 220 customers were selected as a sample from selected conventional banks for this study. The research was carried out using a structured questionnaire. The SPSS software was used to analyze the demographic data. Multivariate analysis technique like Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to identify the influential factors for the bank's customer loyalty by using SmartPLS3 software. The study found that all service quality factors such as assurance, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibility are the influential factors except empathy

    The Economics of Internet of Things: An Information Market System

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the leading forces in modern-day technology. The concept has been proposed to be a new way of interconnecting a multiplicity of devices and rendering services to a variety of applications. According to the industry’s insiders, IoT will make it possible to link transport, energy, smart cities, and healthcare together. The purpose of this paper is to understand the economics of the Internet of Things. It is meant to shed light on how world IoT applications can affect the information market. When every sector and industry of the world has been connected via this technology, what will become of the ICT niche? The information economic approach is currently being adopted and presented with its possible applications in IoT. Firstly, this paper reviews the kinds of economic models that have been designed for IoT services. Secondly, it focuses on the two major subject matters of information economics that are critical to IoT. While one considers the value of the information itself, the other addresses information with good pricing. Lastly, the paper proposes a game-theoretic model to examine the price competition of IoT-based services. We take a look at how these two sectors will fare against each, both at full capacity

    Remittance and Dutch Disease Phenomenon: Case of Bangladesh and Pakistan

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    The paper has been designed to explore whether the impact of remittance on the real exchange rate causes any Dutch disease problem for Bangladesh and Pakistan. These two South Asian countries have been targeted to figure out if the outcomes are similar for the countries with almost the same economic structure. Johansen co-integration approach, Vector Error Correction Method (VECM), and Granger Causality test have been employed taking real exchange rate as regressand and remittance and other attributing variables as explanatory variables with an aim to address the study objective. The study has used data from the World Development Indicators database ranging from 1986 to 2019. The results for both countries reveal that remittance is significantly negatively related to the real exchange rate which implying the appreciation of the domestic currency. However, this appreciation causes the Dutch disease phenomenon for neither Bangladesh nor Pakistan

    Edge Computing: Utilization of the Internet of Things for Time-Sensitive Data Processing

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    An edge computing system is a shared IT (Information Technology) system where customer data can be processed at the edge of the network to as close as possible to the originating source. The Internet of Things connects the various things on the internet, making it easier to live and allow jobs to be done more smartly. It also gives total control to the users. The combination of Edge computing and the Internet of Things can potentially result in huge possibilities for users. This work accessed edge computing and the benefits of using edge computing. It also looked into how to edge the many possibilities that can result in the use of edge computing. Various similar concepts like fog and cloud computing were also considered as closely related terms. This article provides insights into the use of edge computing in several industries

    Credit Characteristics and Business Performance: A Survey of Women owned Microenterprises in Tanzania

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    This article provides assessment of the effects of four credit characteristics including size, interest rate, repayment period and borrowing experience on business performance. The article makes use of survey data collected from 217 women microcredit clients from Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Mwanza regions in Tanzania.  Bivariate correlation analysis was used to find out specific effect of each of those four credit characteristics on three business performance measures namely total sales revenue, net profit and business net worth. The combined effect of all four credit characteristics on business performance was estimated by a multiple linear regression model. The findings revealed that size of credit was positively correlated with total sales revenue and business net worth at significant level. Interest rate was negatively correlated with all three measures of business performance at significant level. It was also found out that repayment period was positively correlated with all three business performance indicators at significant level. Furthermore, the study established that borrowing experience was positively correlated with total sales revenue at significant level but not with other two indicators. The model accounted for 25% of sales revenue, 9% of net profit and 28% of business net worth

    Asset Liability Mismatch- An Empirical study on nationalized commercial banks in Bangladesh

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    Liquidity Management is the integral part of monetary management. Liquidity management, ensuring sustainable solvency are the two core prerequisites for smooth functioning of banks in the long run. The balancing act between a bank’s own liquidity and its role as a liquidity creator, especially in times of financial distress or crisis, is the focus of this paper. The data collected mostly from the annual reports of the selected banks. Liquidity has been analysed by using gap analysis. The CV (Coefficient of variation) has been used to analyse the volatility of liquidity in the selected gap. The analysis showed that Sonali Bank suffered highest negative liquidity gap among the banks. Bat the gap was highly volatile in case of Agrani Bank Ltd. On the other hand there is a statically significant difference among the banks in terms of variation in Liquidity

    Impact of Marketing Mix on Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Selected Commercial Banks at Rajshahi Division in Bangladesh

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    This study aims to provide commercial banks with the impact of the elements of the marketing mix on customer satisfaction. The motivation behind taking the study is to find which of the elements of the marketing mix have the most impact on bank customer satisfaction for the commercial banks at the Rajshahi division in Bangladesh. A survey of 350 commercial bank clients was conducted in the middle of 2020 using a simple random sampling technique. The reliability test, frequency distribution, Pearson's correlation analysis, one-sample t-test, and multiple regression techniques were used to assess the collected data. According to the findings, marketing mix factors impact customer satisfaction for service-oriented firms such as banks as they do for customers of tangible goods. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the attributes of 'People,' 'Price,' and 'Product,' which are elements of the marketing mix for bank settings, are highly correlated and have the most significant effects in predicting customer satisfaction of commercial banks in Rajshahi division of Bangladesh. The findings have important ramifications for bank executives, as they can be used to build future banking strategies based on them

    An Unhealthy Buying Pattern of the Peoples of Bangladesh: A Case of Tobacco & Beverage

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    Bangladesh is a comparatively small country but a densely populated country that has attracted several big companies to come and run their business including carbonated drinks and tobacco. International beverage brands like coca-cola, Pepsi, etc., and tobacco brands like British American Tobacco, Philip Morris International, etc. are doing great business in Bangladesh alongside local brands. Even though for business, these products are a must but when it comes to health issues these are such products that affect physically greatly. Matter of consciousness comes when the consumer is giving preference to such products more than essential consumables that are seen in Bangladesh. The paper discusses the consumer behavior of Bangladeshi consumers in choosing products in terms of health benefits. The paper is an original work of the author and all the secondary data were taken are given credits properly
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