4,875 research outputs found

    Utilizing Statistical Dialogue Act Processing in Verbmobil

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    In this paper, we present a statistical approach for dialogue act processing in the dialogue component of the speech-to-speech translation system \vm. Statistics in dialogue processing is used to predict follow-up dialogue acts. As an application example we show how it supports repair when unexpected dialogue states occur.Comment: 6 pages; compressed and uuencoded postscript file; to appear in ACL-9

    Decidable Reasoning in Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems

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    Terminological knowledge representation systems (TKRSs) are tools for designing and using knowledge bases that make use of terminological languages (or concept languages). We analyze from a theoretical point of view a TKRS whose capabilities go beyond the ones of presently available TKRSs. The new features studied, often required in practical applications, can be summarized in three main points. First, we consider a highly expressive terminological language, called ALCNR, including general complements of concepts, number restrictions and role conjunction. Second, we allow to express inclusion statements between general concepts, and terminological cycles as a particular case. Third, we prove the decidability of a number of desirable TKRS-deduction services (like satisfiability, subsumption and instance checking) through a sound, complete and terminating calculus for reasoning in ALCNR-knowledge bases. Our calculus extends the general technique of constraint systems. As a byproduct of the proof, we get also the result that inclusion statements in ALCNR can be simulated by terminological cycles, if descriptive semantics is adopted.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Instabilities in two flavor quark matter

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    I discuss briefly the instabilities of two flavor quark matter, paying attention to the gradient instability which develops in the g2SC phase in the Goldstone U(1)AU(1)_A sector.Comment: 6 pages. Talk given at QCD@Work07, Martina Franca (Italy). Some typos corrected, one reference adde

    Multiple Discourse Relations on the Sentential Level in Japanese

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    In the German government (BMBF) funded project Verbmobil, a semantic formalism Language for Underspecified Discourse Representation Structures (LUD) is used which describes several DRSs and allows for underspecification. Dealing with Japanese poses challenging problems. In this paper, a treatment of multiple discourse relation constructions on the sentential level is shown, which are common in Japanese but cause a problem for the formalism,. The problem is to distinguish discourse relations which take the widest scope compared with other scope-taking elements on the one hand and to have them underspecified among each other on the other hand. We also state a semantic constraint on the resolution of multiple discourse relations which seems to prevail over the syntactic c-command constraint.Comment: 6 pages, Postscrip

    A Complete and Recursive Feature Theory

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    Various feature descriptions are being employed in logic programming languages and constrained-based grammar formalisms. The common notational primitive of these descriptions are functional attributes called features. The descriptions considered in this paper are the possibly quantified first-order formulae obtained from a signature of binary and unary predicates called features and sorts, respectively. We establish a first-order theory FT by means of three axiom schemes, show its completeness, and construct three elementarily equivalent models. One of the models consists of so-called feature graphs, a data structure common in computational linguistics. The other two models consist of so-called feature trees, a record-like data structure generalizing the trees corresponding to first-order terms. Our completeness proof exhibits a terminating simplification system deciding validity and satisfiability of possibly quantified feature descriptions.Comment: Short version appeared in the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistic

    Research on Architectures for Integrated Speech/Language Systems in Verbmobil

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    The German joint research project Verbmobil (VM) aims at the development of a speech to speech translation system. This paper reports on research done in our group which belongs to Verbmobil's subproject on system architectures (TP15). Our specific research areas are the construction of parsers for spontaneous speech, investigations in the parallelization of parsing and to contribute to the development of a flexible communication architecture with distributed control.Comment: 6 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories

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    We describe a number of experiments that demonstrate the usefulness of prosodic information for a processing module which parses spoken utterances with a feature-based grammar employing empty categories. We show that by requiring certain prosodic properties from those positions in the input where the presence of an empty category has to be hypothesized, a derivation can be accomplished more efficiently. The approach has been implemented in the machine translation project VERBMOBIL and results in a significant reduction of the work-load for the parser.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of Coling 1996, Copenhagen. 6 page

    Phoneme Recognition Using Acoustic Events

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    This paper presents a new approach to phoneme recognition using nonsequential sub--phoneme units. These units are called acoustic events and are phonologically meaningful as well as recognizable from speech signals. Acoustic events form a phonologically incomplete representation as compared to distinctive features. This problem may partly be overcome by incorporating phonological constraints. Currently, 24 binary events describing manner and place of articulation, vowel quality and voicing are used to recognize all German phonemes. Phoneme recognition in this paradigm consists of two steps: After the acoustic events have been determined from the speech signal, a phonological parser is used to generate syllable and phoneme hypotheses from the event lattice. Results obtained on a speaker--dependent corpus are presented.Comment: 4 pages, to appear at ICSLP'94, PostScript version (compressed and uuencoded

    Learning Fault-tolerant Speech Parsing with SCREEN

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    This paper describes a new approach and a system SCREEN for fault-tolerant speech parsing. SCREEEN stands for Symbolic Connectionist Robust EnterprisE for Natural language. Speech parsing describes the syntactic and semantic analysis of spontaneous spoken language. The general approach is based on incremental immediate flat analysis, learning of syntactic and semantic speech parsing, parallel integration of current hypotheses, and the consideration of various forms of speech related errors. The goal for this approach is to explore the parallel interactions between various knowledge sources for learning incremental fault-tolerant speech parsing. This approach is examined in a system SCREEN using various hybrid connectionist techniques. Hybrid connectionist techniques are examined because of their promising properties of inherent fault tolerance, learning, gradedness and parallel constraint integration. The input for SCREEN is hypotheses about recognized words of a spoken utterance potentially analyzed by a speech system, the output is hypotheses about the flat syntactic and semantic analysis of the utterance. In this paper we focus on the general approach, the overall architecture, and examples for learning flat syntactic speech parsing. Different from most other speech language architectures SCREEN emphasizes an interactive rather than an autonomous position, learning rather than encoding, flat analysis rather than in-depth analysis, and fault-tolerant processing of phonetic, syntactic and semantic knowledge.Comment: 6 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded to appear in Proceedings of AAAI 9

    Operator space structure and amenability for Fig\`a-Talamanca-Herz algebras

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    Column and row operator spaces - which we denote by COL and ROW, respectively - over arbitrary Banach spaces were introduced by the first-named author; for Hilbert spaces, these definitions coincide with the usual ones. Given a locally compact group GG and p,p(1,)p,p' \in (1,\infty) with 1p+1p=1\frac{1}{p} + \frac{1}{p'} = 1, we use the operator space structure on CB(COL(Lp(G)))CB(COL(L^{p'}(G))) to equip the Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebra Ap(G)A_p(G) with an operator space structure, turning it into a quantized Banach algebra. Moreover, we show that, for pq2p \leq q \leq 2 or 2qp2 \leq q \leq p and amenable GG, the canonical inclusion Aq(G)Ap(G)A_q(G) \subset A_p(G) is completely bounded (with cb-norm at most KG2K_G^2, where KGK_G is Grothendieck's constant). As an application, we show that GG is amenable if and only if Ap(G)A_p(G) is operator amenable for all - and equivalently for one - p(1,)p \in (1,\infty); this extends a theorem by Z.-J. Ruan.Comment: 25 pages; some minor, hopefully clarifying revision