12 research outputs found


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    This article is an attempt to review the technique of Dacryocystorhinostomy in the treatment of epiphora and bring to light the various modifications that have been\ud developed in recent times to refine the procedure and optimize the outcome of surgery

    Anatomy of Larynx A Review

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    This article attempts to review anatomical aspects of larynx from a surgeon’s perspective. Anatomically larynx is designed to protect the lower air way from oropharyngeal secretions. Vocalisation happens to be the beneficial offshoot of its pro-tective function

    Tonsillectomy New Vistas

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    History of tonsillectomy dates back to nearly 2000 years. It was Celsius who first\ud described the procedure in the first century A.D. The potentials for complications after this surgical\ud procedure are still very high despite the advancements in technology. There is still no consensus\ud between the otolaryngologists regarding the safest operating technique which is not attended by any of\ud the classic post operative complications described after tonsillectomy.\ud None of the evaluated procedures has clearly shown that post operative pain could be minimized. The\ud cause for post operative pain following tonsillectomy is due to disruption with exposure of underlying\ud nerve endings (glossopharyngeal and vagus), and pharyngeal constrictor muscle fibres. Postoperatively\ud exposed to external elements the exposed muscle fibres undergo spasm causing pain while swallowing.\ud Any newer surgical technique should address this aspect of inflammation involving the pharyngeal\ud constrictor muscles

    Improving citations of published articles

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    Higher educational institutions are ranked according to the number of citations received for their published work. More the citations better is the ranking. Every researcher hence looks to improve the citation score for their published work. This article attempts to review the various options a researcher has in improving citations. Studies reveal that better the visibility greater is the citation score

    Subperiosteal Hematoma of orbit an interesting case report and review of literature

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    Subperiosteal Hematoma orbit is an uncommon disorder which may occur following injury to orbit.\ud Ofcourse there are other causes that cause this condition as well. This condition has been reported\ud in young adults. This case report discusses a patient who developed subperiosteal hematoma following trivial injury to orbit. Since this condition had occurred following trivial injury to orbit diagnosis was not made pre operatively. It was discovered only on the table. A high index of\ud suspicion and an accurate history is necessary to identify this condition. This case is being reported not only for its rarity but also to stress the importance of eliciting accurate history

    Circumscribed Myositis Ossificans of Masseter Muscle causing\ud trismus

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    This article discusses an interesting case report of circumscribed myositis ossificans of masseter muscle\ud causing trismus with a review of literature on this subject. This rare disorder is characterised by\ud dystrophic calcification leading on to heterotopic ossification (presence of bone tissue where it is not\ud usually present) of intramuscular connective tissue. Muscles of mastication are commonly involved in\ud this condition

    Tonsillectomy the procedure

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    This article discusses how tonsillectomy surgery is performe

    Endoscopic orbital decompression

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    Orbital decompression surgery has been indicated in patients with compressive optic neuropathy, severe corneal exposure, cosmetic deformity due to proptosis. Traditional orbital decompression approaches were fraught with complications. With the advent of nasal endoscopes decompression\ud is being carried out transnasally under endoscopic guidance. The entire medial wall of orbit can be taken down transnasally using nasal endoscope, and the inferior wall of orbit can be removed using the same approach. Currently endoscopic orbital decompression is being preformed commonly\ud with very minimal complications. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on the subject

    Trismus an overview

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    The word Trismus is Latin term derived from the Greek word “Trismos” which means grinding / rasping. In lay terms Trismus means limitation of mouth opening due to reduced mandible mobility. Two bones form the boundaries of oral cavity (maxilla and mandible). Out of these two maxilla is fixed and is not mobile, where as mandible is capable of upwards and downwards mobility with a limited forward and backward mobility too. The maximal interincisal opening (MIO) of at least 35mm 1 is used as a cutoff point to determine Trismus. Less than 5 mm of MIO indicates complete ankylosis. Roughly put the mouth opening should permit a minimum of three fingers when inserted sideways. Since the movement of the mandible occurs around Temporomandibular joint Kazanjian 2 classified ankylosis of TM joint into true and false types. True ankylosis of TM joint is usually caused due to pathology involving the joint while the term false ankylosis is used to describe restrictions of movement resulting from extra-articular joint abnormalities. It is this type of false ankylosis which clinicians commonly term as “Trismus”

    Presbyacusis A Review

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    Life expectancy of Humans is on the rise. World’s human population is aging rapidly. According to a report of US census Bureau nearly 24% of current world population is above the age of 50. This is a phenomenal number. Hearing loss due to degenerative process is rather common in old age. Presbyacusis is defined as a progressive bilateral symmetrical age related sensorineural hearing loss. The hearing loss is confined to higher frequencies. This causes a greater burden on them considering the fact that they already have failing eyesight. This article attempts to review the current scenario pertaining to Presbyacusis with a review of current published literature on the subject